Manufacturing Dissent: Weapons of Mass Deception – The Master Social Science

Zahir Ebrahim

First Published June 01, 2008
Case Studies from 2008-2009 added Oct. 21, 2009
Case Studies 2009-2010 and Postscript added Sept. 21, 2010
Final Key Case Studies 2008-2012 added Nov 07, 2012

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

Preamble 2008
Manufacturing Dissent: Weapons of Mass Deception – the master social science, and the real power of Western Democracy which famously permits dissent among its free peoples. Here is an example: “Government Insider: Bush Authorized 911 Attacks” – and the “Insider” surely “sleeps with the fishes”, right? Wrong. He moves about quite freely! How comes? Isn't he a great threat to those whom he rats on? The Dialectics of Infamy (also known as Ezra Pound's “Technique of Infamy”) has something for everyone in the dissent-space. It caters to the needs and proclivities of every breed of emergent dissenting flock and every possibility. Everything except that which might actually be consequential in derailing “imperial mobilization” and effectively preempting incremental faits accomplis of real agendas! Those who do pose real threats to these real agendas are trivially made to “sleep with the fishes” – from JFK to RFK to MLK to X!
The manipulation of the mainstream public to get them “United We Stand” is a well understood and rather banal social science today, often euphemistically labeled as “manufacturing consent”. From Roman Emperors to Hitler to President George W. Bush in the modernity du jour, all have expertly capitalized upon it. Zbigniew Brzezinski even expertly documented it with great finesse. “Prisoners of the Cave” entirely unraveled it as “Deception Point 911 And Its Greatest Democratic Enablers”.
The manipulation of the dissentstream however – the handful among any population who are the thinking peoples, as Hitler had noted: “First, those who believe everything they read; Second, those who no longer believe anything; Third, those who critically examine what they read and form their judgments accordingly” – is the least understood.
Indeed, before we begin with the dissentstream, it is instructive to fully quote from the master of sociology himself who had insightfully identified the importance of the “First” type to Machiavellian state-craft, and the main target for manufacturing consent as “the crowd of simpletons and the credulous ... when the voting papers of the masses are the deciding factor”:
'In journalistic circles it is a pleasing custom to speak of the Press as a 'Great Power' within the State. As a matter of fact its importance is immense. One cannot easily overestimate it, for the Press continues the work of education even in adult life. Generally, readers of the Press can be classified into three groups:
First, those who believe everything they read;
Second, those who no longer believe anything;
Third, those who critically examine what they read and form their judgments accordingly.
Numerically, the first group is by far the strongest, being composed of the broad masses of the people. Intellectually, it forms the simplest portion of the nation. It cannot be classified according to occupation but only into grades of intelligence. Under this category come all those who have not been born to think for themselves or who have not learnt to do so and who, partly through incompetence and partly through ignorance, believe everything that is set before them in print. To these we must add that type of lazy individual who, although capable of thinking for himself out of sheer laziness gratefully absorbs everything that others had thought over, modestly believing this to have been thoroughly done. The influence which the Press has on all these people is therefore enormous; for after all they constitute the broad masses of a nation. But, somehow they are not in a position or are not willing personally to sift what is being served up to them; so that their whole attitude towards daily problems is almost solely the result of extraneous influence. All this can be advantageous where public enlightenment is of a serious and truthful character, but great harm is done when scoundrels and liars take a hand at this work.
The second group is numerically smaller, being partly composed of those who were formerly in the first group and after a series of bitter disappointments are now prepared to believe nothing of what they see in print. They hate all newspapers. Either they do not read them at all or they become exceptionally annoyed at their contents, which they hold to be nothing but a congeries of lies and misstatements. These people are difficult to handle; for they will always be sceptical of the truth. Consequently, they are useless for any form of positive work.
The third group is easily the smallest, being composed of real intellectuals whom natural aptitude and education have taught to think for themselves and who in all things try to form their own judgments, while at the same time carefully sifting what they read. They will not read any newspaper without using their own intelligence to collaborate with that of the writer and naturally this does not set writers an easy task. Journalists appreciate this type of reader only with a certain amount of reservation.
