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Books currently under development

Here you can find a list of books i am currently working on. Usually these are large books that require lots of attention, editing and formatting.

  • Ancient records of Egypt
    Author: Breasted, James Henry
    Year: 1865-1935
  • Archaeology and the Bible
    Author: Barton, George A.
    Year: 1916
  • Brahma Sutras
    Author: Swami Vireshwarananda
    Year: 1936
  • English Pratikraman
    Author: Pravin K. Shah
    Year: 2006
    Description: The word 'Pratikraman' is used as a common noun for all six six Ävashyaka's. Ävashyaka's are essential practices in order to remove impurities, such as Mithyätva (false knowledge about self) and Kashäyas (anger, ego, deceit etc..) ** Big thanks to the author of this compilation, Pravin K. Shah, for granting permission for his material. Please visit his website for many more information on Jainism.
  • Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel
    Author: Julius Wellhausen
    Year: 1885
    Description: The foundation of modern critical theories of the Bible. Wellhausen's theories about the development of the Old Testament are for Biblical criticism what Einstein is to physics. Wellhausen devised a new paradigm which explained many of the apparent inconsistencies in the Biblical texts. In the process, he upset many traditionalists who didn't like the concept that the early portions of the Bible were the product of four separate authors. Or that the Levitical code was redacted into the text by the priestly class at a very late date in the evolution of the Bible. Or that the Bible even evolved... He has continued relevance. Wellhausen's theories have been built on by contemporary scholars. The current Christian fundamentalist movement emerged as a response to the Biblical criticism of Wellhausen and other 19th century scholars. Wellhausen remains difficult to fully grasp by all but those schooled in the ways of the Documentary hypothesis. However, brave readers willing to attempt an expedition through the Prolegomena will be richly rewarded, whichever side of the cultural divide you fall on. Production Notes: This was originally published in German in 1883 as Geschichte Israels, and then as Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels in 1883, The existing etext of this book in Project Gutenberg was re-proofed using a printed facsimile of the 1885 English translation (New York: Meridian Books [1957]). This included two separate word-by-word proof passes, one of which was a comprehensive spell-check. Unicode Hebrew and Greek text was added, numerous errors in the etext were corrected, and pagination was inserted. Lastly, the index, lacking in the PG etext, was scanned, proofed and appended. --J.B. Hare, Dec. 31, 2007
  • Taliesin
    Author: David William Nash
    Year: 1858
    Description: A Translation of the Remains of the Earliest Welsh Bards, and an Examination of the Bardic Mysteries.
  • The Book Of God
    Author: Eloise Hart
    Description: The Desatir (the Book of God) is a small volume compiled by Moshan Fani around 1653 as a synopsis of twelve great religious beliefs.
  • The Buddha and His Teachings
    Author: Narada Thera
    Year: 1988
    Description: This book is an attempt to present the life and teachings of the Buddha , made by a member of the Order of the Sangha. The first part of the book deals with the Life of the Buddha, the second with the Dhamma, the Pāli term for His Doctrine. Used as reference are: Pāli Texts, commentaries, and traditions prevailing in Buddhist countries, especially in Ceylon.
  • The Epic Of Gilgamesh
    Year: 0-400CE
    Description: The Epic of Gilgamesh are stories written by different persons at the time of the old Babylonian period. The stories revolve around the adventures of the historical King of Uru (Gilgamesh). This version is translated by Yanita Chen. Her translation was from the printed cuniform plates of Sumerian, Old and Middle Babylonian tablets.
  • The Mahāmāyā Tantra
    Description: The Mahāmāyā-tantra is a tantric text concerning Mahāmāyā (a deva or deity in Indian religions). Mahāmāyā, Māyā or Maya, is also a force and/or the principal deity who creates, perpetuates and governs the phantasmagoria, illusion and dream of duality in the phenomenal Universe. * Copyright: 84000.co (see source link); All credits go to the respective translators. Thank you for a great job. Please support their noble cause. You can help by donating, which i highly encourage.
  • The Mīmāmsā Sūtra
    Author: Jaiminī
    Year: 1923
  • The Secret Doctrine Volume 1
    Author: H. P. Blavatsky
    Year: 1888
    Description: An influential example of the esoteric and occult ideas in the modern age. The first part of the book explained the origin and evolution of the universe itself, in terms derived from the Hindu concept of cyclical development. The second half of the book describes the origins of humanity through an account of "Root Races" dating back millions of years.
  • The Shurangama Sutra
    Description: Within Buddhism, there are very many important sutras. However, the most important Sutra is the Shurangama Sutra. If there are places which have the Shurangama Sutra, then the Proper Dharma dwells in the world. If there is no Shurangama Sutra, then the Dharma Ending Age appears. Therefore, we Buddhist disciples, each and every one, must bring our strength, must bring our blood, and must bring our sweat to protect the Shurangama Sutra.