Switzerland’s Xenophobia: It’s Not Just About Oprah

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An asylum seeker at the entrance of a military bunker in the remote Alpine village of Realp, central Switzerland, on Aug. 9, 2013

The official website of Bremgarten, a picturesque Swiss town of 6,430 residents located about 20 km (12 miles) from Zurich, bids visitors “a hearty welcome” and boasts of the “wide range of sports and leisure facilities” available in the community. But for two dozen new arrivals — and 130 more expected in the future — the town’s hospitality and its recreational options remain untested.

That’s because local authorities have announced last week that asylum seekers housed by the federal government in Bremgarten’s army barracks won’t be allowed to move around town freely or use the local swimming pool and other sports facilities. “For security reasons, we decided not to allow access to these areas,” the town’s mayor, Raymond Tellenbach, explained in a TV interview. He did not specify what sanctions, if any, would be imposed on those breaking the rule.

And Mario Gattiker, head of the Federal Office for Migration, told the Tages Anzeiger newspaper last week that the restrictions are meant to “prevent a situation where 50 asylum seekers all want to use a football pitch or the pool at once, which could lead to friction and resentment” from the locals.

Bremgarten’s decision has quickly drawn criticism from human-rights groups and incited accusations of racism, since the refugee center’s residents come from Africa and Asia. The announcement coincided with the news that an exclusive Zurich boutique refused to sell American media mogul Oprah Winfrey an expensive handbag last month, ostensibly because she is black — the store’s owner has denied that the incident was racist, calling it a “misunderstanding caused by the language barrier.” (Even though Switzerland’s tourist body apologized to Winfrey, Swiss animal-rights group Vier Pfoten, or Four Paws, criticized her for wanting to buy a $35,000 crocodile bag, saying she should have been aware of cruel methods used to obtain the skins of exotic animals.)

(MORE: As Europe Reels, Switzerland Builds New Barriers Against Immigrants)

Also recently, local media reported that the country’s recruitment agencies are refusing to find jobs for French workers because Swiss employers consider them to be “lazy and arrogant.” Although the three events are unrelated, they deepen a growing international perception of Switzerland as a country where racial profiling and discrimination have become increasingly rampant.

But Swiss Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga, whose department oversees migration, told reporters soon after the Bremgarten imbroglio that asylum seekers would not be prevented from using public facilities. “The basic rights, including the freedom of movement, are guaranteed for everybody,” she added.

That may be, but the issue of asylum and plans to open more refugee centers — mostly in small towns and villages — remain contentious. (The federal government has the right to use the premises it owns across the country to house asylum seekers, without asking the permission of the local authorities.) Roman Staub, the mayor of Menzingen, a town of 4,300 inhabitants that will house between 100 and 200 asylum seekers in 2015, echoed the unease expressed by his Bremgarten counterpart, telling a Swiss TV station on Aug. 6 that asylum seekers in his community would not be allowed to enter “sensitive areas” like schoolyards to prevent contact with children. Bremgarten is hardly the first town to come down hard on the refugees. Alex Sutter, co-director of humanrights.ch, a Swiss human-rights group, says that the practice of barring asylum seekers from certain public spaces is common, “but, until now, nobody has noticed or cared about it.”

There is no specific reason why the Bremgarten ban made the news when others didn’t, but the country has experienced a recent spike in the asylum requests, mostly due to the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings; nearly 50,000 people have sought asylum in 2012, the highest number since the refugee influx during the 1999 Balkans war. And in June of this year, the Swiss voted in favor of a stricter asylum law that includes measures such as the exclusion of ex-soldiers who apply for asylum as military defectors — a measure interpreted as a bid to block many Eritreans fleeing forced enlistment in their own country (Eritreans comprised a considerable proportion of Switzerland’s asylum seekers last year).

(MORE: Why Rich Switzerland Is Livid About Rich-Executive Payouts)

For all the talk about xenophobia, however, Switzerland has had a generous asylum policy, in line with its humanitarian traditions, which include hosting the U.N. refugee agency as well as the International Red Cross. And while 50,000 refugees may not seem like a high number, Switzerland is a small country of only 8 million people. According to government figures, the nation has one asylum seeker for 332 inhabitants, a higher rate than the European average of one asylum seeker for every 625 residents.

