Showing posts with label sample schedules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sample schedules. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Sample Babywise Schedules: The Second Month

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Sample schedules are always popular and helpful for parents implementing a schedule for their newborn. These are sample Babywise schedules for your 1 month old baby--the second month of life. This post contains affiliate links.

12 Sample Babywise schedules for a 1 month old that were actually used by Babywise moms.

As you enter the second month of life with your Babywise baby, you will be focused on adding more of a schedule. The days of ignoring the clock are over. Time to focus on having some consistency and getting baby to be more awake during the day. Do not be mistaken; babies this age will still have very, very short awake times, but they should be able to stay up a little longer than they did last month. 

Before you go further, please be sure you have read My Sleep Hierarchy For Newborns. You need to know what your primary and secondary goals should be for a newborn so you keep priorities straight. It will make your newborn life much less frustrating! Also, if you are working on sleep training, you must read my post Sleep Training: The Four S's.
On Becoming Babywise

Month Overview
During this second month, aim for the following:
  • 8-10 feedings per 24 hour period.
  • Feedings should be 2.5-3.5 hours apart typically (but always Feed Baby When Hungry, even if that is early). The time intervals can vary. For example, your first interval can be 3 hours and your second interval 2.5 hours. 
  • 6-8 naps per day. The last nap might be very short (30-45 minutes long).
  • Naps are 1.5-2.5 hours long.
  • The first Growth Spurt happens around 3-4 weeks old. Expect baby to eat more often during this time. 
  • Start simple Independent Playtime at 5 weeks old.
  • Baby can be allowed to sleep longer stretches at night around 6 weeks old. 7-8 hours is okay.
  • Baby might start sleeping 7-8 hours at 7 weeks old. Many babies do not do this until older, though.
For a full year overview, see this post: Your Babywise Baby: First Year Overview.

Sample Schedules
Here are our schedules we used as a one month old:

Schedule 1
Around four weeks, the schedule I had created for Kaitlyn started to change. She had different plans :). At four weeks, we were still working on waketimes, but had all but one or two down.

8:30--nurse then bed

She continued with the two night nursings. This schedule continued for a while. Some days, the 10 AM nursing would be 10:30. Also, some days the 4 PM nursing would be 3:30. Around 8 weeks, she dropped one night nursing. Around 9 weeks, I tried to force a dreamfeed at 10:30, but she would not wake up.

Schedule 2
For McKenna, her schedule stayed pretty much the same. I had noticed by then that McKenna didn't eat well if it was sooner than 3 hours:


I still woke her twice in the night.

Schedule 3
12 Sample Babywise schedules for a 1 month old that were actually used by Babywise moms.6 Weeks
Kaitlyn's schedule stayed pretty much the same. Here is McKenna's six week schedule:

7:15-7:45--nurse. I changed our 30 minute window to this.

She woke twice in the night for the first half of 6 weeks old, then went down to once a night.

Schedule 4
This is our daily schedule that we shoot for. 
4 weeks old
7-7:30 (time varies here)--feed, then bedtime

then night feed(s). Typically, this happens between 2-3 AM and then she wakes close to 7-7:30 AM. Sometimes she wakes as early as 1:30 AM. Sometimes, she will wake another time at 6:00 AM. When this happens, I try to do the one side feeding and then get her up at 7:30, but if she wants two sides, we just do two and I let her go a little more than three hours for her feeds during the day so she can be on normal schedule. 

Schedule 5
5 weeks old

This is our daily schedule that we shoot for. Our first feeding varies the most. It typically ranges between 6:30 and 7:30 AM. 

7-7:30 (time varies here)--feed, then bedtime

then night feed(s). Typically, this happens between 2:30-3:30 AM.

Schedule 6
6 weeks old

This is our daily schedule that we shoot for. Our first feeding varies the most. It typically ranges between 6:30 and 7:30 AM. She is now old enough to do 2.5 to 3.5 hour intervals between feedings, so if she is sleeping when the time comes up, I let her go up to 30 minutes longer. She will eat better if she wakes on her own, and if not, those extra thirty minutes can often be enough to get her interested in eating.

