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SCIENTOLOGISTS AT WAR, the Channel 4 Documentary

<i>SCIENTOLOGISTS AT WAR,</i> the Channel 4 Documentary

As we predicted, a version of Channel 4′s documentary, “Scientologists at War,” has appeared on the Internet. We don’t know who’s responsible for it, but we’re embedding it here so our readers not in the UK can get a look at it. We also asked some ex-Scientologists in the UK to give us their impressions of the show after they got to see it when it first aired.

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Scientology Celebrities Told Leah Remini is “Not in Good Standing,” Are Ordered to “Disconnect”


The Underground Bunker has learned that Scientology celebrities have received their marching orders from the Hollywood Celebrity Centre: They cannot be “in comm” with Leah Remini after we broke the news last week that she has left the church.

Our inside church sources tell us that Scientology’s leading lights have been calling in to the Celebrity Centre for instructions since the news of her defection began to spread. As we reported earlier, chief among them was an angry Kirstie Alley, who demanded a briefing on Wednesday for herself and for other church celebrities.

Members calling the Celebrity Centre are being told that Remini has not yet been “declared a Suppressive Person” — Scientology’s equivalent of excommunication — but she is considered “not in good standing,” and celebrities are told that they cannot communicate with her, and must also immediately defriend her and any of her family members on Facebook.

When one of our sources asked for clarification on why Remini’s family also had to be avoided, a Celebrity Centre official said that Remini’s stepfather, George Marshall, had seen “an auditor in a squirrel group” for counseling. (In Scientology parlance, an auditor who continues to give counseling outside of the official church is a “squirrel” — a heretic.)

Meanwhile, it’s not only celebrities who are obediently following the church’s order to cut off ties with Remini. Our sources tell us that longtime Scientologist friends are suddenly dropping Remini from their lives in an effort that is being coordinated by an ethics officer named Julian Swartz at the Advanced Organization of Los Angeles.

We asked our sources for an example and were told about Remini’s former assistant, Jianine Giorgio, 29, who is scheduled to be married on July 28.

Giorgio is a Scientologist who had once worked for Remini but is now nurturing a career as a standup comic — a career that Remini had been encouraging by showing up at her performances. On April 18, Remini attended one of Giorgio’s shows, and the next morning, Giorgio let another comic, Tory Shulman, know that Remini had enjoyed her routine…


A few minutes later, Giorgio retweeted Leah Remini’s statement of support for the group of comics, Pretty Funny Women…


Over the weekend, however, a distraught Giorgio was overheard explaining to friends and family that she was forced to uninvite Remini from the upcoming wedding. On Monday, however, Giorgio retweeted a statement by Kirstie Alley that appeared to be aimed at our Sunday afternoon story…


We submitted a message to Giorgio to call us, but we heard nothing back.

Another longtime Scientologist, Michelle Workman, touts herself as “one of Hollywood’s most sought-after interior designers,” and listed Leah Remini among her celebrity clients (and was a friend for more than 20 years).


Remini helped promote Workman — here she’s seen helping the designer with a previous business.

For several years, here’s how the first paragraph of Workman’s “about” page read on her current website…


Recently, Workman moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and just days ago, Remini’s name was removed from her website…


Yesterday, we left a message for Workman on her cell phone. We haven’t received a call back.

Many of our readers have asked about Remini’s husband, Angelo Pagán, and whether he has also been affected by the church’s disconnection order.

We’ve kept watch on his Facebook, noticing some Scientologists defriending him in recent days. But we reported earlier that Remini’s family members have vowed to stick together.

For Pagán, that may present some real difficulties.

Our sources tell us that four years ago, Leah Remini provided seed money for a startup vitamin business owned by Pagán, the actor Michael Wiseman, and Stephen Price, a chiropractor whose clients include Scientology leader David Miscavige.



Michael Wiseman in a scene from the series Vegas, with  Ivana Milicevic

Michael Wiseman in a scene from the series Vegas, with Ivana Milicevic

Price will obviously be under pressure because of his illustrious client, but Wiseman is also in a tough spot: His father, Bruce, is a longtime leader of Scientology’s anti-psychiatry front group, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.

