Assassin's Creed IV: A Pirate's Life for Thee

The upcoming sequel adds sea shanties and seamless oceanic exploration to the series' expanding repertoire.

You probably think of pirates as peg-legged, rum-swilling scallywags who forced their foes to walk the plank and shouted colorful phrases like "shiver me timbers." Popular perception has rather little to do with fact, however. At a pre-E3 event in San Francisco, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag lead writer Darby McDevitt reminded me that real West Indies pirates from the late 18th century came from a myriad of locations--Spain, York, Wales, and so forth. There was no one "pirate" vernacular, the kind spoken by actor Robert Newton, whose portrayal of Long John Silver in film is so enduring, it led to the pirate cliches we know and love today.

Assassin's Creed IV is more interested in providing an authentic view of the pirate life, which is no surprise, given the series' longstanding commitment to a certain amount of accuracy within its own historical fiction. But the event I attended wasn't about the fiction as much as it was about the many ways you can explore the open world. And that world looks to be broad, encompassing much of the Caribbean--the Bahamas, Florida, the Cayman islands, and more--and allows you to explore most of it seamlessly. You will spend much of the game at sea in command of your own ship, the Jackdaw, as privateer Edward Kenway. Edward is not quite an Assassin in that he doesn't strictly adhere to the Creed, but he enjoys putting the skills he has learned from the Assassins to his own selfish uses, thus making him a natural mercenary for hire.

I saw numerous demos during the event, getting a sampling of the diverse activities Assassin's Creed IV will have you participate in. It all started in freewheeling fashion, the demo operator making a leap of faith into the deep blue sea before clamoring aboard his ship and sailing off towards his next adventure. Ship combat is, of course, a vital part of Edward's tale, though this aspect seems to have grown considerably from its introduction in Assassin's Creed III. You will still be able to sink an enemy ship, but doing so limits your potential rewards. Instead, you might want to use some chain shot to slow the enemy vessel down before maneuvering near it and boarding it for capture.

Boarding initiates an on-foot scenario that uses random elements meant to make each boarding feel unique. Once the sequence has started, your crew will attack the opposition while you handle randomized objectives, such as killing enough crew members or performing an assassination from above. Once you have accomplished your objectives, the ship's bounty is yours in the form of wood, rum, steel, and so on. The crew and ship are yours as well, and you can send them out into the world as part of a seafaring metagame, though the specifics of that metagame weren't revealed.

Wood, rum, and steel sound like perfectly valuable commodities for a roaming pirate crew, but the Assassin's Creed series has not always handled it's economies that well. Either money has flowed so easily that the currency lost its value, such as in Assassin's Creed II, or the game was so easy that some commodities were rendered mostly worthless, such as in Assassin's Creed III. I pressed McDevitt on the issue of economy in a post-demo interview, and he told me that the main priority for Assassin's Creed IV's economy is to make it relevant. The economy is based around a pirating loop rather than the extraneous elements of previous games, and the studio looked to its own Far Cry 3 as inspiration. The trick has been to connect every system to every other, giving the gameplay a sense of progression previous games often lacked. The goal: to keep players moving from sea to land and back again, searching for hidden treasure in the form of ship blueprints, which leads to a more powerful Jackdaw, which opens up more challenging sea battles and more tactical possibilities. In McDevitt's words, the ship is the game's "second character." Outfitting it with different weapons, sails, and paint jobs will be almost as important as equipping Edward with the most effective blades and pistols.

But what about the core elements of Assassin's Creed, the atmosphere in particular? It doesn't seem that Ubisoft Montreal has overlooked this vital aspect of the series. At sea, your crew can sing all sorts of sea shanties at your command, and the game features over 70 folk songs from the period. On land, crowds speak their native tongues, rather than in accented English. And while at sea, you will witness the game's factions--mainly the English and the Spanish--do battle, all while merchant ships carry their goods from port to port. And of course, the game sticks to the franchise's standards for beauty, portraying a lush vision of the West Indies.

It was at sea that the visuals impressed me most. Weather will be a fearsome element, forcing you to work harder for victory at sea during heavy bursts of wind, and filling the screen with chilling sights like water spouts. A fort liberation mission entailed barraging a heavily fortified installation with cannon fire. As the Jackdaw pelted the fort's artillery, a blaze erupted and billows of smoke rose into the air, not just making a frightful sight, but also affecting visibility during battle. But dominating a fort with your ship isn't enough to make it yours: you must also infiltrate it on foot, going head to head with your foes, sword in hand, before liberating the fort and gaining access to the new missions it might harbor.

Assassin's Creed IV isn't just about all these individual pieces, however. It's clear that McDevitt and company plan to connect them in a way that keeps you on the move, switching between one task and another, one locale and another, to keep the experience fresh. In the demos, Edward moved deftly from ship combat to land-based stealth, letting go of the wheel and jumping off at will, if only to check out the enticing island he just set eyes on. That stealth is much like that in Assassin's Creed III, with Edward automatically crouching in overgrowth and pressing against walls.

This was another area I was curious about, so I asked McDevitt about the stealth, and about the core mechanics in general. Is it time to start questioning the game's central controls and overall feel? After all, while watching the most recent entry of a prolific series, I was struck by the minor but characteristic camera foibles and animation stumbles. As it happens, Assassin's Creed IV sticks to the feel we've become accustomed to, but some elements have been jettisoned, while others have been improved. For instance, always-lethal poison bombs have been replaced by darts that turn an enemy against his comrades, and arbitrary failure (that is, automatic de-syncing when you're caught) has been removed. Stalking zones and artificial intelligence have both been improved so that stealth should feel more natural and satisfying.

