Response to Washington Post's Try 'Pakistan First'

Response to Washington Post's Try 'Pakistan First'

Zahir Ebrahim

April 27, 2008.

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

Document ID: PHBFZE20080427 URL: | Print | PDF | Comment.

To: Mr. Jim Hoagland <>

Washington Post

Dated: Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 10:05 PM

Subject: Try 'Pakistan First'

Dear Mr. Jim Hoagland

I read your oped piece of April 27, 2008 in the Washington Post online just a few moments ago [where you stated: “Pakistan, with its two dozen nuclear weapons, popular and official support for Kashmiri and Taliban terrorism, and political instability, is ultimately a greater threat to world peace than Afghanistan and Iraq combined. That is the unavoidable reality that campaign promises should not obscure.” ]

While you may surely be right on the 364 'unbirthday parties' with the 'Mad Hatter' thumping to the beat of "United We Stand" with 'Alice', for that one real birthday when 'Alice' is wide awake, please permit me to point your kind attention to three short essays which betray a different, even more grotesque reality of the 'Grand Chessboard':

From Balance of Terror to Unilateral Terror on the Grand Chessboard!

'Bin Laden': Key enabler of "imperial mobilization" ... and nuclear attack on Iran–Pakistan

The attack of 'Al-Qaeeda' and Pakistani 'loose nukes'

And for you kind convenience, I take the liberty of including the text of the first one below. I just composed it earlier this morning, and it would appear, rather clairvoyantly in anticipation of your oped! Please feel free to browse the world on that one real genuine birthday at

We live and die once in our tiny existence (on the cosmic scale). While a vast majority of us have no choice but to face the grotesque reality head-on in our daily meager existence, the handful few among us privileged enough to be living in our comfortable homes in the West, can at least venture to 'call a spade a spade'! Yes I hate truisms too, and I do beg your pardon for stating the obvious.

Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions.

Kind Regards,

Zahir Ebrahim


From Balance of Terror to Unilateral Terror on the Grand Chessboard!


The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at

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All material copyright (c) Project HumanbeingsfirstTM, with full permission to copy, repost, and reprint, in its entirety, unmodified and unedited, for any purpose, granted, provided the URL sentence and this copyright notice are also reproduced verbatim as part of this license, and not doing so may be subject to copyright license violation infringement claims pursuant to remedies noted at The rights of the author to express these views are based on inalienable rights noted at, and to do so freely without suffering intimidation and duress. All quotations and excerpts are based on non-profit "fair use" in the greater public interest consistent with the understanding of laws noted at Full copyright notice and Exclusions at

Response to Washington Post's Try 'Pakistan First'

From Balance of Terror to Unilateral Terror on the Grand Chessboard!

From Balance of Terror to Unilateral Terror on the Grand Chessboard!

Zahir Ebrahim

April 26, 2008.

Revised May 2, 2008.

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

Document ID: PHBFZE20080426 URL: | Print | PDF | Comment.

Douglas J. Feith, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, in his Hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 14, 2002 in the aftermath of 911, explaining the rationale for the Department of Defence 2002 Nuclear Posture Review, summarized the overarching reasons for “new thinking” by the United States as the unchallenged sole superpower in the following words:

'A half a century ago, in the midst of the Cold War, Prime Minister Winston Churchill noted in the House of Commons the “sublime irony” that in the nuclear age, “safety will be the sturdy child of terror and survival the twin brother of annihilation.” The Cold War is long over and new approaches to defense are overdue. As President Bush has stated, “We are no longer divided into armed camps, locked in a careful balance of terror.…Our times call for new thinking.” '

In essence, and as has been empirically evident over the past seven years, what Douglas Feith was arguing before the United States Congress in the euphemistically disguised verbiage of “new thinking”, was that the “careful balance of terror” must now be replaced by unfettered and uninhibited unilateral terror!

As his intellectual mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski had previously argued during the Clinton era in 1997, the goals for American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives had to be to “perpetuate America's own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer” such that “no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also challenging America”.

For it was indeed the first time in the history of civilizations and its conquistadors that America had become “the first, only, and last truly global superpower”. It was deemed a terrible waste of hegemonic bank balance to not capitalize on it while there was still time to do so, before other nations of the East and Eurasia eventually caught up to America's lead in about a generation and forced another Détente.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), that had seeded the majority of Bush Administration officials beginning in 2000 – from Vice President to Secretary of Defence to a majority of Under Secretaries – too had argued in its report on Rebuilding America's Defences that seeking “full spectrum dominance” to maintain “America's preeminence” and “American Peace” in the world by forcing other nations to accept “America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles”, was a natural American imperative as per the Brzezinski truism “Hegemony is as old as mankind.”

And if achieving “full spectrum” primacy meant inflicting “shock and awe” of unilateral terror on contrived mobilizing pretexts, so be it – as which nation could now stand in the path of the mighty 'hectoring hegemons'?

