/* Adobe Tag Container Loader version: 1.0.7 Copyright 1996-2012 Adobe, Inc. All Rights Reserved More info available at http://www.omniture.com */ var s=new TagContainerLoader() s.tagContainerDC="d1" s.tagContainerNamespace="condenast" s.tagContainerName="Wired" s.loadTagContainer() /************* DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! **************/ function TagContainerLoader() { var t = this, w = t.w = window; t.d = w.document; t._c = 's_l'; if(!w.s_c_il) { w.s_c_il = []; w.s_c_in = 0 } t._il = w.s_c_il; t._in = w.s_c_in; t._il[t._in] = t; w.s_c_in++; t.timeout = 5000; t.to = new Function('var t=s_c_il[' + t._in + '];if(t.mt)t.mt(0)'); t.loadTagContainer = function() { var t = this, l, p = t.d.body, n, a = t.tagContainerServer ? t.tagContainerServer : 'www.adobetag.com', b = t.tagContainerServerSecure ? t.tagContainerServerSecure : a, c = t.d.cookie, d = t.tagContainerEnv ? t.tagContainerEnv : ( c ? (c.indexOf('s_tagEnv=dev') >= 0 ? 'dev' : (c.indexOf('s_tagEnv=stage') >= 0 ? 'stage' : 'live')) : 'live'), u = (t.w.location.protocol.toLowerCase().indexOf('https') >= 0 ? 'https://' + b : 'http://' + a) + '/' + (t.tagContainerDC ? t.tagContainerDC + '/' : '') + t.tagContainerNamespace + '/' + d + '/' + t.tagContainerName + '.js' if(t.tagContainerURL) u = t.tagContainerURL; if(t.timeout) t.ti = setTimeout(t.to, t.timeout); if(t.d.getElementsByTagName) { l = t.d.getElementsByTagName('HEAD'); if(l && l[0]) p = l[0] } else p = 0; if(p && !t.tagContainerSynchronous) { n = t.d.createElement('SCRIPT'); if(n) { n.type = 'text/javascript'; n.setAttribute('async', 'async'); n.src = u; if(p.firstChild) p.insertBefore(n, p.firstChild); else p.appendChild(n) } } else t.d.write('') }; t.fs = function(x, y) { if(x && y) { var a = x.split(','), b = y.split(','), i, j; for( i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { for( j = 0; j < b.length; j++) if(a[i] == b[j]) return 1 } } return 0 }; t.aa = function(a) { var b = 0, i; if(a) { b = []; for( i = 0; i < a.length; i++) b[i] = a[i] } return b }; t.wl = []; t.wq = []; t.createAsynchronousCustomTagHandler = function(o, f) { var t = this, x, i; if(!f) { f = o; o = 0; x = t.w } else { if(!t.w[o]) t.w[o] = {}; x = t.wl[o] = t.w[o] } if( typeof (f) != 'object') f = [f]; for( i = 0; i < f.length; i++) if(!x[f[i]]) x[f[i]] = new Function('var t=s_c_il[' + t._in + '];t.wq[t.wq.length]={' + ( o ? 'o:"' + o + '",' : '') + 'f:"' + f[i] + '",a:t.aa(arguments)}') }; t.as = function(x) { var y = [], i; for( i = 1; i < x.length; i++) y[y.length] = x[i]; return y }; t.s = 0; t.contextData = {} t.retrieveLightData = {}; if(!w.s_giq) w.s_giq = []; t._gi = w.s_gi; w.s_gi = new Function('u', 'var t=s_c_il[' + t._in + '],w=t.w,l=t._il,i,j,x,s;u=u.toLowerCase();if(l)for(j=0;j<2;j++)for(i=0;i0&&x=="s_l"))&&s.oun&&(s.oun==u||(s.fs&&s.sa&&s.fs(s.oun,u)))){' + 'if(s.sa)s.sa(u);return s}}if(!t.oun){t.sa(u);return t}if(t._gi)return t._gi(u);s=new TagContainerLoader();s.tagContainerName="s_tca_"+w.s_giq.length;s.sa(u);w.s_giq[w.s_giq.length]=s;return s'); t.sa = function(u) { var t = this; if(t.s) t.s.sa(u); t.un = u; if(!t.oun) t.oun = u; else if(!t.fs(t.oun, u)) t.oun += ',' + u }; t.tq = []; t.track = t.t = function(vo) { var t = this, m; if(t.s) return t.s.t(vo); if(!vo) vo = {}; for(m in t) { if(m != 'un' || t.u != t.un) vo[m] = t[m] } t.tq[t.tq.length] = vo; t.lnk = t.linkName = t.linkType = ''; return ''; }; t.trackLink = t.tl = function(o, u, n, vo) { var t = this; if(t.s) return t.s.tl(o, u, v, vo); t.lnk = o; t.linkType = u t.linkName = n; return t.t(vo) }; t.trackLight = function(p, ss, i, vo) { var t = this; if(t.s) return