Hence the trash that newspapers are capable of serving up is of little danger--much less of importance--to the members of the third group of readers. In the majority of cases these readers have learnt to regard every journalist as fundamentally a rogue who sometimes speaks the truth. Most unfortunately, the value of these readers lies in their intelligence and not in their numerical strength, an unhappy state of affairs in a period where wisdom counts for nothing and majorities for everything. Nowadays when the voting papers of the masses are the deciding factor; the decision lies in the hands of the numerically strongest group; that is to say the first group, the crowd of simpletons and the credulous.
It is an all-important interest of the State and a national duty to prevent these people from falling into the hands of false, ignorant or even evil-minded teachers. Therefore it is the duty of the State to supervise their education and prevent every form of offence in this respect. Particular attention should be paid to the Press; for its influence on these people is by far the strongest and most penetrating of all; since its effect is not transitory but continual. Its immense significance lies in the uniform and persistent repetition of its teaching. Here, if anywhere, the State should never forget that all means should converge towards the same end. It must not be led astray by the will-o'-the-wisp of so-called 'freedom of the Press', or be talked into neglecting its duty, and withholding from the nation that which is good and which does good. With ruthless determination the State must keep control of this instrument of popular education and place it at the service of the State and the Nation.' [Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler, Vol. 1, Chapter X,]
Thus it isn't accidental that Hitler remains the most studied Machiavellian sociologist at the Rand Corporation, and his Mein Kampf perhaps the favorite reading at the Pentagon and among its policy planners who are spread out in a hundred think-tanks along the Hudson and the Potomac. The propaganda techniques Hitler mastered however, did not originate with him, and he clearly attributed his profound wisdom to his antagonists' great prowess:
'On the other hand, British and American war propaganda was psychologically efficient. By picturing the Germans to their own people as Barbarians and Huns, they were preparing their soldiers for the horrors of war and safeguarding them against illusions. ...
From the enemy, however, a fund of valuable knowledge could be gained by those who kept their eyes open, whose powers of perception had not yet become sclerotic, and who during four-and-a-half years had to experience the perpetual flood of enemy propaganda.
The worst of all was that our people did not understand the very first condition which has to be fulfilled in every kind of propaganda; namely, a systematically one-sided attitude towards every problem that has to be dealt with. ...
The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Its notions are never partly this and partly that. English propaganda especially understood this in a marvellous way and put what they understood into practice. They allowed no half-measures which might have given rise to some doubt.
Proof of how brilliantly they understood that the feeling of the masses is something primitive was shown in their policy of publishing tales of horror and outrages which fitted in with the real horrors of the time, thereby cleverly and ruthlessly preparing the ground for moral solidarity at the front, even in times of great defeats. Further, the way in which they pilloried the German enemy as solely responsible for the war--which was a brutal and absolute falsehood--and the way in which they proclaimed his guilt was excellently calculated to reach the masses, realizing that these are always extremist in their feelings. And thus it was that this atrocious lie was positively believed. ...
The success of any advertisement, whether of a business or political nature, depends on the consistency and perseverance with which it is employed.
In this respect also the propaganda organized by our enemies set us an excellent example. It confined itself to a few themes, which were meant exclusively for mass consumption, and it repeated these themes with untiring perseverance. Once these fundamental themes and the manner of placing them before the world were recognized as effective, they adhered to them without the slightest alteration for the whole duration of the War. At first all of it appeared to be idiotic in its impudent assertiveness. Later on it was looked upon as disturbing, but finally it was believed.
But in England they came to understand something further: namely, that the possibility of success in the use of this spiritual weapon consists in the mass employment of it, and that when employed in this way it brings full returns for the large expenses incurred.
In England propaganda was regarded as a weapon of the first order, whereas with us it represented the last hope of a livelihood for our unemployed politicians and a snug job for shirkers of the modest hero type. ...