But there was indeed an impediment to the realization of this “new thinking”, and to the enormous increase in the defence budget needed to support it, as explained by Zbigniew Brzezinski. It was the darn “populist democracy” of the sole superpower!

Fighting in far-away lands is quite “uncongenial to democratic instincts” noted Brzezinski, as the “economic self-denial (that is defense spending), and the human sacrifice (casualties even among professional soldiers) required in the effort” makes “democracy ... inimical to imperial mobilization.”

Therefore, a commensurate lifetime of “War on Terrorism” was architected against a well formulated never-ending enemy – the “islamofascists” – in a Machiavellianly seeded doctrine of the “Clash of Civilizations”. Bernard Lewis had artfully constructed that bit of magic in Foreign Affairs magazine in 1990 as the “irrational ... roots of Muslim rage ... [which] is no less than a clash of civilizations”. In the aftermath of 9/11/2001, it became the self-fulfilling policy of the overtly exuded foreign policy calculus of the United States, and was continually replenished by more priceless doctrinal state-craft from the mighty pen of Bernard Lewis, like 'Crisis of Islam – Holy War and Unholy Terror'! And of course, the doctrinal flames are still fanned periodically by the various circus clowns of empire, like the printing of offensive cartoons by a confrere of Daniel Pipes. It egregiously insulted the Prophet of Islam to further stimulate a reaction among the Muslims that could only be classified as “[not even] a Clash of Civilizations [but a] Clash between the Civilized World and Barbarians”.

In order to get the ball rolling ab initio, to both seed the “military transformation” necessary to capitalize on America being “the first, only, and last truly global superpower”, and to embark on the “American peace” mission that called for “new thinking” of forcing other nations to accept “America's unique role”, the “populist democracy” needed a shocker: a “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor”.

Well, 911 was that “new Pearl Harbor”!

Whether 19 “islamofascist” jihadis on their flying carpets controlled by a mind-melding yoda master sitting on his bare rump armed with laptops and cell phones in a cave in the Hindu-Kush did it, or whether it was an expertly orchestrated, precision planned and executed controlled demolition, is a moot point. For it was an 'operation canned goods' all the way in terms of providing the enabling pretext for “imperial mobilization” on the proverbial screen of Plato's Mythical Cave! Whoever did it was, and still is, a resourceful confrere and great benefactor of the conquistadors!

But that shocking event in itself could have easily been still-born, as it could have just as easily been dealt with as a great crime and not a cause célèbre for massive invasion of other nations. The crime scene could have been secured and a forensic analysis of the evidence performed to understand how did three tall towers miraculously collapse within the span of a few hours in a single day into exactly their own footprints at almost free-fall speed.

Zbigniew Brzezinski had astutely observed of this “populist democracy”, that:

as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat. .... More generally, cultural change in America may also be uncongenial to the sustained exercise abroad of genuinely imperial power. That exercise requires a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification.”

Yes indeed, along with 911, the secret sauce to the recipe, so to speak, was, and still continues to be, “a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification”!

In other words, without fully conditioned 'Prisoners of the Cave', no amount of pyrotechnics would have worked because a free public and its democratic institutions, the law makers in Congress and the influential newsmedia, could have easily demanded a forensic analysis of the crime scene rather than trivially acquiesce to a rush to passing oppressive domestic laws like the Patriot Acts without any discussion and hasty recourse to “Infinite Justice” with even less evidence.

The United States public had to be so dexterously primed with the multi-faceted mantras crafted of the “sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being”, that today, seven years later, its successes can be measured all the way to several Nobel Prizes in Profound Political Machinations (PPM – if such an accolade for hegemonic conquest was to be split off from the Nobel Peace Prize). The latest evidence for such a prize accumulating to the Bush Administration in spades is in the public survey by Gallup Poll released on March 31, 2008, which states: "Iran topped the list, with 25 percent naming it when asked which country is the greatest U.S. enemy,". And most Americans, the vast majority, and certainly most of the 25 percent in the above survey, have likely never met an Iranian person, or anyone from any of the exotic regions from where the ubiquitous boogiemen are being fashioned!

This criminal priming of the “populist democracy” now naturally enables “the first, only, and last truly global superpower” to be fully “autocratic abroad” in its unlimited “capacity for military intimidation”. Note how Brzezinski concludes the primacy aspirations of the truly global superpower:

Geostrategic success in that cause would represent a fitting legacy of America's role as the first, only, and last truly global superpower.”

And it is precisely in that overarching “Geostrategic ... cause”, that Iran and Pakistan are today imminently staged on the nuclear chopping block to seed the “Geostrategic success”, while some American city is made expendable to create the next “catalyzing event” for continuing “imperial mobilization” that “will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison”.