If the issue continues to stir controversy, it is due in large part to the rhetoric of the far-right Swiss People’s Party (SVP), which has long insisted that the majority of asylum seekers are not “real” refugees escaping persecution in their home countries, but rather regular immigrants who want to go to Switzerland for economic reasons. These “false” refugees, SVP says on its website, live off generous welfare benefits while turning to life of crime and drug dealing.

At least some of these claims are based on facts. Police records show that asylum seekers are responsible for many of the cases of theft, burglaries, sexual assaults and other infractions committed in their host communities. These statistics have fueled SVP’s antiasylum stance, which has trickled down to the public, sparking fears about safety in places that house refugee centers. (Switzerland still has one of the world’s lowest crime rates.) In recent years, the party has used Switzerland’s system of direct democracy, which allows citizens to draft new laws and force nationwide referendums on legislation such as the ban on building new mosque minarets and the mandated deportation of foreigners who commit violent crimes in Switzerland (both initiatives were affirmed by voters).

Still, human-rights activist Sutter denies that the Swiss are racist or hostile — certainly not more so than other countries dealing with the influx of refugees. “The ban forbidding asylum seekers access to certain areas will be lifted as soon as a court declares that it violates the constitutional right to move freely,” he predicts. In the meantime, though, the residents of Bremgarten’s asylum center may well have to stay out of the town’s public pool — or they could find themselves swimming against the tide.

MORE: Switzerland: Are Its Days as a Tax Haven for Foreigners Over?


boycott all swiss made products!


@TIME swiss town-it is their right! Asylum seekers does not have a right to amenities as they are not contributing to society!


@TIME @TIMEWorld Is being persona non grata in one's own country contagious? Why the ban? Afraid color or religion will wash off in pool?


Go to The Gimphole   gimphole.com


No one country is much more racist or discriminatory than the next. Humans like to categorize "us" and "them". So yes some europeans will hate the french and some french will hate the rest of europe, especially the british. Its just the way the world turns. 


Good for Switzerland. They have a nice country and they don't want people coming into it. So what? Seriously? Where's the rule that people need to be excited about tourists and immigrants? If you don' t like how the Swiss treat you, leave. Having been to Geneva and Lucerne, I can attest that those I met were disinterested, but not overtly rude or discriminatory. This arrogant notion that people should be able to travel to any country they want and be treated how they want is ridiculous. The Swiss don't owe you and they don' t need you.


In my two visits to Switzerland I got the impression through quite a few incidents that foreigners were not welcome. There were some good people that I met as well.

traderjim7 like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Asilomar   In my more than 20 visits to Switzerland, I got the impression that foreigners are welcome.  The Swiss have a stand-offish social attitude, and it is not racism.


wow....this place is over run with aryan nation lunatics tonight.......it must be special that you all crawlwd out from under your rocks for this article......






@valentine.godoflove Um... you do realize that "The Sound of Music" was about AUSTRIA, not Switzerland, right? So much for your "god of love" moniker. You seem to have a thing against Africans, Arabs and Asians. You wouldn't by any chance be a WASP would you? You do realize too, that there is zero evidence that god even exists, right? Man made god, not the other way around. If there were a god, there would not be a racist one (like the one in the bible, who was also a hypocrite and as sinful as those it condemned to death).

Lucius_Severus_Pertinax like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Look, the Swiss, through a lot of hard work, brains and determination, have thier small country set up just the way THEY like it.  They do NOT want to be overrun by a  horde of strangers that share niether, their ethic, languages, morals or mental outlook; and WHO can blame them?

The swiss look across their border at france, and do not like what they see; unwilling to be infected by the same disease. Again, who can blame them, but those who arrogate to themselves the right, nay, the duty, to dictate to other people how they should order their lives.


Why do the Swiss allow "assylum seekers" access in the first place only then to restrict them?  Stop playing the "political correctness game if you are not willing to accept it with all the consequences.  Suisse, stop patting yourselves on the back and telling yourself how democratic and free and human righteous you are.

