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Miss Kittin独家采访:“居然是这首歌成就了我们在音乐工业里的位置,多么讽刺啊…”



采访/ Chris Poppy

翻译/ 田原义

(English Version: See Below)

尽管《Frank Sinatra》并不是Miss Kittin的唯一代表作,然而却是这首歌成就了她在电子音乐领域里那一席特殊的位置。此事对于Miss Kittin而言莫过于是一个天大的讽刺,原因在于Frank Sinatra之流的流行明星正是Miss Kittin本人刻意与之划清界线的一类人。却因为这首意在反讽的歌,Miss Kittin本人也被卷进了音乐界的名利场之中。然而主流市场的成功并没有使得Miss Kittin向商业低头,反倒是她特立独行的姿态以及音乐品味使她更显得卓越不群。Miss Kittin的全新专辑《Calling From The Stars》将于本月稍后推出。值此之际,Miss KittinIndieRay追溯往昔,并调侃名利是非。


答:这要感谢我的直觉。不论怎样,我总是可以知道有哪些是对我有益的,又有哪些可以驱使着我,这一切完全不是什么商业化的运作模式。天真的无知也是要算在其中。上周末,我和The Hacker也谈了这个问题,谈到了我们那时候是多么的天真,我们对身边所发生的事情毫无概念,当时的我们仅仅是享受时光而已。如今,世道大不相同了,每一个小小的成功背后都有着一个很庞大的经纪团队在操作那时候我们可是事必亲躬,现在看来就像是疯了,但是我们从中学到的都是无价之宝,那段经历也使得我们可以更加脚踏实地。为此我们十分自豪。

问:你的很多中国歌迷都是通过选用在电影《Party Monster》里面的一首《Frank Sinatra》而认识你的。那首歌的灵感来自何处?又想表达些什么呢?

答:当时我们在一家朋友开的唱片店,唱片店的楼上就是那个朋友的录音室。刚巧我们那时候遇见了Gigolo Records的创始人DJ Hell,他说我们应该发些作品给他,于是我们就写了那首歌。那首歌的歌词纯粹是在搞笑。那个时候我们痴迷非法的派对,比如在树林里的派对,很是有趣。我们想,那些在VIP区域里消费Coke的人觉得他们那样才是真正的酷吗?那些人对我们的派对一无所知。我们也从来没有兴趣像他们那样,并且反对他们的保守。居然是这首歌成就了我们在音乐工业里的位置,多么讽刺啊好像我们屌它一样!

问:你对比如说像Frank Sinatra这样在美国流行文化中符号性人物有何看法?你是否有意让自己有别于主流文化?

答:在我的那首歌里之所以用到了Frank Sinatra,是因为他的名字跟歌词中的“area”一词押韵。他既是一个传奇,也是一个混蛋。我写这首歌的时候以为他已经死了,事实上一年之后他才死

问:在电影里,那首歌其实是用来讽刺Club Kids的肤浅,你本人又是如何评价那些Club Kids的呢?


问:你觉得当今的派对人群和九十年代的Club Kids之间有什么区别?




问:现在你更多是以Miss Kittin的身份出现,但之前是以Miss Kittin & The Hacker的这样一个二人组的形式示人。前后两者之间有什么区别?

答:Miss Kittin and The Hacker两个人的合作。我们两个人的世界融汇在了一起,就像兄妹一样。Miss Kittin则只是自己一个人。仅此而已。

问:你最新的歌曲Bassline》明显有别于你早先的作品,这首歌是否也预示了新专辑《Calling From The Stars》的风格呢?




1 You are an iconic figure in the electronic music scene: a successful musician, yet not taking the commercial approach. How did you become who you are as today?

I can say thanks to my intuition. Somehow I always knew what’s good for me, what drives me, and its surely not the commercial way. A big dose of innocence as well. We talked about it with The Hacker last weekend, how naive we were, we had no idea what was happening, we were just having a good time. Today, things would be much different, when you start to have a small success you have a a big entourage of managers etc… We did everything alone, which was crazy, but what we learnt is priceless and keeps you feet on the ground. We are very proud of that.