All conveniently enabled by the continued Orwellian use of the fiction of 'Bin Laden' and its various surrogates including 'Al Qaeeda'. If these stick-wielding cave-dwelling antediluvians possess such awesome powers as to bring down the sole superpower and its Western allies to their knees forcing the leader to spend 3.1 trillion dollars next year a majority of it on defense, and the Western peoples to also lose all their democratic freedoms and civil liberties to end up living in police-states, then the 'Bin Laden' mantra is surely more powerful than the USSR! Or at least, it makes a wonderful 'Ali Baba' bedtime story.

So participate in the story telling of 'Ali Baba' all you want dear Pakistanis – because the endgame of Pakistan's ruling elite in their fictional of “war on terror” appears to be the same as the hectoring hegemons! As the latter destroys the United States to craft a borderless New World Order laying many a million victims in its path, the new amorphous empire's gratitude await many a servile clients and native informants for services rendered! Or perhaps the hangman's noose!

Indeed, this “new thinking”, it turns out, isn't terribly new after all. It was discovered, for those still in possession of memory, to already have been defined as the “supreme international crime” at the Nuremberg Military Tribunals by the United States' own Chief Prosecutor, Justice Robert H. Jackson. A crime so stupendous and monumental “differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole”, that the Nazi war machine was held responsible for “all the evil that follows” in the aftermath of the first primal aggression! The Nazis had invaded Poland on the heels of their own Operation Canned Goods too, in the pretext of 'self-defense' against 'terrorists'! And in handing their leadership death sentences, the American Chief Prosecutor had asserted:

If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.”

And that, as they say, is all there is to this “new thinking”. It isn't exactly clear why the Americans and much of the world appear so confused about something so palpably obvious.

Indeed, this unilateral terror ideology of “new thinking” was even aptly summed up by Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, in these laconic but penetrating words in an unusual moment of candor in 2007:

what is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making. It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.”

Yes sir, give us ordinary peoples – those who are continually made to suffer this “new thinking” – the “sublime irony” of being “locked in a careful balance of terror” any day!

And that, is also the only rational way out from crossing the nuclear Rubicon!

Unless Russia and China get their act together, unless Pakistan wakes up from its suicidal slumber, and they unite to safeguard the Asian portion of Eurasia in a mutual defense treaty similar to NATO, nuclear holocaust awaits the 'lesser' humanity. Perhaps this is how population reduction is ultimately planned amidst orchestrated food shortages as per some secret clauses that haven't yet been declassified in NSSM 200 and NSDM 314 (or in some other undisclosed National Security Strategy calculus derivatives).

If these resource and population rich Asian nations don't band together now like the EU is banding together into a unified federation of Europe with common laws and common security, and like the North American Union that is clandestinely transpiring under the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), after the nuclear genie is unleashed and the United States is under martial law, the barbarians will be knocking at each of the other doors one after another – for total perpetual war is the blatantly obvious global agenda to “birth-pang” the New World Order out of the ashes of humanity!

The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at

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All material copyright (c) Project HumanbeingsfirstTM, with full permission to copy, repost, and reprint, in its entirety, unmodified and unedited, for any purpose, granted, provided the URL sentence and this copyright notice are also reproduced verbatim as part of this license, and not doing so may be subject to copyright license violation infringement claims pursuant to remedies noted at The rights of the author to express these views are based on inalienable rights noted at, and to do so freely without suffering intimidation and duress. All quotations and excerpts are based on non-profit "fair use" in the greater public interest consistent with the understanding of laws noted at Full copyright notice and Exclusions at

From Balance of Terror to Unilateral Terror 7/7 on the Grand Chessboard!

Letter to Editor – Bentham Open on Steven Jones seminal paper on the destruction of WTC towers

Letter to Editor – Bentham Open Scientific Publishing

Steven Jones seminal paper on the destruction of WTC towers

Zahir Ebrahim

April 24, 2008.

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

Document ID: PHBFZE20080424 URL: | Print | PDF | Comment.

Letter to Editor, Bentham Open Scientific Publishing

Subject: Steven Jones seminal paper on the destruction of WTC towers

Date April 24, 2008.

Project Humanbeingsfirst would like to publicly offer Kudos to Prof. S. Jones and his team for finally getting their extraordinary paper "Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction" published in this new open format peer reviewed scientific journal of Civil Engineering of Bentham Open publishing, and also [offer its] thanks [to] the reviewers for approving the controversial paper due to its immense import today. It is only in the clashing of old and new scientific viewpoints that paradigm shifts are achieved to make any progress from conventional thinking to new thinking. This paper represents such a paradigm shift, but not so much in scientific thinking, as in social thinking. Thus [a profound] thank you to the referees for having the courage to permit something new, unfamiliar, and what clashes with the mainstream theology of the powerful elite, to burst out on to the scientific and social [discourse] scene. It was precisely because of such courageous scholars that the Renaissance dispelled the Dark Ages. It appears to be a continuous struggle to keep dispelling dark ages, in all its forms.