Of course, this is a lot of "if"s and "should"s, though I don't doubt Ubisoft Montreal's commitment to making Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag yet another entertaining free-roaming adventure. But what about the framing story, you might ask--the modern-day conspiracy business with Abstergo? Ubisoft promises lots of information on that subject is still to come, so if you're as invested in Assassin's Creed's overarching narrative as I am, it seems we've still got more reveals to look forward to.

Kevin VanOrd
By Kevin VanOrd, Senior Editor

Kevin VanOrd is a lifelong RPG lover and violin player. When he isn't busy building PCs and composing symphonies, he watches American Dad reruns with his fat cat, Ollie.

sknight175216 2 Like

I don't care what anybody says, I'm getting this game. I love pirates dammit!


@sknight175216 I know what you mean. If people wanted a western themed game, Rockstar delivered.  Now Ubisoft is delivering us pirate fans an amazing game. With the whole boarding and, choice to accept the crew or sink the ship and such it feels like a sid meiers pirates hd version.


this series is f.....up like cod series


Aren't we controlling a modern day Templar to access history this time around?


what about combat would be easy like in previous AC series??


@romala88 I guess it will be just like AC 3 .. But hey ... there will still be Hot moves just like the secondary weapons double kills on AC 3 ..


Not impressed. Sounds dumbed down and rehashed


You are a legend at writing articles Kevin! I haven't been this interested in an AC game since ACII!


"the ship is the game's "second character." Outfitting it with different weapons, sails, and paint jobs will be almost as important as equipping Edward with the most effective blades and pistols." Assassin's Creed: Pimp My Ship, now that would work great with mod support.

PrplMnkyDshwsr7 1 Like

the series has evolved away from assassin and more towards invincible rogue warriors...blech

Mawy_Golomb 5 Like

Seems like the AC franchise just continues to drift farther away from its original roots, which where all about the stealth. Now, ship combat is even more of an emphasis. What's the point of still calling it "Assassin's Creed" when it's not about assassinating people, but instead about "pirating" goods? It should be called "Pirates' Creed" instead.

PaulJanson 5 Like

@Mawy_Golomb what are you talking about?? Why do people complain about that? They're ASSASSINS, not NINJAS. An assassin is just a killer-for-hire, how they go about doing their jobs is up to them. It was NEVER all about the stealth, so it isn't mandatory nor is it a highlight. Play the "Hitman" series if want to know what true assassins are like. In the AC universe, the assassins are a secret society of killers that oppose the Templar's ideals and defend the free will of mankind. If you understood the AC universe, you would know that ANYONE can secretly be a assassins/templar, from a politician to a hobo in the street. One of the reoccurring plot twists was finding out who was really what.

ClassicRockFTW 1 Like


Being this deluded.LEL.

The series started off as a social stealth game now it's nothing but Call of Duty in the 17th century


@ClassicRockFTW @PaulJanson Oh great, one of those closeted hipsters that always hates popular things because it's "the cool thing to do" and brings COD into every conversation is coming at me So much FAIL. Another thing...."social stealth"? holy crap. AC was never strong in stealth. Stealth is MGS has, you know, not being seen by ANYONE. What AC had was about being inconspicuous, blending in, hiding in plan sight. *Sigh* And he calls me deluded?? LOL*


sooo why the special focus in the name of the ship "Delicia"??


Boh, nice CGI movie, like all the rest of the previous ones for the previous AC games.

I enjoy history, I appreciated all the nice and awesome and hipping CGI movies for AC3, and the game was extremely boring. 

I'll wait for many reviews for this one and pick up a copy down the road, one day.

Madtownbadger 2 Like

I've played all the games from AC2 and up to 3, and 2 was for me my favorite and I had no appreciation for 3 whatsoever. But this, this looks outstanding. Only time and gameplay will tell, but I have hope now.


I like how he did that dude in with the steering wheel.

da_chub 2 Like

Ubisoft's cod. That's it. Decent, but I don't care anymore.

telaros 1 Like

sigh... it all looks the same to me.

jcopp72 2 Like

this is definatly a game that I am looking forward to

hydrobeast 3 Like

I have to admit I am looking forward to this game because the golden age of pirates is the only time period that interest me other then the world wars and I don't expect that until AC6 or 7


And your comment is why I don't play this. I'm sure they have scripts already being worked on since it's only 2 years away


they didn't even bother to show us real gameplay. just a fist full of CGI shoved down our throats

Succumbus 2 Like

Haven't been a dedicated fan to this series... but damn. I love me a pirate game.

Xerexs 1 Like

I am sold. Though I do wish they would fix all the the bugs and glitches AC3 had


Im not giving faith to this just waiting till the launch day...i really hope Ubisoft realease something awesome this time, AC 3 was kinda dissapointing ;(


They're not doing enough to make me come back, they need to overhaul all of the mechanics.

g1rldraco7 2 Like

This is going to a beautiful Assassin's Creed game.


@g1rldraco7 | to bad its ubisoft, so it'll have just as many fall through the floor bugs as 3 had.

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