7-7:30 (time varies here)--feed, then bedtime

then night feed(s). Typically, this happens between 2:30-3:30 AM.

Schedule 7
7 weeks old

7-7:30 (time varies here)--feed, then bedtime

then night feed(s). Typically, this happens between 2:30-3:30 AM.

Below are some sample schedules from readers:

Schedule 1
8am - wake up & eat (4 oz)
10:30 - bottle
11:30/12 - nap, if I can get him to go down
1:30 - bottle
2:30 - nap
4:30 - bottle
7:30 - bottle
9 - bottle, then in bed by 10
3 AM- wakes up and eats 6 oz. This isn't "scheduled," but he is waking up at the same time every night for this last bottle.

We're still working on our schedule. Especially naps. Sometimes he just won't go down, and CIO isn't an option.

Schedule 2
7:30 am - eat
8:30 am - nap
10:30 am - eat
11:30 am - nap
1:30 pm - eat
2:30 pm - nap
4:30 pm - eat
5:30 pm - will take a catnap usually wakes up a little fussy - will usually have to hold - may feed early
6:45 to 7:30 pm - eat 
Bed by 8 (if eats at 7:30pm)
10pm - Dreamfeed
wakes at 5am for "night" feed - start day at 7

Schedule 3
7:00am – eat
8:00am – nap 
10:10am – eat
11:10am – nap
1:20pm – eat
2:30pm – nap
4:30pm – eat
5:40pm – nap
7:00pm – eat, bed
10:00pm – dreamfeed 
(MOTN feeding ~4am?)

Schedule 4
7:00 wake & nurse
8:00 nap
9:45 wake & nurse
10:40 nap
12:45 wake & nurse
1:40 nap
4:00 wake & nurse
5:10 nap
7:00 wake & nurse
7:45/8 bedtime
10:00 dream feed
Then usually wakes around 3:00am to eat.

Schedule 5
6:00 Wake/nurse/diaper change/wake time
7:00 Nap
9:00 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
10:00 Nap
11:30 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
12:30 Nap
2:00 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
3:00 Nap
4:30 Nurse/diaper change/wake time
5:30 Nap
7:00 Nurse/diaper change/bedtime routine
8:00 Down for bed
10:00 Dreamfeed/diaper change
Middle of the night - will usually wake up at 2-3:30am

Total wake times 50-75 minutes per cycle. We put her down for a nap when she starts to show signs of being tired (yawning, not engaging with us or toys, bringing hands to month/eyes).

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Babywise Sample Schedules: The First Month

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Sample Babywise Schedules for your baby's first month.

The first month is the least scheduled overall in your Babywise journey. You "take the clock and turn it around" as the book says. In other words, you don't worry so much about times as you do getting the whole family more acclimated to life with a new baby. There will never be a return to "normal." There is a finding of a new normal. Here are some sample schedules from the first month of life. These are from me and you blog readers. Please feel free to add your own schedules in the comments.

Before you go further, please be sure you have read My Sleep Hierarchy For Newborns. You need to know what your primary and secondary goals should be for a newborn so you keep priorities straight. It will make your newborn life much less frustrating!

Month Overview
During this first month, aim for the following:
  • Feed 8-10 times per a 24 hour period.
  • Feedings should be 2.5-3 hours apart typically.
  • Cluster feeding can be helpful for a very hungry baby in the evenings or for a baby who needs to get more feedings in the 24 hour period. 
  • There will be a growth spurt around 3-4 weeks old. This will mean your baby will eat more often during the day and sleep less. It won't last forever! 
  • Baby will nap 6-8 times per day. 
  • Naps should be around 1.5-2.5 hours long each time. 
  • Your baby can go up to 5 hours between feedings at night. Some will wake up more often than that, others will need you to set an alarm and wake them up at five hours to stay on track. 
For a full year overview, see this post: Your Babywise Baby: First Year Overview.