Through this brief letter to editor for the same journal, Project Humanbeingsfirst offers the following heads-up that is rooted in the realism and cynicism of absolute power and its deceptive incantations in society as observed over the past seven years since 911. Lest the significance of this fantastic work be lost due to improper understanding of the social and power discourse prevalent in the society today, it is prudent to take it into advisement by scientists and engineers, for none of us labor in a social or moral vacuum – as much as many 'ubermensch' scientists would like to believe that they do. This heads-up appears in the essay: 'Bin Laden': Key enabler of “imperial mobilization” from which the relevant paragraph is reproduced below:

Indeed, Project HumanbeingsfirstTM 'clairvoyantly' predicts that the scientific study finally published in a peer-reviewed Civil Engineering online Journal only this past week, on how the three WTC towers (WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7) collapsed so suddenly at almost free fall speed as if it were controlled demolition, titled "Fourteen Points of Agreement with official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction", ever gains mainstream traction before the tipping point, it will be attempted to be blamed upon 'Bin Laden'. It will be asserted by newsmedia, by the Pentagon, the White House, and by the scholars and technicians of 'empire', that the only obvious candidate who had the capability to pull off such an outrageous controlled demolition on America, is 'Bin Laden' and 'Al Qaeeda'! When that transpires, I hope that these bastions of 'ubermensch' intellect will at least have the sense to get the FBI to first update their most wanted poster of Usama Bin Laden! Its snapshot, taken on April 22, 2008, is archived for the disingenuous "eureka" moment of posterity similar to the one displayed by the afore-stated Sunday NYT, and by the 2005 Iraq Study group, at:

In order to preemptively thwart such facile deflection, it would be prudent to urgently undertake a detailed scientific study of how each of the three towers could have been demolished through controlled demolition, as a continuation of extending the scientific understanding of the key hypothesis left standing in Jones' paper. Such a study might show what it takes to plan and execute a controlled demolition of this magnitude and fantastic precision, including identifying the precise location of cutter charges, the manpower needed to access and plant those cutter charges, the time frame within which to do it quickly (it certainly appears to be longer than a 7-hour period in a single day; in ref to WTC7) while not attracting attention, and how it could be pragmatically done at all without any of the native residents of these tall buildings noticing the clean-shaven turban-less foreigner-jihadis running amok up and down the towers laden with thermite explosives and knocking down walls and ceilings and drilling holes into the steel structure within to plant them.

Linking such a scientific case study to the published paper's [unexplained] discoveries of thermite, and the team's other discovery of [unexplained] very high temperatures at the site, makes a [more] complete quantitative and substantive [investigative] case, and is a rational and astute preemption of any asinine attribution of the felling of these tall buildings to any boogiemen [crashing into them with their flying machines]. There isn't much time before the fait accompli of crossing the nuclear tipping point is handed to the impotently bespectating world [in a new '911', this time a nuclear terrorist act in the most guarded superpower in history]!

Zahir Ebrahim


The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at

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All material copyright (c) Project HumanbeingsfirstTM, with full permission to copy, repost, and reprint, in its entirety, unmodified and unedited, for any purpose, granted, provided the URL sentence and this copyright notice are also reproduced verbatim as part of this license, and not doing so may be subject to copyright license violation infringement claims pursuant to remedies noted at The rights of the author to express these views are based on inalienable rights noted at, and to do so freely without suffering intimidation and duress. All quotations and excerpts are based on non-profit "fair use" in the greater public interest consistent with the understanding of laws noted at Full copyright notice and Exclusions at

Letter to Editor Bentham Open on Steven Jones seminal paper on WTC destruction

Letter to Noam Chomsky on Steven Jones seminal paper on the destruction of WTC towers

Letter to Noam Chomsky

Steven Jones seminal paper on the destruction of WTC towers

Zahir Ebrahim

April 21, 2008.

[Any response by Prof. Chomsky, or a clearer understanding of why he still continues to attribute 911 to the lowly turbenless 'pirates' from across the seven seas as opposed to the 'emperor' or his covert-underlings or overlings right here on the native shores, will only be published with his kind permission.]

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

Document ID: PHBFZE20080421 URL: | Print | PDF | Comment.

Letter to Noam Chomsky

Subject: Steven Jones seminal paper on the destruction of WTC towers

Date April 21, 2008.

I chanced upon the following today: (

begin quote:

Professor Chomsky wrote to several, who passed it on to me:

You, or anyone who agrees with you, has a very simple task. Since the evidence is so obvious and compelling, submit an article about it to Science, or Nature, or even Scientific American, or more technical journals, say those in civil engineering, where your article can refute the conclusions of the professional society of civil engineers… To date, no one has been willing to submit an article -- at least, after probably hundreds of inquiries to Truth Movement advocates, no one has been able to mention one...”

end quote

And I thought I should forward you that paper by physicist Prof. Steven Jones et. al. They finally got it published - about how the towers were not felled by 'Ali baba' and his 19 consorts on their flying carpet! The PDF is attached with this email.

