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Government Office for Science


Sir Mark gave a speech at the Foundation for Science and Technology debate on 'Cities of the future - science, innovation and city management' on 19 June 2013. See the slides.

Sir Mark Walport

Sir Mark gave a major speech setting out his key priorities on 18 April at the Centre for Science & Policy annual conference. See the slides. A press release on the event can be found at the CSAP site.

front news tif

Find out what the Government Office for Science has been up to over the last year. Read the Annual Review 2012-13

Sir Mark Walport

The Government Chief Scientific Adviser

Professor Sir Mark Walport is the Government Chief Scientific Adviser responsible for the quality of all engineering and scientific advice across Government, reporting directly to the PM and the Cabinet Secretary.

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Tweets from the office of the UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport.

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GO-Science works collaboratively, using formal and informal networks. These include colleagues in other departments and external experts, who are involved in advising Government on or formulating policy with respect to key science and technology issues.

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