Week One
While the book says to not worry about a schedule during this week, we had one with all of our girls. I am really big on "begin as you mean to go on." I also found it hard to not do a schedule since that was ingrained into me by the time my girls came along. Another driving factor for me was that my girls didn't wake up on their own most of the time. I needed to wake them up so they would eat. If I left them to guide the way, who knows if and when they would have tried to eat. 

My first focus was on an "eat/wake/sleep" cycle idea. I was aware, however, that often for  a brand new baby, "wake" and "eat" might be one in the same. Newborns are sleepy and might just eat, sleep, eat, sleep, with little to no actual wakefulness in between. For help on proper expectations for awake time lengths, see this post (including an infographic on waketimes!).

Another big focus for me was having a consistent time of day that we started each day. I started it when I hoped my baby to start as she got older. My babies did not all end up starting the day at my ideal start time--they were naturally inclined to start at a different time. Adjust your expectations as needed. Wake baby up at this same time each day to eat and start the day. If baby is waking up in the night close to this time, see my night wakings post for help to navigate that. 

I also really wanted my babies to be able to fall asleep independently from the beginning. I didn't want to teach to fall asleep one way and then teach a new way later. My favorite way, a no-cry solution, is the Four S's.

I also focused on our last "day" feeding to be around the same time each day as well as our dreamfeed. Here is an example of what to aim for, with naps starting basically right when the feeding was over:

9:00--nurse (dreamfeed)

Then you would have baby waking twice during the night to eat. 

Here is a breakdown of what my third child's first week was like:
Night One:
McKenna ate at 10:15 PM, 12:00 AM, 2:15 AM, 4:45 AM, and I woke her at 8:15 AM. What a night! Why so many feedings? One, she is small. She is under 6 pounds, so I definitely wasn't going to try to hold her out at all if she was hungry. Also, my milk was still colostrum and I don't think that was holding her over. Finally, she had awful gas pains that night, so she woke frequently.

Night Two:
McKenna ate at 9:50 PM, 1:30 AM, and 4:00 AM. I got her up at 7:45 AM. This was much better. She did have a gas pain situation this night, also, though.

Night Three:
McKenna ate at 9:50 PM, 1:45 AM, and 4:45 AM. I then woke her at 7:45 AM. This was the night that I first had to wake her for a night feeding. I woke her at 4:45. I could let her go up to 5 hours, but I want to keep morning waketime as consistent as possible. I also need to have at least 8 feedings in her and she does better with a longer schedule in the day--resulting in needing two night feedings right now.

Night Four:
McKenna ate at 10:15 PM, 2:15 AM, and 6:15 AM. I woke her at 8:15 AM. I woke her for all four of these feedings listed.

Night Five:
McKenna ate at 10:00 PM, 1:35 AM (she woke for this), and 5:15 AM. I then woke her at 8:00 AM.

Week Two
The same rules and goals of week one apply to week two as applied in week one. 

Here is the schedule I used with McKenna (my third) as a newborn:
9:30--nurse. This actually can vary from 9:30-10:00 PM.

I then went to bed. She typically woke on her own somewhere around 2 AM. I then woke her around 5:30 AM so she would still be hungry enough to eat at our first feeding in the morning. 

Week Three
This is when you might run into a growth spurt. If so, feed more often. If not, stick with your basic rules. 

Week Four
If the growth spurt didn't happen in week three, it will in week four. Feed as often as baby needs this week. 

Here is a sample of my fourth child at week four:
Sample Babywise Schedules for your baby's first month.
7-7:30 (time varies here)--feed, then bedtime
then night feed(s).

Here is a sample from a reader at one month old:
6:00am Bottle
6:50 Nap
9:00 Bottle
9:50 Nap
12:00pm Bottle
1:00 Nap
3:00 Bottle
4:00 Nap
6:00 Bottle
6:30 Bath / Bedtime routine
7:00 Bed
10:00 Bottle
2:00 Bottle

Helpful Posts:

Monday, June 13, 2016

Schedule Overview: 13 weeks (3-6 Months)

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This post outlines what to expect from 3-6 months old. There are sample schedules and information on what is common for this age range. 