I hope you can find some time to review its findings. However the paper that I have personally found the most interesting, is also cited in it - item [13]. It's the very first one Prof. Jones wrote a couple of years ago - Here is the URL for it:

The latter one is my favorite paper, after Webster Tarpley's book 'Synthetic Terror 9/11', for the photographs assembled in it by Prof. Jones of molten 'lava flow' defies Pentagon's facile explanations for any rational un-indoctrinated physical scientist (as you might put it too)!

I am cc'ing three of the five authors of the published paper whose emails I have, just so that a direct communication can be established, if you so wish. I would also like to thank them for their persistence - the genuine gadflies - won't you agree?

However, this is no time for basking in the glory of getting a research paper published in a scientific journal on a taboo topic - the war on Iran and Pakistan appear very imminent, and with the crossing of the Nuclear Rubicon, this country itself will likely end up in Martial Law. Never mind what will happen to the “Global Zone of Percolating Violence” in the map that Messrs. Bernard Lewis has constructed for the New Middle East that re-partitions my country in the name of “Clash of Civilizations”. We are all really on the same page there - I surely think!

The only point of contention, as I perceive it, has been the actual event of 911. You have insisted on accepting the Pentagon's version of it from day one. I have, from day one, been skeptical of an 'Ali Baba' having had the resources to carry it off - especially starting around 10 am (or thereabout) on the very day, 9/11/2001, when Dan Rather on CBS Channel 5 commenting extempore on the horrible spectacle unfolding before him, remarked: that looks awfully like controlled demolition. (approx. quote from memory).

In fact, my memory recalls the following full approx. quote: for the second time today, we see something that looks awfully like controlled demolition.

Later on, WTC-7 was actually controlled demolition entirely (and I myself heard Larry Silverstein say “pull it” on video interview of him that I found on youtube). There just wasn't time between 10:00 am and 5 pm when WTC-7 was “pulled” to plant the cutter-charges to bring it down so expertly into its own foot-print (for the third time that day that 3 tall buildings had collapsed [in] that way), especially for an already burning building and the ensuing chaos, poor visibility, etc. Thus - demolition charges must have been planted earlier - much earlier! Isn't that logic? And that indicates a covert-ops to any un-indoctrinated fair-minded forensic detective!

But irrespective of that, you and I, along with millions of other dissenters world-wide have entirely agreed that it was indeed “imperial mobilization” which followed, commencing with the 'algebra of infinite justice' to 'operation iraqi freedom' to whatever abomination that await us today - continually synthesizing “revolutionary times” to make what is “inconceivable in normal times” finally “possible”!

You have however, all along maintained the 'blowback' version for the events of 911 itself, for the 'empire's former crimes. With this hard evidence which is finally published in a scientific journal, as you wanted, and based on how science itself is done, as I learnt at MIT, Dan Rather's words of seven years ago have finally seen some scientific validation. That in itself, of course, does not mean that their research is wholly correct. It only means, to my rather humble mind, that the blatantly obvious evidence of the eye, has found some scientific substantiators as they researched the topic doing 'science'. It isn't entirely conjectures and hearsay anymore.

That is the difference between covert-ops and conspiracy theory - obviously! It is 'conspiracy theory' until after it's a fait accompli, and the famed declassification process and FOIA has made it a field day for historians, at which point, it magically transforms into 'covert-ops' of that abominable outlaw empire. Well this one just transformed a bit sooner [but not soon enough]! This is the history of 'empire' as I have studied it, as introduced to me by you, starting if I remember correctly, with Nicaragua. But it's one long chain from the 'USS Maine' to '911', each one leading to some “imperial mobilization” in the name of fighting “pirates”.

I am hoping, Prof. Chomsky, that everything you have taught me - including, of observing as a Martian when one is emotionally too close to any situation - you will apply yourself on this very emotional issue, of your own government (or some covert group within that possessed the phenomenal expertise and logistics capability) having possibly done an 'operation canned goods' for pre-meditated “imperial mobilization”. One possible model of how it could have been done is in Webster Tarpley's book. Again, doesn't mean that's how it was done, only that rationalism and science must continually prevail over 'beliefs'. Model-building to explain complex phenomenon is the scientific-method that I learnt at MIT. That is only what is going on here. I hope you will analyze it accordingly. This work may indeed be flawed, in which case, please do point them [flaws] out constructively so it can be improved.