Assylum seekers - If you want to live in any other country than your own, prove that you can contribute meaningfully to that economy, first.  If you cannot and only want to do it to create another "-stan" in another country in order to destabilize it and claim "rights" for your spawn, spare everyone the drama and stay home.  


Asylum keeps people alive -- it's not a damn vacation.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were brought into EVERY Black country and ONLY into Black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane Black man to notice this and what kind of psycho Black man wouldn't object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Openminded1 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@JosephBerger yes and Oprah is a racist hiding behind her wealth. she should have kept her mouth shut, but could not wait to throw in the race card because she was not known in switzerland by a store clerk who most likely never heard of oprah or cared. Yes the swiss are snobby, but it did not mean she was racist either. Oprah is now realizing she should have kept her mouth shut. Her ego was hurt because of her wealth not her color. How dare a swiss clerk not knowe who she is. God for bid.


@JosephBerger Considering people of European decent have forced themselves into almost every country on the planet at some point you already have had whites pouring into places.  Therefore turnabout ought to be fair play right?




 Every group of people in world has murdered, raped, and stole. They tell us "the world" has to make up for the past by becoming mixing race (but only in White countries). So what they mean is WHITE people must go.

Does this sound like we have been targeted for destruction?

Targeting a group for harm or destruction perfectly fits the UN Genocide conventions as the crime of GENOCIDE.



I wish all the Northeuropean countries in the EU would follow Switzerlands' example also.  That's the only to keep your own country safer and cleaner!


@lollypod  Germany and Russia also follow the Swiss example.  When the Time reporters find that out they will rush over there and write articles about how racist the Germans and the Russians are also.

Diogenes like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Compared to Saudi Arabia or Japan, Switzerland seems remarkably liberal.


In the end, Oprah Winfrey might be right to surmise that racism is ripe and rampant but quite wrong to believe that everyone is guilty of it, even if sadly it is an unspoken rule that African Americans and minorities are often at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to affording pricier items. Not that we like to talk too much about such unsavory topics in the real world,  never mind boutiques that casually sell handbags beyond 99% of most people’s price range….



@ScallywagNYC Wrong most black woman will not eat for a few days or have much gas in there cars to wear a pair of Prada's , or purchase a Gugi bag to show white woman that they are in the the same league or above them. Black people come up with more money then you think when it comes to clothes ,cars and jewels, they wont pay the electric bill for 45 days but they will buy $300 running shoes.

edlf like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Time for Obama to send the Rev. Al Sharpton to straighten the Swiss out.


@edlf Ya Rev Al not so Sharp Sharpton and jessie where is the camera Jakson will do well with the Swiss, I can see it now. terrible skiing accident takes the lives of Big and bigger mouths while pushing the race card in a white country.

beaceron2112 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

Switzerland is a great country! Just because they haven't fallen victim to the virus of political correctness that US elites have, doesn't mean they are xenophobes. Most of Switzerland's "asylum seekers" are not running from persecution, just horrible countries with corrupt governments. Bad as that may be, it does not mean that all the countries of Europe must lay prone to everyone who wants to move there, as the US has done-- permitted because the Democrats want to swell theirr voter ranks.

Also, Oprah is hardly a figure of oppression. It is clear from the store clerk's explanation-- even giving her just a small benefit of the doubt-- that the incident which Oprah complains of had more to do with both participant's poor language skills-- the clerk knew very little English and Oprah knows no French or Italian or German. But still, poor Oprah couldn't potentially buy a $38,000 purse. Poor thing, how oppressed she is!!

riccismiles like.author.displayName 1 Like

Well, at least they are trying to take care of their inherent xenophobia before doing what the USA did. LOL.. I give them credit for "knowing themselves". The USA sold itself on a harmonic dream and as of 2013, we are still working on our inner-xenophobe.

Subprimemortgag like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

Congrats Helena Bachmann on writing an article that confuses, intentionally, several issues; first refugees, then Oprah Winfrey, then animal rights and then lazy snob French all of them wrapped in the tortilla of racism.  Yummy.

If anything your article shows how misguided and confusing is political correctness.

If my pool was overtaken by the relatives of my in-laws I would be pissed.