I learned something that was important at that time, namely, to snatch from the hands of the enemy the weapons which he was using in his reply. I soon noticed that our adversaries, especially in the persons of those who led the discussion against us, were furnished with a definite repertoire of arguments out of which they took points against our claims which were being constantly repeated. The uniform character of this mode of procedure pointed to a systematic and unified training. And so we were able to recognize the incredible way in which the enemy's propagandists had been disciplined, and I am proud to-day that I discovered a means not only of making this propaganda ineffective but of beating the artificers of it at their own work. Two years later I was master of that art.' [Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler, Vol. 2, Chapter VI]
Perhaps for Hitler, Edward Bernays' 1928 American classic “Propaganda” might have been the favorite bedtime reading, nightly perusing its opening pages which of course begin with the fantastic observation:
'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.' --- Edward Bernays, 1928, pg.1, Propaganda
All and sundry among the scholars of empire have written books upon books on the many techniques for “manufacturing consent” – from Advertising and Marketing techniques to how it was done in the Third Reich to construct “United We Stand” out of the “crowd of simpletons and the credulous” – while the state-craft in their own democracies quietly practice it upon their own peoples laboring under the illusion of “freedom of the press” with “All the news that's fit to print” all the time! But it isn't particularly a secret, and is done quite openly, albeit quietly.
The manipulation of the intelligent conscionable ones however, the “Manufacturing of Dissent”, remains the most poorly analyzed master social science in the West, even though it is also the most secretly practiced Black-art of modern democratic state-craft to effectively deal with the “Second” and “Third” groups of people.
Hitler attempted to win the “Third” group over to his side to be among the Third Reich's ruling elite (if they were of the right racial makeup). Those whom he couldn't attract, he ignored along with the “Second” group, on account of both of them being so minuscule in number. The most dangerous among them of course were simply made to “sleep with the fishes” by the SS. Hitler had chosen to exclusively focus his propaganda war-machine on “the crowd of simpletons and the credulous ... when the voting papers of the masses are the deciding factor”. The Western system of democracy however does not, and cannot, ignore any of the three groups. The “First” group is easy – and remain the focus of the pretty well understood “manufacturing consent”. The other two groups are of course also encouraged or co-opted to join 'empire' – and the majority among them willingly do so because of the immense riches and/or benefits to ones' career and social standing that are to be had in voluntarily remaining silent (in the best case of complicity), and shilling for empire in sophisticated ways suited to their much higher intelligence capabilities (in the worst case as hectoring hegemons).
The remaining gadflies, non-conformists, and rebel rousers become the focus of “Manufactured Dissent”. They are cleverly and continually put on the treadmill that deliberately goes nowhere. Otherwise, left to their own free-thinking un co-opted devices, even small numbers can end up making a significant difference in the long run. Yes, even in the facade of Democracy, since it does constitute a non-linear system of empowered human action. It is not their direct action however that constitutes a significant threat, but the potential of their mobilizing impact among the minority of ordinary conscionable peoples in the larger society whom they might galvanize into efficacious action, that is the real threat. Astutely channeling dissenting energies towards inefficacy, and clever red herrings, is the potent weapon system of choice for deployment among this rebellious group and their potential flock.
This is quite distinct from an open fascist oligarchy and open dictatorships with regimented and coerced human-will which leave little room for non-linearity of human action. In such blatantly ruled autocratic systems, it is only the majority coming together that can bring about any significant transformations – and that too, only through revolutionary means. Which is why the loci of direct manipulative control remains upon the majority peoples in such systems. And the tiny thinking minority is trivially silenced through the instilled fear crafted from disappearances, incarcerations, forced exiles, and “sleeps with the fishes” – the bread and butter of empirical state-craft in non democracies.
To comprehend how the devilishly sophisticated manipulations employing the Technique of Infamy and the Dialectics of Deception work in a democracy to manufacture dissent which goes nowhere in a hurry, and which also smoothly enables faits accomplis to be constructed that is subsequently irreversible, click on the links below in sequence.