Please also see my latest oped submission, yes once again, to NYT and LAT - and we both know what their response will be - if you are interested:

'Bin Laden': Key enabler of nuclear attack on Iran–Pakistan”

Warm regards,

Zahir Ebrahim


The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at

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All material copyright (c) Project HumanbeingsfirstTM, with full permission to copy, repost, and reprint, in its entirety, unmodified and unedited, for any purpose, granted, provided the URL sentence and this copyright notice are also reproduced verbatim as part of this license, and not doing so may be subject to copyright license violation infringement claims pursuant to remedies noted at The rights of the author to express these views are based on inalienable rights noted at, and to do so freely without suffering intimidation and duress. All quotations and excerpts are based on non-profit "fair use" in the greater public interest consistent with the understanding of laws noted at Full copyright notice and Exclusions at

Letter to Noam Chomsky on Steven Jones seminal paper on WTC destruction

'Bin Laden': Key enabler of “imperial mobilization” and nuclear attack on Iran-Pakistan

'Bin Laden': Key enabler of “imperial mobilization”

(and the first nuclear attack since 1945, on Iran–Pakistan)

Zahir Ebrahim

April 17, 2008.

Updated April 22, 2008.

A condensed version for print-media (1924 words) archived at

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

Document ID: PHBFZE20080417 URL: | Print | PDF | Comment.

The abominable shared fates that unite Iran (“Bush and Iran, again”, WSJ April 15, 2008), and Pakistan, from President Bush calling Pakistan “Terror Central” in 2007, to this week, April 13, 2008, 'clairvoyantly' asserting that “If another September 11 style attack is being planned, it probably is being plotted in Pakistan, and not Afghanistan”. And as already noted in its March 29, 2008 heads-up warning to America by Project HumanbeingsfirstTM (“Nuclear attack on Iran appears imminent!”), when such a “planned” attack transpires, it “will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison” (Bush, Feb. 13, 2008).

That heads-up warning also suggested creating a new peoples institutional barrier against the wanton pursuit of “imperial mobilization” that is otherwise almost trivially enabled by any “new Pearl Harbor” (“How to derail 'imperial mobilization'”). Simultaneously, a rational preemptive self-defense strategy to further deter such Machiavellianly orchestrated “'defensive' US military action” (Brzezinski, Feb. 1, 2007) was also spelled out for the Pakistani ruling elite by Project Humanbeingsfirst in its December 21, 2007 wakeup call (“Wakeup to the grotesque reality of the 'Grand Chessboard'!”).

Neither heads-up warnings are very un-obvious, and both set-ups have been long time in the making, from even before “Inside Iran's Secret War for Iraq”, Time August 15, 2005, which followed on the heels of the famous all options are on the table, to Bush speech, Jan 10, 2007, to “Iran's secret plan”, Guardian, May 22 2007, to Petraeus' finally holding up the 'smoking gun' on April 09, 2008. And yet, remarkably, no visible rational self-defense is transpiring.

With the American President's now exact statements on Pakistan, which seem to be the culmination of systematically built-up statements on both Iran and Pakistan from American military commanders and intelligence chiefs over the past years, it should be obvious to even the biggest dunces in Pakistan that another (nuclear) terrorist event anywhere in the world, will directly be blamed upon Pakistan (and Iran). With NATO and American troops already amassed at its borders in significant numbers to take the plunge into Pakistan en flying-route to Tehran at a moments notice from the White House, there will be absolutely no time after crossing the tipping point in America which “will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison”.

And yet, it is necessary to emphasize again, no effective self-defense by any victim is transpiring, as beleaguered Iran is left standing alone by the world to become the next meal of “primacy” of the 'Hectoring Hegemons'.

It is evident that the Pakistani leadership is entirely co-opted into systematically suiciding that nation by its prancing about at the “unbirthday party” with the “Mad Hatter” for the past eight years. Today it appears entirely natural that the United States should just walk right in to 'save' the Pakistanis from the 'radical islamists'. This was quite unimaginable just a few years ago, but every grotesque bomb blast, every few dozen peoples killed in it, every act of extreme violence, political violence, demonstrations, and uncertainty created by 'loose nukes' mantras, culminating in the grotesque assassination of Benazir Bhutto, now makes it the most natural next step for the “truly global superpower”. A deliberate orchestration of “revolutionary times” in Pakistan to make “what is inconceivable in normal times possible in revolutionary times”.

'Why' is rather obvious once again. But for those who do not bother to study the “primacy” craftsmanship of the 'hectoring hegemons', it is about the repartitioning of Pakistan to primarily create an independent and geostrategically significant 'Baluchistan' nation – much like Kosovo's orchestrated independence from Serbia – while finally de-nuking Pakistan! This is only the phase-1 of the repartition plan through violently induced “birth pangs of a new Middle East”, whereby, “whatever we do we have to be certain that we're pushing forward to the new Middle East not going back to the old one.” (Rice, July 21, 2006)

See for instance, the Bernard Lewis Plan for the New Middle East, or the similar Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters' map for the New Middle East, in order to understand what “pushing forward” looks like in the minds of the 'hectoring hegemons'. The key point to note is not the precise new boundary lines, or its merits, but that there should be any new boundary lines forcibly drawn by anyone other than willingly by the peoples who live in these regions!