t.s.trackLight(p, ss, i, vo); t.lightProfileID = p; t.lightStoreForSeconds = ss; t.lightIncrementBy = i; return t.t(vo) } t.lmq = []; t.loadModule = function(n, u, d) { var t = this; if(t.s) return t.s.loadModule(n, u, d); t.lmq[t.lmq.length] = { n : n, u : u, d : d }; return 0 }; t.ml = []; t.mmq = []; t.mo = function(m, f) { var t = this, i; t.ml[m] = t[m] = {}; if(f) for( i = 0; i < f.length; i++) t[m][f[i]] = new Function('var t=s_c_il[' + t._in + '];t.mmq[t.mmq.length]={m:"' + m + '",f:"' + f[i] + '",a:t.aa(arguments)}') }; t.mo('Media', ['open', 'play', 'stop', 'close', 'track']); t.mo('Survey', ['launch']); t.mci = []; t.mn = []; } /* Omniture helpers for js scripts */ /* Sets varibles for URI pathname and pathname length */ var browserURI = location.pathname; var uriLength = browserURI.length; /* Creates Array */ var directories = new Array( ); /* Find out indexes of first, next, and last slashes */ var startSlash = browserURI.indexOf('/'); var nextSlash = browserURI.indexOf('/', startSlash + 1); var lastSlash = browserURI.lastIndexOf('/'); var slashCount = 0; /* test for one deep section */ if (startSlash == lastSlash) { directories[slashCount] = location.pathname.slice(startSlash + 1); } /* Loop to define sections from 1 to N */ while (startSlash != lastSlash || nextSlash != -1) { directories[slashCount] = location.pathname.substring(startSlash + 1,nextSlash); if (lastSlash + 1 != uriLength) directories[slashCount +1] = browserURI.slice(nextSlash + 1); startSlash = nextSlash; nextSlash = browserURI.indexOf('/', startSlash + 1); slashCount++; } var paths = new Array( ); function parsePath(path) { var pathLength = path.length; var sSlash = path.indexOf('/'); var nSlash = path.indexOf('/', sSlash + 1); var lSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); var sCount = 0; if (sSlash == lSlash) { paths[sCount] = path.slice(sSlash + 1); } /* Loop to define sections from 1 to N */ while (sSlash != lSlash || nSlash != -1) { paths[sCount] = path.substring(sSlash + 1,nSlash); if (lSlash + 1 != pathLength){ paths[sCount +1] = path.slice(nSlash + 1); } sSlash = nSlash; nSlash = path.indexOf('/', sSlash + 1); sCount++; } } /* Set User Friendly Variables */ var firstDir = directories[0]; var lastDir = directories[directories.length-1]; /* set Omni-friendly path */ var omniHierarchy = ""; for (var i=0; i= 1 && directories[0] != "") setProp6 = directories[0]; if (directories.length >= 2) setProp7 = setProp6 + '/' + directories[1]; if (directories.length >= 3) setProp8 = setProp7 + '/' + directories[2]; if (directories.length >= 4) setProp9 = setProp8 + '/' + directories[3]; function setProps() { setProp6 = ""; setProp7 = ""; setProp8 = ""; setProp9 = ""; if (paths.length >= 1 && paths[0] != "") setProp6 = paths[0]; if (paths.length >= 2) setProp7 = setProp6 + '/' + paths[1]; if (paths.length >= 3) setProp8 = setProp7 + '/' + paths[2]; if (paths.length >= 4) setProp9 = setProp8 + '/' + paths[3]; } function trackData(evnt) { s.linkTrackVars="events"; s.linkTrackEvents=evnt; s.events=evnt; s.tl(this,'o','AjaxCall'); } // remove the trailing slash and pagination (/all, or /2, for example) // from the ends of blog permalink urls for the omniture s.pageName param function scrubStatsBlogPermalinkPageName() { pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var lastPathElement; do { lastPathElement = pathArray.pop(); } while(!lastPathElement || lastPathElement.length == 0); paginationFilter = /^([0-9]+|all)$/ if(!paginationFilter.test(lastPathElement)) { pathArray.push(lastPathElement); } s.pageName = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + pathArray.join('/'); }