It is Project Humanbeingsfirst's profound intent that these matters be immediately corrected – for indeed, intellectual freedoms, voicing dissent, and mobilizing for a conscionable cause are all precious, provided something impactful can be done with them. Otherwise, these pursuits on a treadmill are only as pleasurably productive as you know what!
Postscript 2010
Thank you for wanting to not run on the treadmill of dissent merely to ease your conscience.
A battle of absolute moral dimensions against the hectoring hegemons and their many relativistic incantations of power which continually wage war by way of deception upon the public mind and spirit, can only be productively engineered using both “Mens et Manus” Mind and Hand!
This implies engineering to counter Machiavellian social engineering; not randomly throwing moral words on paper and activist bodies in the streets. We continually fail on that account, and primarily because we fail to appreciate the vagaries of power and its immense ability to deceive, to corrupt, and to co-opt.
Otherwise, breaking the bonds of servitude would have been as simple as following the 3000 years old Law of Moses, or, even Etienne de La Boétie's sixteenth century prescription argued in his famous “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude”!
Zahir Ebrahim
Postscript-2 2012
Caption An FBI presentation titled “Militancy Considerations” measures the relationship between piety and violence among the texts of the three Abrahamic faiths
The FBI training graph of 2011 titled “Militancy Considerations” is a living example of on-going total perception management today. Click image to read its full deconstruction. The graph illustrates how the manufacturers of both consent and dissent together target us for total perception management. They control our behavior of full servitude by piece-meal conditioning, eventually leading to a Pavlovian compliance to their every stimulus. Their dominant narrative is what informs us, cajoles us, frightens us, and that's how we end up 'United We Stand' with the Massa. When we disagree with the dominant narrative, the dissent-chiefs enter the picture to ensure that the underlying core-axioms remain untouchable.
If they say there is “Islamic terrorism”, we say there is “Islamic terrorism”. If they say 9/11 was the work of “jihadi Muslims”, if they say there is “global warming”, “peak oil”, “swine flu”, this and that global disaster, this and that galactic catastrophe, we not only echo the same, but naturally find ourselves inclined to act in accordance with that implanted fear. If such mantras come anointed with imposing IVY stamp of approval, the Nobel stamp of approval, lofty academic endorsement, so much more we believe in them, to the point that we even permit the state to molest us to keep us safe! The theories of psychological persuasion techniques in text-books and those employed in the Third Reich exactly match the ground realities today in the Fourth Reich. Sounds rather prosaic – but empirically true nevertheless. This ought not to be surprising --- here is Aldous Huxley prognosticating it in 1962 at University of California-Berkeley:
You can do everything with bayonets except sit on them! If you are going to control any population for any length of time you must have some measure of consent. It’s exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely. It can function for a fairly long time, but I think sooner or later you have to bring in an element of persuasion. An element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them. Well, it seems to me that the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude! This is the, it seems to me the ultimate in malevolent revolution shall we say.’ — Aldous Huxley, The Ultimate Revolution, 1962 speech at UC Berkeley, minute 04:06
The effects of total perception management can be seen across the world. Most glaringly however, in America's own most grotesque Obedience Training at the American Airports for continued United We Stand with more absurdities! This time, for their own enslavement... getting Americans to love their own servitude in the name of keeping them safe from terrorists. Someday, it will all be taught at Harvard to undergraduates in government studies and to MBAs in marketing as the case study of most successful perception management of all time. What more needs to be said? It would only be a rehash. Therefore, this is the last word on Manufacturing Dissent by Project Click on the images below to understand your own voluntary servitude.
TSA vagina probe and you – Where are America's balls? In the fist of the TSA…Public Service Announcement: Body-scan Alert - Not Suffering Indignities at Airports
PTSD and American War Heroes - Victims of their own Barbarianism
The ultimate absurdity of one's servility is of course witnessed among the Veterans of America's lifetime of wars upon the 'untermenschen'. They continue to be misled by vacuously manufactured dissent into inefficacy, the entire purpose behind manufacturing dissent. Now let's understand the theory behind all these effects. Click on links below in sequence.