We will be watching to see if Pagán is forced to give up his interest in the business.

Meanwhile, records show that Remini’s stepfather, George Marshall, is a partner in MyActingSite.com with Eric Brownstone, husband to Melinda Brownstone, whose house, we reported Sunday, was the site of a briefing for Kirstie Alley and other celebrities designed to discredit and alienate Remini and her family.

We have requested information from Remini’s publicist about these businesses and whether they are under pressure to split apart.

In general, Pagán and Remini, we’re told, are stunned that their friends in Scientology are marching in lockstep with the church’s orders to cut ties with them.


Posted by Tony Ortega on July 16, 2013 at 07:00

E-mail your tips and story ideas to tonyo94@gmail.com or follow us on Twitter. We post behind-the-scenes updates at our Facebook author page. Here at the Bunker we try to have a post up every morning at 7 AM Eastern (Noon GMT), and on some days we post an afternoon story at around 2 PM. After every new story we send out an alert to our e-mail list and our FB page.

If you’d like to help support The Underground Bunker, please e-mail our webmaster Scott Pilutik at BunkerFund@tonyortega.org


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  • Douglas D. Douglas

    Gotta step out for the day. Stay safe. Play nice. (These are NOT orders.) And…


  • Michael Leonard Tilse

    Re: Kirstie’s “poison” tweet: I was talking to a friend and she mentioned that Kirstie’s tweet about “the sweetest poison is often served with a smile…beware syrup” seemed like a veiled threat to Leah Remini.

    I think that someone who is not inculcated to the rantings of Hubbard would very easily and properly take it that way. It sure sounds like a threat.

    On the other hand, having been a long time scientologist up until 2003, I immediately knew what Kirstie was alluding to: The dangerous behavior of those labeled covertly hostile by Hubbard.

    Kirstie was basically calling Leah a “covertly hostile” person who would stab you in the back while placating you with a sweet syrupy smile. Hubbard believed that homosexuals, and others, had this basically sneaky personality and that they would always be doing things to degrade others while appearing to be smiling and supportive friends.

    So by tweeting this, Kirstie was telling her scientologist friends and followers that Leah was being “1.1: covertly hostile” in scientology’s terms. It’s kinda the cult version of “fighting words” so they can draw the battle lines.

    Perhaps the sad and ironic thing about it is that it is Kirstie who comes across as the sneaky threatening covertly hostile agressive one, not Leah.

    When you pull the trigger you are supposed to look DOWN the barrel, Kirstie, not into it.

    • FistOfXenu

      “When you pull the trigger you are supposed to look DOWN the barrel, Kirstie, not into it”

      You thinking of the “suicides” in Para$itology where somebody shot themselves in strange circumstances? So maybe this how it happened?

      • Michael Leonard Tilse

        The consequences of a misunderstood word are a bitch.

  • Marc Headley

    I love this part. Although it has its pros and cons, it can be quite revealing.

    This is the part where you find who your fake friends are. They are the ones that jump on the Krusty train with no hesitation and you never hear from ever again. When they see you down at the store on Ventura Blvd, they pretend that you don’t exist and roll their cart into the “shit they don’t even need” aisle.

    Then there are those you thought were your friends, but they lost their balls somewhere along the line and don’t get on the Krusty train but also don’t call or email cause they think that there are scilons living in their interweb connection.

    This is the point where you find out who your wild friends are. They’re the ones that jump right on the Krusty train and are very careful to find out exactly what Kirstie thinks about this whole scene, then they come over to your house right afterwards and debrief you on all the crazy shit that went down over a few glasses of wine and laugh about how crazy scilons are!

    Then there are the sad friends that have a child that goes to the same school as your kid. This is where they tell their kid not to talk to your kid even though they were best friends last week.

    Then there are the ones that you know are you real friends. These are the ones who couldn’t give two shits about the scilon stuff and like you for who you are and just want to see you succeed no matter what your personal beliefs are.