@jfcarpio Esos mismos prejuicios ha demostrado tenerlos Ud con respecto a los andaluces ¿o no se acuerda? "Joe"

Rombus like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 5 Like

It's amazing seeing the amount of "white guilt" comments. Where is the real critical analysis? Why isnt Oprah buying 35k bags somewhere in the continent of Africa? There comes a point where you have to quit blaming others for bad perceptions about your race, community etc.

Honestly well informed people would see reports of youth in South Central L.A with pants down to there knees, the crime, the insanity, murder in Chicago. It starts with the person in the mirror.


 "Why isn't Oprah buying 35k bags somewhere in the continent of Africa?"

Because in the continent of Africa they sell the body parts of murdered albino human beings, which are presumed to have magical powers. So, unless Oprah wanted to go all Buffalo Bill in her shopping sprees, her selection of boutique purses in the continent of Africa would probably be quite limited outside those made of albino skins.


@Rombus So it would be cool if a rich white woman got denied the ability to purchase her 35K hand bag in Switzerland just because she wasn't Swiss right?  And she would humbly agree it was the salesman's right to deny serving her and walk out without making a scene right?  Get real.


@wandmdave @Rombus It would not happen to a white woman unless she  looked homeless, then the clerk would be called a snob because she judged a book by its cover, it happened once to Howard Huges at a hotel he owned in the U>S> I did not hear about him complaining to the media. he just had a assistant 4 days later fire the guy.

seizeabe like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

We are living in a world full of contradictions....Oprah Winfrey has been bringing the perceived issues of the world to her TV viewers. She has attempted to open the eyes of the world (may not be teaching directly), to the injustices of the world. However, to be revealed that she was attempting to buy a $35,000 crocodile skin bag (as in the article), brings to light the fact that Oprah is just another human. And, to think that a salesperson at the Zurich boutique denied Oprah the $35,000 bag, was a matter of racial motivation, is beyond comprehension. Why would a salesperson do that? A salesperson would normally sell her product to anybody who would want to buy it, and would pay for it. It is sad that a person of the celebrity and stature of Oprah would be expected to have the world experiences to discern from where the myriad peoples of the world would come from. Oprah, I feel, lost a teaching moment. She could have been kind and understanding to that lady, and Oprah's kindness and understanding would have opened the sales lady's eyes. Oprah had the opportunity of her lifetime to directly transform those who carry prejudices, by her own example and compassion. Instead, Oprah just proved to be ordinary in real life. Ordinary folk experience what Oprah did, multiple times each and every day, at work, at the store, at the clinic, over the phone, etc. Those who have prejudices, base it on the color of our skin, on our accent, on the confidence we display, on the dress we wear, on the job we perform, on the address of our home, the value of our home, the car we drive. Oprah lost that real-life teaching moment. So, all that preaching she does on TV is just another job. Oprah's late realization of her blunder, and subsequent apology is now motivated in a similar, though from the other end, as happened with Paula Deen. Oprah has lost her aura of magnanimity. Imagine Nelson Mandela or Obama making a similar claim. Sometimes, some people find and speak against racism, for the effect it has over their audience at that moment, even when there is none.As for Switzerland, it is not heaven, especially after all the clandestine banking privileges it provides to anybody or everybody. From America to most other countries, Swiss banks have been heard to provide safe havens for individuals whose sources of income have been suspect in their own countries. Even the names of American citizens were released after much pressure from the Obama administration. So, neither Oprah nor Switzerland should have any reason to claim holiness!

Openminded1 like.author.displayName 1 Like

@seizeabe The one thing Miss under cover racist Oprah should have done was flash her Black credit card to the clerk who without a doubt would have understood that miss Winfrey had the means to pay, but oprah chose the black way the race card crap to cause more racial tension.

NebuchadnezzarII like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

God forbid any country that wants to keep it's heritage and national identity intact.... Oh wait, that's racist, isn't it?

hadmyfil like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Good for them, they are determined to stay in control of their own country. I would think about living there.

RodneyPatterson like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@hadmyfil I find that hilarious considering the amount of pain and suffering Europeans have inflicted on other nations with their empire building and land stealing. Not surprised though, gun powder changes all the rules.