Anti-nuclear protesters block French nuclear waste train
Anti-nuclear protesters block French nuclear waste train

It has been informed that the anti-nuclear protesters have blocked a train which was carrying nuclear waste. The incident took place in northwestern France on Friday. The protesters have chained themselves to the railroad tracks.

As per the local police, the protesters have blocked the railway track completely on which the train was travelling. City police Capt. Maurice Bonnefond has also issued a statement on this issue.

He has said that four protesters who were from France and one German citizen were halted the shipment at a train station in Caen. Few other demonstrators were gathered near the protesters on the track at that point of time. Other protestors were gathered at train station to stop the train.

He has also added that the train stopped far before the protest area. The protesters were chained at that location. However, the local police was able to remove the demonstrators from the tracks forcefully. Later the Non-Violent Anti-Nuclear Action Group has claimed responsibility of this protest in their website saying that the nuclear wastage is harmful for the environment.

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