    This is also the part where you stop worrying about all the drama in your life that came from scilonville because it does not contribute to anything you stand for or care about in any way.

    This is the part where your bank account fills up faster because there is no longer a hole in the bottom of it that feeds into Dave Miscavige’s personal “Blow Smoke Up Tom Cruise’s Ass Project Fund.”

    This is the part when people you work with in Hollywood that are not scilons ask you about Tom Cruise and John Travolta being gay or not. Well, they “know” about Travolta but they want you to confirm it.

    • TheHoleDoesNotExist

      Her Christmas gift list will be much shorter this year, but that just means her true friends will get some awesome presents from Brooklyn’s Santa. And she will have Much more time for in depth shopping not needing to come in for sec checks every other week, so it’s all good!

      • N. Graham

        Getting back the rest of her mind will be the greatest Christmas gift of all. And Catholics DO celebrate Christmas!

    • Sam Domingo

      Wow! You mean all that shit happened to you too? ;) :D
      Perfect summation. This is exactly how it is.
      And your book is still my favorite by the way.

    • Sam Domingo

      Wow! You mean all that shit happened to you too? ;) :D
      Perfect summation. This is exactly how it is.
      And your book is still my favorite by the way.

    • aquaclara

      You just put it all out there on the table, Marc – no surprises. This is a huge gift to every about-to-be ex on what’s they will face, from the supermarket, to the kids’ friends and even to the trivial gossip, which is all many regular people know about the cult anyway.
      I see how you made it through the transition to the real world. Just wondering how you made it as a Scientologist! :)

    • dbloch7986

      I second this post. Being free of the drama is the best part of it all!

    • Bella Legosi

      Do I need to restart my Coast to Coast campaign to get you back on for a FULL 4 hour show? I have written Ian prolly 5 times already, and once to George (I know he wants nothing to do with Co$). You have such a wonderful dispostion considering what hell the cult has put you through and with the current “goddamn arma-fuckin-geddon” that Co$ is going through with its celebs, I think is it utterly unforgivable that a show like C2C doesn’t have you back on!
      My favorite part of your show was when dude called in to say everything you were saying was a lie and you asked if he even read the book (“Cuz you are in it!” That gave me serious LULZ). When Ian brought up the security fence and razor wire and dude said, “Well we have to have security, because we house expensive equipment that could be stolen.” Ian really schooled him by replying, “Who is going to scale a 6ft fence with razor wire, in the middle of the dessert? And why are the spikes facing IN if the purpose is to keep tresspassers OUT? And why would the “church” need survailence cameras pointing IN?” I am paraphraseing, but yes great points that I was estactic to hear Ian bring up!
      Keep on keeping on Marc and family! You prove that there is a life outside $cientology and that life outside the “church” can also be happy and HEALTHY! All my best to Claire and the little ones!

      • Marc Headley

        Thanks. I would love to do another show on C2C! Out of all the radio appearances I have done, those two shows went really well and we got a ton of great feedback from all over the US and abroad.

    • Casabeca

      Wow! In the middle of your book right now. You were so young to deal with all that! I guess the good news is you get to be young now outside of the cult. Your family is beautiful!

    • Robin Scott

      Then there are the ones who aren’t your friends yet, but soon will be, because you have so much in common on the outside!

      Love your stuff, Marc – great viewpoint, my friend, beautifully worded. Love to the family, Robin

  • Alice Smith

    Is this the same Michelle D. Workman arrested in Tennessee for drugs and vandalism? Looks a lot like the picture on her official site. Both of these women, if they are the same or not, look very mean and angry.


    • Captain Howdy

      I don’t think it’s the same person. Check the moles for one thing.

      • Alice Smith

        Sorry about that, then. Michelle Workman, on her own site, looks a very angry and mean woman in her pics. This is very typical for an “OT” – a real obnoxious and pushy rager, trying to pretend to be happy.

  • Sidney18511
    • Observer

      The acceptable truth–when the true truth just isn’t acceptable!

      • stateofcircle

        (and when my comment inevitably gets pushed down, I am pointing to Obs’s post. Genius!)