And today, the superpower is increasingly making higher levels of intrusive demands as a prelude to complete take over, as in Iraq, from allowing its citizen-staff to enter Pakistan at anytime on merely the American driver's license as identification (dispensing with visa and passport), to the point of now having a military liaison into Pakistan's Nuclear Command Authority from the American Embassy in Islamabad (See “US goes for the jugular in Pakistan”, The Times of India, April 15, 2008). The invasion of both Iran and Pakistan are to be lock-step, as presciently outlined in the December 21, 2007 Wakeup call to the Pakistani ruling elite, which followed on the heels of an earlier very detailed Open Letter to a Pakistani General by Project Humanbeingsfirst (see “Re-Imagining Pakistan's Defenses”, November 30, 2007). But nothing.

No newsmedia in Pakistan picked any of these warnings to print, nor did any of the famed columnists who fill the pages of Pakistani newspapers dared to comment on it publicly in their own columns.

The United States public too has been so dexterously primed with the multi-faceted mantras crafted of the “sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being”, that the latest public survey by Gallup Poll released on March 31, 2008, shows “Iran topped the list, with 25 percent naming it when asked which country is the greatest U.S. enemy,”. And this “enemy” is going to spring Martial law in America, sooner rather than later. Needless to say, none of the American newsmedia, including both NYT and LAT, have bothered to print any of Project Humanbeingsfirst's analyses. It is crucially important to state this now because soon, after the tipping point is crossed, or perhaps after the nuclear Rubicon is crossed, both nations' newsmedia will come screaming “eureka”, ex post facto! Or perhaps it will be the historians!

In order to continually remind the deftly primed American and Western public that all this is indeed pre-meditated Orwellian orchestration of “imperial mobilization” and not just mere happenstance in reaction to chaotically unfolding global events due to GWOT against some super-resourceful 'Islamist pirates' hiding in the Hindu Kush mountains in Pakistan's border regions from whence, the absurdity of the immanent threat to the armed to the teeth superpower is today, April 17, 2008, noted as “Elevated”, it is educational to revisit Zbigniew Brzezinski and thank him for explaining the imperial insights and superpower aspirations so unabashedly in 'the Grand Chessboard'. If only the people in America would read their own 'Mein Kampfs' and try to appreciate the “full spectrum” institutional frameworks of the mighty state under which it is being deployed:

It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America's power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is defense spending), and the human sacrifice (casualties even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.”

Public opinion polls suggest that only a small minority (13 percent) of Americans favor the proposition that 'as the sole remaining superpower, the US should continue to be the preeminent world leader in solving international problems'. ... Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat. .... More generally, cultural change in America may also be uncongenial to the sustained exercise abroad of genuinely imperial power. That exercise requires a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification. ... Mass communications have been playing a particularly important role in that regard, generating a strong revulsion against any selective use of force that entails even low levels of casualties.”

And thus all can see just how effectively “Mass communications have been playing a particularly important role in that regard”; and based on the sociological insights into power and the “populist” impediments to its supreme flaunting, just how effectively mass communications have been utilized to co-opt the “democratic instincts” of the American public (see “Iran, the Associated Press, and Covert-War of 'Imperial Mobilization'”). And as this LA Times oped “Target: Bin Laden” of April 13, 2008, shows, the mainstream American news organizations continue to provide ample space for perpetuating the mythology of Bin Laden as the quintessential boogieman enabler of “imperial mobilization” – from 911 to WMD, and now to Pakistan and Iran – while the FBI itself does not put that name on its own most wanted list in that connection, noting:

The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11. Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” (Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, speaking to the Muckraker Report on June 5, 2006.)

The courageous Muckraker, as no more than just an ordinary member of the American civil society, then shows the minimum indignation that is expected from any decent conscionable human being irrespective of their indoctrination level and their belief in the “United we Stand” with the State at the 'unbirthday party':

Through the talking heads in the mainstream media, the Bush Administration told the American people that Usama Bin Laden was Public Enemy Number One and responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2001. Yet nearly five years later, the FBI says that it has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Remember, on June 5, 2006, FBI spokesman, Chief of Investigative Publicity Rex Tomb said, “The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.” This should be headline news worldwide. The challenge to the reader is to find out why it is not. Why has the U.S. media blindly read the government-provided 9/11 scripts, rather than investigate without passion, prejudice, or bias, the events of September 11, 2001? Why has the U.S. media blacklisted any guest that might speak of a government sponsored 9/11 cover-up, rather than seeking out those people who have something to say about 9/11 that is contrary to the government’s account?”

To add to the narrative, the New York Times, rather surprisingly, ran a front-page exposé on Sunday, April 20, 2008, headlined: “Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand”. It has to be read in full in order to appreciate its import – after the fact of course, the invasion of Iraq now being fait accompli. And that is precisely the “important role” of not just the “mass communications”, but also “the doctrinal motivations, intellectual commitment” in pursuing the mantra of 'Bin Laden' and 'Al Qaeeda', for on the heels of a “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new pearl harbor” (PNAC, page 51), it provides the much needed “patriotic gratification” to enable “imperial mobilization” in a “populist democracy”, as is now evident.

