3D Viewer

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3D Viewer (ImageJ)
Author Benjamin Schmid, Albert Cardona, Mark Longair, Johannes Schindelin
Maintainer Benjamin Schmid
File [1]
Source Fiji's gitweb
Initial release April 2007
Latest version August 2008
Development status beta
Category Plugins
Website http://3dviewer.neurofly.de


This plugin offers hardware-accelerated visualization possibilities for image stacks. Stacks can be displayed as texture-based volume renderings, surfaces or orthoslices.

3D Viewer overview.png

Demo video (60 Mb large avi file, lasting about 15 minutes)

Find here a demo movie which shows many of the features of the 3D viewer.

For more information, please visit the original homepage

For developers

A lot of functions of the 3D Viewer are macro-recordable. However, if that is not enough (or if the function is not recorded properly), it is better to write a plugin. In the latter case no macros should be called from Java, as that would limit the code to work with the currently active 3D Viewer (even if the user clicked somewhere else).

This code snippet should get you started:

Image3DUniverse univ = new Image3DUniverse();
univ.addMesh(yourImagePlus, null, "somename", 50, new boolean[] {true, true, true}, 2);

Until the full 3D Viewer developer documentation is moved to this Wiki, you can find it here; the JavaDocs can be found here.