    • SandiCorrena

      According to her tweets she’s working on amends so…….lol!

    • April Walsh

      Even if these tweets weren’t about Leah (and I think they are), they sure are nasty or she wouldn’t be deleting. Thank goodness for screencaps or people wouldn’t be seeing what a mean girl Kirstie is.

      Meanwhile, Leah has kept it classy and only tweets positive things. Good for her. And I love that she’s taking advantage of new followers by tweeting about charities she supports. The proof is int he pudding, as they say. Even to an objective observer, you can tell who the good person and the hostile person is just from the tweets. :)

  • April Walsh

    I think Remini is appreciating the support and encouragement she’s getting outside of these people she called friends, so I think she’ll get through this fine. Saw these on her twitter…

  • pronoia

    I wonder how Kendra Wiseman is doing. She did a wonderful thing with the founding of ex-scientologykids.com – and had been posting for some time on xenu.net. And then she got married in China and fell off the edge of the world. Seeing that her father hasn’t seemed to have changed on iota and a photo of her brother made me think of her. I hope she is ok.

    • Sidney18511

      I believe that she is the one with family still in and had an agreement to keep her mouth shut and would be able to talk to her folks.

      • pronoia

        Oh – they are all still in. Look at them up there. My hope is that she is still out. They scrubbed her last name from ex-scientologykids.com.

        • Sidney18511

          I hope that she’s still out of the madhouse also. Anybody know?
          And I hope that Leah doesn’t get sucked back in.

          • stateofcircle

            Last I read she is still out, but she did make an agreement to stop talking about the cherch in order for her and her child(ren?) to have a relationship with her family. She is no longer a part of Ex-Scientology kids. I believe Jenna wrote something about it awhile back, I’ll try to find it.
            While is is certainly a loss for the critic community, I can’t fault her for wanting a relationship with her family and I am happy for her that she is able to have one. I imagine it must be difficult for her.

            • dbloch7986

              I never understood that. I’m not willing to sacrifice my integrity and sanity for the sake of talking to my family. But I guess everyone is different.

            • Missionary Kid

              Derek, when one has been treated as cruelly as you have, and whose family basically dislikes who you are, it’s understandable that you would want nothing to do with them. Having a a relationship with them is a low priority with you.

              Knowing that until you say that you’e not gay, which is a tremendous violation of who you are, that they are going to treat you like shit is a good reason not to ever talk to them.

              I’m willing to think that her relationship with her parents has more positive aspects.

    • Artoo45

      She’s great. What a fine writer and web designer she is, too. Her blog posts about life in china are wonderful. I think she’s done with Scientology drama. She did her time and helped make a difference with the exscientologykids website. I wish her all good things and don’t bring up the cult.

  • dbloch7986

    Kirstie Alley:

    “Don’t believe everything you read. Don’t believe anything you read. Don’t read.”

    That sounds like Scientology at work, alright. Most of those Scientologists will be lucky if their kids grow up literate, as sad as that is.

    • Sidney18511

      Derek….did you ever have any personal interaction with the Krust when you were in?

      • dbloch7986

        No personal interaction. Just the situation between her and my dad, which I heard about second hand but directly affected me. As you can imagine, it has me a bit jaded.

  • Sidney18511

    The latest from the “insiders” blog is that the CC is in a tizzy, a tremendous tizzy, a stupendous tizzy thanks to Leah. And also TC has some kind of bug up his ass.


    • DMSTCC

      He’s not lookin’ real popular in the comments. LOTS of jabs at his {religion}

  • PurpleToothTech

    On the Wendy Williams Show today 7/16 Wendy talked about Leah and Kirsty. Here it is on You Tube at minute 4:53 http://youtu.be/UwU9Foh7zU8

    • SandiCorrena

      and it was GOOD!

      • DeElizabethan

        YES and thanks PurpleTooth,’twas great to hear!

        • PurpleToothTech

          I hope that Leah does write a book like Wendy suggested with all the details.

    • SandiCorrena

      To Kirstie “put down the ferret”! lol is that what they should be calling him these days????? There is a resemblance, no?????? hahahaha!