>> A great example of disingenuous dissent – after eating 900 mice, the cat performs the hajj and becomes the representative of the mice before other cats to the incredulous cheering of the mice! This unraveling earned Zahir Ebrahim, the honorific of “you are a completely stupid fool, a disgrace to humanity” from Paul Craig Roberts, United States Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. This example poignantly illustrates how the manufacturers of both consent and dissent retain all core-axioms of 'empire' intact! The difference is that for consent, the empire is projected as good. For dissent, the empire is projected as bad. But the same external enemy is retained, and only re-incarnated either as “jihadis” and “Militant Islam” (consent), or “revolutionaries” and “blowback” (dissent). Neither manufacturers will ever extend their discourse to covert-ops, to forensic analysis of overarching agendas, and to “inside job”!

You may stop here if you wish... by now you must surely understand enough to analyze modernity on your own! The point of it all being aptly captured in the cliché: catch a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and feed him for life!
You may like to keep as handy reference Zahir Ebrahim's 2013 book: The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity, 6th Edition, 2013. Click on image below for PDF
Download PDF: The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity 5th Edition 5f 2012

The astute Machiavelli, imaginatively toiling away in the National Security State to create the hell for the world's 'untermensch', surely know how to effectively harness even the Alien and cosmological threats from the heavens above for creating its one-world government in no less a measure than it knew how to harvest the Ali Baba of Afghanistan for its long planned “Imperial Mobilization”! The Alien Agenda and its official disclosures with perhaps vivid demonstrations in the skies above and in the seas below, will be the coup de grace for finally bringing a fractious nationalism-driven peoples long divided by religion and race, forcibly together in the secular humanism of planetary-level world government: “if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet”. President Ronald Reagan had read that out loud from his script at the United Nations podium in 1987, continuing: “we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world”.
The hundreds of hours of mostly specious but often entertaining video testimonies captured by Project Camelot is unarguable evidence that its harbingers, perhaps unwittingly – and irrespective of their own zealous convictions – are contributing their bit to facilitate public's irrational beliefs in that new super-mantra, and in the process, arguably causing many rebels to misapply their energies of dissent chasing Annunakis and UFOs. This is straight out of the COINTELPRO recipe book for subverting focussed dissent, spun from the mind of the likes of Harvard's Cass Sunstein, President Obama's minister of advanced learning and legalism, and “Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs”. They evidently have copious help from a plethora of very earnest sounding supposed whistleblowers who bring nothing independently verifiable but their sole moral word as evidence to their Project Camelot video interviews; and from the likes of Zecharia Sitchin et. al., story-tellers par excellence who have got rich peddling enjoyable science fiction based on intriguing re-interpretations of ancient myths and archeology as the New Age Theology of Spiritual Secular Humanism.
I have not encountered a more learned gibberish-space than this as part and parcel of the science of hegemony called political science; it would even top money-as-debt and modern Wall Street economics were it to become a ubiquitously held belief-space. The hectoring hegemons' forte is to cultivate false beliefs in order to pursue their untenable agendas. This is self evident from the plethora of myths of 9/11 cleverly employed for “imperial mobilization”. In fact, 9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow had this to say about myths in a Terrorism Study Group three years before 9/11: “'Public Assumptions' Shape Views of History: Such presumptions are beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty), and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community. The sources for such presumptions are both personal (from direct experience) and vicarious (from books, movies, and myths).”
This is how “militant Islam” was implanted into Western consciousness years ahead of its harvesting on 9/11; as was environmentalism which led to the Newspeak “global warming” Nobel peace prize being awarded to Al Gore as the precursor to “carbon credit”, the new key instrument of global control of the planet. Sophisticated cultivation of mantras and false beliefs precede the successive baby-steps of “imperial mobilization”. They sew so much confusion and cacophony in the public mind, that in the revealing 1974 words of CFR author Richard N. Gardner: “In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up, rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.” See the import of those Realityspeak words in Project Humanbeingsfirst's “Response to Financial Times Gideon Rachman's 'And now for a world government'”.
Those infected with such myths and false beliefs among the public are generally in the First and Second group in Hitler's nomenclature. Those in the Third group advocating such false beliefs are arguably the agents, assets, and sayanim of the Hectoring Hegemons. They can't themselves be genuinely believing in such absurdities – but then again, many genuinely thoughtful people believe in all sorts of religions and things based on faith alone. Here, it is the empirical political science and not immanent personal faith that is under rational scrutiny through the varifocal lens of social engineering, in order to comprehend the complex manufacturing of consent and dissent. See the tortuous Realityspeak of how mantras are seeded and harvested to achieve world government in Project Humanbeingsfirst's online tutorial: “The Brilliant Construction of World Order – Or a children's bedtime story!” at
>> Witness how dissent-space's most learned consciences and stellar moral minds always tend to leave something crucial out of their endeavors that is essential in making them ineffective: they chase what's already a fait accompli; omit the present, or the highest order bit, or the real prime-movers, or the first cause, spending their entire activism-energies chasing effects and lower-order bits of the previous crime scene – why? If I was a hectoring hegemon trying to control dissent and channel its moral energies into high-minded but specious and inconsequential pursuits so that I could continue pursuing my core-agenda and keep getting away with constructing newer faits accomplis to accomplish it in baby-steps, I couldn't do any better! And pointing this out to these stellar moral minds some how offends them!

Embedded videos do not appear in the PDF of the previous WMD 2010 Omnibus Collection. The empty spaces in that PDF is the place-holder for these videos. Many of these videos unfortunately also no longer exist, or their links may have changed. There is no 2012 Omnibus collection. Just click on each article link above and download its PDF by finding its PDF link which is normally towards the end or beginning of the document.

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The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at
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Manufacturing Dissent: Weapons of Mass Deception 21/21 The Master Social Science

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