2 A lot of your Chinese fans got to know you from your song “Frank Sinatra” which appeared in “Party Monster”. How did you get the idea to write a song like that and what were you trying to say?

We were at a friend’s record store. He had his studio right above in the mezzanine. I just met DJ Hell who started Gigolo records, he said we should send him stuff so we wrote that song. The lyrics were a big joke. At this time we were into illegal parties, in the forest, it was amazing. We thought, people in VIPs and coke think it’s the ultimate cool? They don’t know how we party. We never wanted to be like them, we were against the establishment, and I still am. How ironic this song made us big in this business… We were taking a piss.

3 What do you think about those iconic figures in American popular culture such as Frank Sinatra, are you trying to distinct yourself from the mainstream?

Frank Sinatra was rhyming with “area” in the song, that’s the only reason why I say it. He was a legend, but a real asshole too. When I wrote the song I thought he was dead, but he died a year after… My icons are far away from that. If I ever had any…

4 That song was used in an ironic manner to criticise the shallow “club kids” in that film, what is your personal opinion about those club kids?

I never saw the film, I don’t know what it’s about. The song was used in many situations, fashion shows etc… I am not responsible for how my songs are used and what people are trying to say with it. But there’s a big misunderstanding when people think I am fascinated by fame. I am not. Otherwise I would have make a bigger carreer with a commercial approach as you said.

5 What do you think is the difference between the party crowd today and the club kids in the 90s?

Mobile phones, internet, social networks, and a world where image is dominant. In the 90′s, we were rebelling against that, we were going to illegal parties in warehouses, not in clubs, dressed in army clothes, listening to the music, and never ever thought about asking an autographs to Djs! Now you can’t DJ without having people taking pictures of you 10cm of your face with their mobile phone, posting it on Facebook! And now everybody can be a DJ or a producer. They release one EP on Beatport and expect to fly in private jets… Of course not all kids are like this, but it’s a minority. It’s not unusual to be attacked by a kid because you didn’t want to have a picture with him after playing a 4h set. What the fuck. But I love my work, I love music, and I am here to play music. I give my best behind the turntables but after my set, the shop is closed!

6 You have been around for almost 20 years, music has been through dramatic developments, how do you cope with the changes and adjust your own music?

I always keep my ears opened. The key is to be in and out of the scene. I go to gigs, I party sometimes when I am not DJing to listen to other people, but I also have a social life out of music with friends who are not in the scene. I am in touch with real life. Clubbing is not real life. I get my inspiration out of the clubs. And I think DJs should do that more because most of them play so much and so often, they don’t have anything to say in their sets.

7 Now you are known as Miss Kittin, but it was duo known as Miss Kittin& The Hacker before, what’s the difference between the two projects?

Miss Kittin and The Hacker is a duet. Our two universe melts. We are like brother and sister. Miss Kittin it’s me alone. That’s it.

8 Your latest song “Bassline” sounds different from your old songs, does this song foreshadow the sound of your new album “Calling From The Stars”?

It’s a just the obvious single of the album. As it’s a double album with a full electronic part, you will have to listen to everything before making up your mind.

9 In the MV of “Bassline” you probably presented the most sexy image of you so far, however, once your claimed that you can not imagine yourself wearing high heels and dressing sexy to perform for 5 hours or so. Do you consider yourself a feminist and what do you think about cliches about different gender roles in society?

Try to DJ and perform for 5h with heels and we will discuss later. I never wear heals because it hurts! I walk all the time in Paris, I dance, I can only wear flats. It has nothing to do with feminism. But I do think every woman is a feminist. Do you realize it’s still better to be a man in this world? Do you think it’s normal to see women still confined in kitchen with kids to serve men like it is in most countries around the world? Do you think it’s normal women are paid less than men for the same job? Do you think it’s normal to walk down the street and be annoyed or raped by men? Come on. That’s why, as an artist in a country where women have the freedom of speech, I can be proud to do what I do, and be able to stand for equality of rights, for all, women, gays, everybody.



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