      • PurpleToothTech

        I guess I am not up to date on Kirstie’s love life because I thought that the ferret joke was about Kirstie’s lemurs that she keeps as pets. I’m sure that they are expensive and unique and to be called a ferret is like calling them rats.

  • Bella Legosi

    The man Bella saw about a horse, ended up coming in FIRST! Bella scored herself a sweet $11/hour job today! She starts day after tomorrow! So, you folks may not see her on as much, but she could never quit her “peeps” and will be on the evening shift!
    Happy happy happy dance!!!!!!!

    • BuryTheNuts2

      Great! good for you. Congrats!

    • CharlieWaters

      Congrats and good luck!

      With the way these posts have been coming in lately to the Bunker, looks like you’ll be busy once you get off work.

    • Observer

      Woo-hoo! Congratulations!

    • John P.

      We in Global Capitalism HQ wish to congratulate you. We also wish to remind you and everyone else that the increase is what matters, and the percentage is the number to pay attention to. When another hedge fund guy tells us over drinks that he is up on the market by $5 million so far this year, that is meaningless unless it’s expressed as a percentage — if he’s up $5 million on a $3 billion dollar fund (0.16%), he might as well tattoo “LOSER” on his forehead. If, on the other hand, he’s up $5 million on his personal account which started the year with $8 million in it (60%), we’ll definitely tip our hat.

      So if you’re up 10% or 20% on the gig you talked about recently which involved lots of driving around and slinging heavy things in the pre-dawn hours, you’re rockin’ it!

      By the way, if you’re West Coast and you’re working evenings, you can still jump on in the mornings, since Tony’s stuff comes up at 4:00am West Coast time. No excuses for disappearing for you!

      • dbloch7986

        I miss you John P!

        • John P.


          Like a persistent case of athlete’s foot, I sometimes go away for a while. But then I come roaring back, harder to dislodge than ever.

          • dbloch7986

            You’re more like if athlete’s foot was a fungus that made your feet smell like roses and smooth as a baby’s bottom.

            • Observer

              Hahaha! Perfect metaphor!

          • monkeyknickers

            Hmmmmm . . . . . . I’ve had boyfriends like you, luv. :)

            Wait ! Wait wait! Are you the father of my children internet-disguised as a smart wall street mogul???


      • Bella Legosi

        Why thank you John! My offer to you being the BEST domestic helper is still on the table *wink wink*
        And anything is better then slinging newspapers! Yes, I am rocking it! If my schedule is set in stone I may be one of the “firsties” in the morning or jump on directly after work! I wouldn’t disappear on you guys! If I do then you will know “they” did grab Bella in the night and spirited her away! Know that I won’t go quietly! They will have to take me kicking, screaming, biteing, and spitting!

    • aquaclara

      Terrific news, Bella!!!! We know you’ll be here – this is a 24 hour a day bunker, you know!!!

      • Bella Legosi

        I am forever in debt to Tony and this blog for the education and communication with those who I would have never have heard of or talked to had I not discovered VV or the Bunker. I don’t think there is an appropriate sum I could donate to show my gratitude. But that won’t stop me from donating!
        If I ever win the lottery just know the Bunker, AGP, OCBMB, WWP, and ExScientologists, would get $1,000,000 donation! lol I do lead a rich fantasy life dont I? But, hey, I would ask John P. for his excellent financial advise to make even more! Then I could really begin my dream of creating Entheata Daily Express printing and hire Observer & media_lush and a slew of “wogs” and ex’s!

    • Captain Howdy


    • Douglas D. Douglas

      So happy for you. WIN!

    • MissCandle

      Many many congrats. You deserve the good stuff coming your way. Stay in touch or we’ll come find you.

  • media_lush

    well, well, well … this is interesting – it popped up on my Disqus/Dasgboard page and I have never seen it before ….. hmmmm

    • DeElizabethan

      Wow, hmmmm is right!

    • Douglas D. Douglas

      Hmmmm, indeed!