Schedule Overview: 13 weeks (3-6 Months)

In many ways, things calm down a bit by three months old. You start to figure your baby out--likes and dislikes. You know better how your baby prefers things to be. You are getting better at reading cues and sleep is getting better. 

But the thing with babies is life is ever-changing. The schedule changes as quickly as you can figure it out. That is why it is so helpful to see samples from other people and have an idea of where the benchmark is for a baby the age of your baby so you can get to the perfect schedule before it jumps away from you. I did this with the newborn weeks and today want to hit 3-6 months. If you want a look at the full first year, see my comprehensive first year overview that includes what to expect in eating, sleeping, and playing. 

Week 13

10:00--nurse then bed (dreamfeed)

At this age, her night feeding was in those early morning hours, usually around 6 AM. I believe she dropped that feeding around 4 months.

6:30 or 7:00--eat then down to bed

Every other night, she ate between 5:30 AM and 6:00 AM. Those days, we started at 8 AM. The other days, she at between 7:00 AM and 7:30 AM. She still slept until about 11:00 AM.

8:00--feed, then bedtime

Week 14

8:00 AM--eat
8:50 AM--nap
11:00 AM--eat
12:00 PM--nap
2:00 PM--eat (sometimes this was at 1:30 PM)
3:00 PM--nap
4:30 PM--eat
5:40-5:50 PM--nap
6:30 PM--sometimes woke. She is starting to usually take a shorter nap at this time of day. If she woke at 6:30, I got her and held her until starting to feed her at 7:00 PM. If she didn't wake at 6:30, I got her up at 7:00 to eat.
7:00 PM--eat then right back to bed.
7:30 PM--in bed
10:00-10:30 PM--dreamfeed
5:30ish AM--eat from one side

NOTE: There was a time change between week 13 and 14, hence the dramatic change in schedules
2:00 or 2:30--feed
3:00--nap (one hour after waking)
5:00 or 5:30--feed
6:30--nap (one hour after waking--sometimes she does one hour ten minutes here)
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 15
It is a bit different this week since she is extending nights. I will just say she is waking at seven even though it ranged from 6:45-7:15. 7:00 is a happy medium.

7:00 AM--eat
7:50 AM--nap
10:30 AM--eat
11:30-11:35 AM--nap
1:30 PM--eat
2:35 PM--nap
4:00 or 4:30 PM--eat
5:15-5:45 PM--nap
6:30-6:45 PM--wake up
7:00 PM--eat then straight to bed
10:00 PM--dreamfeed



2:00 or 2:30--feed
3:00--nap (one hour after waking)
5:00 or 5:30--feed
6:30--nap (one hour after waking--sometimes she does one hour ten minutes here)
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 16
5:30-6:00 AM--eat from one side
8:00 AM--wake and eat
8:50 AM--nap
11:00 AM--eat
12:00 AM--nap
2:00 PM--eat
3:00 PM--nap
4:30 PM--eat
5:45 PM--nap
7:00 PM--eat and straight to bed
10:00 PM--dreamfeed



2:00 or 2:30--feed
3:00--nap (one hour after waking)
5:00 or 5:30--feed
6:30--nap (one hour after waking--sometimes she does one hour ten minutes here)
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 17 {Four Months Old}:
  • 4 Months: Baby is usually at 3 naps. If not, by 5 months baby should be at 3 naps in a day.
  • 4 Months: Baby might be ready for 10-12 hours of sleep at night. Some will not be ready for this until 6 months, and the normal range is always 10-12, so some babies might just be 10 hour a night people.
  • 4 Months: Often a rough age for sleep.
  • 4 Months: Baby will move to 4-6 feedings in a day.
  • 4 Montths: Baby might be ready for blanket time.
7:30--nurse + solids
1:30--nurse + solids
6:30--nurse + solids then bed
9:45--nurse the bed (dreamfeed). I was starting to move it back in preparation for dropping it.

