Eight Reasons to be Happy this Hanukkah

Eight pop-culture or otherwise “non-spiritual” reasons to love Hanukkah this year (2012/5773).

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Rosh Chodesh Tevet & Hanukkah!

Here’s the replay of the Rosh Chodesh Tevet & Hanukkah candle lighting service at OneShul.org, recorded on December 27, 2011. What a wacky, fun service it was — at least for me!  Check over at PunkTorah.org very soon for my article there about Tevet and the experiment with bibliomancy that we did during the...

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Why Hanukkah is Important

Light your menorah with pride. Think about what re-dedicating yourself to Judaism means to you. And I mean you, not what someone else tells you it means. We are a tribe, and think in “we” but sometimes we have to think what “we” means to “me.”

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Hanukkiah: Symbol of Kislev

In thinking about Kislev, I went right to the dreidel and the Hanukkiah.  I decided that if I had to pick one, it’s the Hanukkiah (but I may explore the other dreidels later in the month!)  The Hanukkiah is the nine-branched menorah that we light on Hanukkah.  Even though we generally just call it a menorah, not all menorahs...

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Hanukkah: Re-dedicating the Temple

I originally published this in 2006, but felt like it was worth surfacing again.  The theme of sacrifice and offerings is an ever present one for me, and has recently returned as a focus, particularly in my artwork.   As I got ready for my day today, I heard those who lead my country, and many others in the world talking about the...

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Sufganiyot Muffins for Hanukkah!

Transforming donut muffins into sufganiyot for Hanukkah!

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