  • monkeyknickers

    “Pagán and Remini, we’re told, are stunned that their friends in
    Scientology are marching in lockstep with the church’s orders to cut
    ties with them.”

    Um . . . . . Really? It can’t be too damn shocking.

    And also – just how would Pagan and Remini acted if it was, say, Elizabeth Moss doing the leaving and them that’s asked to close the blinds. Just thinking on it.

    • Shows LasVegas

      Yep, started to say this very thing and saw your comment. Frankly, I’m stunned that they’re stunned and just further illustrates the point that these people live in a vacuum. And great point…they’d be doing the same thing and no doubt have in the past.

    • L. Wrong Hubturd

      The cog dis is still strong with these two. But, I think they will recover quickly, since there’s at least enough common sense to keep the family together. Which may be the greatest thing Leah could ever do to combat these loonies.

  • Robert Eckert

    New post up!

  • Jefferson Hawkins

    The Church’s handling of Leah Remini’s exodus is a prime example of what Robert Jay Lifton refererred to as “thought-stopping.” In this insightful book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, he describes what he calls the “thought-terminating cliché”:

    “The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. These become the start and finish of any ideological analysis. In [Chinese Communist] thought reform, for instance, the phrase “bourgeois mentality” is used to encompass and critically dismiss ordinarily troublesome concerns like the quest for individual expression, the exploration of alternative ideas, and the search for perspective and balance in political judgments.”

    In his novel 1984, Orwell describes a society where an entire language has been developed, “Newspeak,” full of these thought-stopping phrases, which render the citizen “unable and unwilling to think too deeply on any subject whatever.”

    Scientology has an amazing store of thought-stopping phrases. All you have to do is tell a Scientologist that so-and-so is “not in good standing,” and they will automatically discount anything that person has said, erase it from their memory, and cease worrying about it. And they will of course stop communicating with that person.

    All you have to say is “that’s entheta” to stop a Scientologist from thinking along any particular line. They will instantly back off from that subject. They learn, as Orwell put it, “the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought.”

    There have been some really choice thought-stopping phrases revealed in this story, from Tommy Davis’ “you don’t have the fucking rank to ask that question” to Kirstie’s “Don’t believe everything you read. Don’t believe anything you read. Don’t read,” to CC’s Pamela Johnson telling Bob Duggan to calm down and accept that he’s got no right to know anything.

    I think they are ramping up the thought-stopping as they begin to realize how hard it is to stop some thoughts from permeating their entire membership.

    • John P.

      I thought the treatment of Bob Duggan was the most interesting of all the examples you cited. If Duggan contributes $20 million per year, he’s probably accounting for 10% of the cult’s overall revenue lately, making him by far the cult’s largest “customer.” If any CEO of a normal business failed to take a call from his largest customer, the board either should or would fire him instantly. And if underlings treated the company’s biggest customer as just another member, they should get fired instantly as well.

      I wonder how long it will be before Duggan realizes he’s been scammed the same way any low-grade chiropractor has been scammed, and blows publicly. Given that he’s probably worth way north of a billion, he can afford the legal fees to pay his lawyers a nice up-front retainer to sue for a refund in a case that will make the Garcia case look like a cakewalk.

      • ze moo

        The ‘board of directors’ hold the COB and COO responsible for the running of the company. Davey has no one to hold him responsible for anything. Daveys approach works only until Duggan gets pissed off and walks away. Then Davey finds a scapegoat and launches a ‘mission’ to recover the whale. This isn’t 1984, Its Brazil……(great movie) more appropriate to CO$

    • DeElizabethan

      Gosh Jeff this is so true and hadn’t really given it thought like you have. Thanks very much, it makes so much more sense now.

      • Captain Howdy

        Read 1984, De. It was Hubbard’s “How To” manual. It’s all right there.

        • stateofcircle

          I posted this awhile ago. I am borderline-obsessed with the 1984/Scientology parallel. It is astonishing to me how Scientology is a virtual case study on Airstrip One and the Party. The Leah situation is the perfect example of Orwell’s concept of being ‘vaporized’ in 1984: a person simply not longer exists. They are not just gone; every single bit of information or evidence of their life and existence is erased from history. They never existed. Now that she is “not in good standing’ every single thing she has ever done never happened. Any videos or pictures or mentions of her in church materials are erased. Executives or staff cannot answer questions about her after this because she is no longer a person. Leah is Emmanuel Goldstein.