One cannot ignore the fact that the New York Times itself played its own role dutifully at the time pushing the mantra of WMDs in Iraq, which followed upon the heels of the mantra of 'Bin Laden' doing 9/11, and continues to do so even today pushing the new mantra of 'loose nukes' that 'Bin Laden' and 'Al Qaeeda' will hijack, and the mantra of 'Iranian WMDs', in order to help synthesize public opinion for the new wars on Iran, Pakistan, and Syria. Ex post facto, even George Bush will write a book detailing his masterful role in constructing the New World Order.

Indeed, Project HumanbeingsfirstTM 'clairvoyantly' predicts that the scientific study finally published in a peer-reviewed Civil Engineering online Journal only this past week, on how the three WTC towers (WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7) collapsed so suddenly at almost free fall speed as if it were controlled demolition, titled Fourteen Points of Agreement with official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction”, ever gains mainstream traction before the tipping point, it will be attempted to be blamed upon 'Bin Laden'.

It will be asserted by newsmedia, by the Pentagon, the White House, and by the scholars and technicians of 'empire', that the only obvious candidate who had the capability to pull off such an outrageous controlled demolition on America, is 'Bin Laden' and 'Al Qaeeda'! When that transpires, I hope that these bastions of 'ubermensch' intellect will at least have the sense to get the FBI to first update their most wanted poster of Usama Bin Laden! Its snapshot, taken on April 22, 2008, is archived for the disingenuous “eureka” moment of posterity similar to the one displayed by the afore-stated Sunday NYT, and by the 2005 Iraq Study group, at:

It has today become necessary to state blatant obviousness explicitly: All those pushing the mantras of the Pentagon and the White House, regardless of its 'well argued' rationales at the time, are active and complicit participants in synthesizing “doctrinal motivations” which span the gamut of manufactured consent, to manufactured dissent.

This criminal priming of the “populist democracy” now naturally enables “the first, only, and last truly global superpower” to be fully “autocratic abroad” in its unlimited “capacity for military intimidation”. Please note how Brzezinski concludes the aspirations of the truly global superpower:

Geostrategic success in that cause would represent a fitting legacy of America's role as the first, only, and last truly global superpower.”

And it is precisely in that overarching “Geostrategic ... cause”, that Iran and Pakistan are imminently staged on the nuclear chopping block, while some American city is made expendable to create the new “catalyzing event” for “imperial mobilization” that “will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison”.

All conveniently enabled by the continued Orwellian use of the fiction of 'Bin Laden' and its various surrogates including 'Al Qaeeda'. If these stick-wielding cave-dwelling antediluvians possess such awesome powers as to bring down a superpower to its knees, forcing it to spend 3.1 trillion dollars next year a majority of it on defense, and its peoples to lose all their democratic freedoms and civil liberties, then they are surely more powerful than the USSR! Or at least, a wonderful 'Ali Baba' bedtime story. I used to invent such tales while putting my kids to bed when they were younger, and in my stories, the 'Ali Baba' was a Herculean Mr. Good-deeds and Mother Teresa rolled into one – flying off to far away places on his magic carpet with his band of 40 (along with his wife and children who were, only co-incidentally, named after my own), and with his awesome powers of Superman, solving all the problems of the world. But I think the 'empire's' rendition of 'Ali Baba' is more effective for “imperial mobilization”.

It is pointless debating and dissecting the ever changing 'leaves of the tree' in the battlefields of conquests (as in this battlefield analysis 'Iran should be “Set Up for an Attack”') when the matters are plainly manifest in its DNA, and in the illegality, by international law, of “goosestep[ping] the Herrenvolk across international frontiers” (see “The attack of 'Al-Qaeeda' and Pakistani 'loose nukes'” and “Nuremberg: The grotesquely dancing trumpeting elephant in the newlywed's bed!”).

It would do well for the few remaining sane and conscionable peoples in America, its handful of un co-opted media persons, politicians, thinkers, peace activists and others who care about their nation and seek to effectively overturn the hydra of “full spectrum dominance”, to stay focussed on the DNA of the 'tree': the “supreme international crime” that is the alpha and omega of the matter.

It is the prima facie all encompassing harbinger of “all the evil that follows”, as defined at Nuremberg, and so must remain the necessary and sufficient first focus for stopping “imperial mobilization” by unequivocally charging it as “the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole”. Further analysis of its vagaries in various battlefields of conquest is superfluous when the highest order bit is to stop it before the nuclear Rubicon is crossed. If the conscionable peoples in the world and their national leaderships cannot even unite in the definition of what is crime, and what is the “supreme” crime, and cannot channel their collective energies to a single point of focus on deterring the “supreme international crime”, matters are already fait accompli.

Links updated April 29, 2008.

The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at

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