          (Below is my old post so it’s not about the Leah situation, but it’s easy to translate any situation in Scientology with these concepts, especially this one.)
          Freedom is Slavery.
          Ignorance is Stregnth.
          Altering the past, i.e. removing Marty’s name from the “War is over!” speech, Hubbard’s military, marriage and education records.
          All of the “Golden Age” garbage is straight out of the Ministry of Truth.
          Emmanuel Goldstein = ex members; “Two Minutes Hate”
          Being brought in and forced to confess evil thoughts, and if there are no evil thoughts are crimes, you will be manipulated into manufacturing them and eventually believing them.
          Telescreens = video/audio in auditing rooms, and even the slightest twitch can give you away.
          Spies/Junior League: SO staff that are assigned to a celebrity or whale in order to report every detail of their life, most importantly their opinion, actions and current relationship with Scientology, to Management.
          Victory Mansions = Any and all Sea Org berthing.
          Thoughtcrimes = Counterintention.
          Reporting Thoughtcrimes = Knowledge reports
          Redefining love and sex by taking taking the humanity out of it through calling it 2D (Newspeak), being forced to confess every sordid detail as if it were wrong, banning marriages and children in the SO.
          Obviously creating it’s own version of Newspeak that takes any emotional or intelligent meaning out of words and thought, such as TR’s, Comm, Backflash, Counterintention, Theta, 2D – hell, all of the Dynamics -, Ser Fac, etc.

          To me, the RPF and Truth Rundown is nearly identical to Winston’s treatment from O’Brien in the Ministry of Love, and the RPF eventually becomes Room 101.

          I could go on…and on and on and on, because these parallels kind of blow my mind, and I really want someone to write something about this, especially because I think it would really resonate with the rest of the world.

          • Casabeca

            It would be an awesome thesis paper in academia.

        • DeElizabethan

          Your right Capt. However, I read it so many years ago am only left with an idea. Jeff said it now and sounded so right at this time. When ya get as old and feeble as me reminding is Good. Now don’t have the time to read the book, but wouldn’t mind seeing the movie again. <3

        • Tory Christman

          The Art of War is OSA’s Manual, also, for the record. :) And man are they even screwing *that* up! LOL Way to go, $cientologists!!!

    • Tory Christman

      Jeffrey: 1984–A great book to remind people of *really* what $cientology is all about. Another is “The Art of War” which $cientology consistently screws up with their “Always attack, never defend”. That may work in war….for a religion it just shows how far these peeps really are from any kind of religion/spirituality. Their stopping of communication should be any members 1st and KEY reason why they should follow Hubbard’s own final PL: “The way OUT *is* the Nearest Door!” ((Hey, HE took it, why not YOU–to those still “in”) :)

    • ThetaBara

      Those *(&^%$^&* “anarchists” do it, too. And the Marxists. It’s absolutely infuriating trying to actually talk with one of them! But their schtick would never work if you actually thought about it for even a moment. So they can’t let that happen.

    • danlocke

      Kurt Vonnegut’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” comes also to mind. The story of the “U.S. Bureau of Equality” coming into being with all sorts of rules and regulations to make us “equal”: weights were placed upon the strong, the beautiful are masked and the more intelligent wear headphones that emit a terrific squawk whenever a new and valuable thought was forming….


      • Casabeca

        Now added to list…love KV and Orwell.


    “Our inside church sources…”

    Tony! Oh noes! Look at what you have done! Now that insane Tone 1.1 Dwarf is going to order every remaining customer back to the cans to find out how many of them are talking with you and possibly other Suppressive Persons, how many Body Thetans they’re infested with, and what all of their crimes are!

    You just cost all 40,000 remaining Scientology customers world wide to have to shovel out even more money. You bastard!

    • http://valerierossonline.com/ Valerie Ross

      Um, I think you added an extra 0. I would honesty be gobsmacked if there were more than 4,000 Scientology customers not currently on staff somewhere. I do believe a gung ho Scientologist has become an endangered species in more ways than one.

    • DeElizabethan

      More like 25,000 and they will shovel one way or another, Tony’s the cat’s meow and love it!

  • scifibandit

    Just stop reading? Like the epsilons in Brave New World or the citizens of Fahrenheit 451?

  • Mat Pesch

    What is left of Scientology is held together by blackmail and information control. Read, say, think as one is told or you will loose your family, friends, etc. When you wake up and find your head in a lions mouth, you pull it out slowly and carefully. Scientologists are doing just that.

    • Ruby

      well said, Mat. That is a perfect description.

  • CommunicatorIC

    This probably has been posted already, but in case it hasn’t, Leah Remini’s big sister, Nicole, gave a radio interview. Nicole confirms the Church of Scientology instructed parishioners to disconnect for Leah. You can listen to the interview at:

    • DeElizabethan

      Thanks a bunch. Nice!

    • CommunicatorIC

      Advice from ESMB to get the full show: Go here: http://www.mytalk1071.com/shows/colleenbradley

      And listen to Tuesday Hour 3 On Demand – it’s at the top of the list of broadcasts. I”ll add that you can also right-click and download the mp3.

  • Tone

    In handling Leah Remini, $cientology is demonstrating all the defining characteristics of a cult, and appears doing so quite openly, if unconsciously. I cannot see how this is KSW but hey I’m declared so what do I know?

  • Sarah James

    I think kirstie alley should do a bit more reading. She needs to really examine scientology from its not so pretty beginnings. Why does she have to always bully? Why not give Leah some respect for taking a different path in life? Cults make me sick.

    • Tone

      Once you get that upper OT snarl you’re never the same.

  • Jim Gideon Cherkas

    Scientology orders disconnection and the Scientologists to obey no matter what I don’t know why they are stun to find out the Remini have been signed on just all their life meanwhile the church says there’s no forced disconnection lol yeah right

  • Spiderpope

    And so the Cult pressure begins…

  • Chef Xenu

    Tom Cruise had the disconnection loophole figured out long ago, most other Scientology celebrity families just haven’t caught on yet. You have to establish an anchor-clam. Once your anchor-clam is firmly and publicly established both in pop culture and the church, the rest of the family is protected. He can then proceed to route them out using a carefully constructed cover story, free of the fear of orders to disconnect. The only catch is he has to stay, but heck, action heroes have to sacrifice something don’t they? But in this sacrifice, who knows the opportunities one might find to rescue other starlets who might fall into the clutches of the church through an acting class or life improvement course recommended by a friend? Action heroes do need their sequels lest they fade away…

  • April Champion

    i dont understand why these “Celebrities” feel the need to PUBLICLY “disconnect” from a religion…you dont see EVERYDAY people saying “oh, im Catholic today, but i think i might wanna leave the church tomorrow” and then make a HUGE public statement about it…they just……LEAVE…for whatever reason….Other celebs im sure have left other religions and THEY dont make a huge stink about it…I really REALLY dont understand why people feel the need to “announce” that theyre leaving a certain “religion”

    • TonyOrtega

      You don’t seem to understand the concept of “disconnection” here. Leah Remini didn’t “announce” anything. We broke the news that she had left Scientology. She said nothing publicly about it, and actually still hasn’t. The church, however, then ordered its other members (including celebrities) to “disconnect” from Leah because she had left. That’s church policy.

      • April Champion

        but then, if she hasnt announced anything, why is she “worried about retaliation”? I dont understand anything about this whole scientology thing…What is it about *this* particular religion that makes it SOO “hush hush” amoungst its members? are they doing ilegal/harmful things that could/would get them into deep water with authorities??

        Im not trying to be a smart ass or anything, i just really dont understand.

        • TonyOrtega

          At the top of this page there’s a link to a recent documentary, “Scientologists at War.” You might watch that as a start.