5:30-6:00 AM--eat from one side
8:00 AM--wake and eat
8:50 AM--nap
11:00 AM--eat
12:00 AM--nap
2:00 PM--eat
3:00 PM--nap
4:30 PM--eat
5:45 PM--nap
7:00 PM--eat and straight to bed
10:00 PM--dreamfeed

5:00 or 5:30--feed
6:30--nap (80 minutes after waking)
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 18:
Schedule Overview: 13 weeks (3-6 Months)
5:00-6:00 AM--eat from one side
8:00 AM--wake and eat
8:55 AM--nap
11:00 AM--eat
12:05 AM--nap
2:00 PM--eat
3:30 PM--nap
5:00 PM--eat
6:30 PM--nap
7:00-7:00 PM--eat and straight to bed
10:00-10:30 PM--dreamfeed

2:30 or 3:00--feed
3:45--nap (75 minutes later) 
5:00 or 5:30--feed
6:30--nap (80 minutes after waking)
7:30--feed, then bedtime
9:45--dreamfeed--until it was dropped during this week

Week 19:
For this week, our day started a bit earlier than I would prefer, but late enough to make me happy :)

6:30-7:00 AM--nurse
55 minutes later--nap
10:00 AM--nurse (if she ate closer to 7, she will often go until 10:30)
60-65 minutes later--nap
60-90 minutes later--nap (I try to watch for cues for this nap
6:00--usually a nap
7:00--nurse then bed
10-10:30--dreamfeed (there is no real reason for my dreamfeed to be any later other than I just didn't get around to getting her until later sometimes ;) ).

5:00 or 5:30--feed
6:30--nap (80 minutes after waking) until it was dropped
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 20:
7:15 AM--wake and nurse
8:10 AM--nap
10:30 AM--nurse and rice
11:30 AM--nap
1:30-2:00 PM--nurse
2:40-3:10 (70-90 minutes later) PM--nap
4:40-5:00 PM--nurse and sweet potatoes
7:00-7:20 PM--nurse then straight to bed
10:30 PM--dreamfeed

7:30--feed with solids
11:30--feed with solids
5:30--feed with solids
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 21 {Five Months Old}

  • 5 Months: You might want to start teaching sign language to baby. This can be done at any point forward.
  • 5 Months: Teething can start to impact sleep. 
7:30 AM--wake, nurse, solids (1 T rice. I will add 1 T peaches this next week)
8:30 AM--nap
11:00 OR 11:30 AM--nurse, solids (at least 4 T bananas)
12:00 OR 12:30 PM--nap
2:00 OR 2:30 PM--nurse
3:15-3:45 (75-90 minutes later) PM--nap
4:30 OR 5:00 PM--nurse and solids (2-4 T sweet potatoes)
7:00 PM--nurse and straight to bed

Sometimes she ate after only two hours in the evening since she was extending her day out. This was a temporary situation.I find that preferable to having a fourth nap and eating at a 3 hour interval, and thus having a later bedtime. I want bedtime consistent.

7:30--feed with solids--half of a banana and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30--feed with solids--4 T of pears and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
5:30--feed with solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T)
7:30--feed, then bedtime

Week 22
8:00 AM--wake her up, nurse, eat 2 T oatmeal and 2 T fruit (she doesn't always finish this much)
9:00 AM--nap
11:30 AM--wake her up, nurse, eat 2 T veggie and 2 T fruit
12:30 PM--nap
3:00 PM--wake her up (sometimes she wakes on her own), nurse
4:30 PM--nap
5:30 PM--wake her up or she wakes up, nurse, 2 T fruit, 2-4 T veggie, 2 T oatmeal
7:30 PM--nurse then bed
10:20 PM--dreamfeed

7:30--feed with solids--half of a banana and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30--feed with solids--4 T of pears and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
5:30--feed with solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T)--we alternate every other day with squash and sweet potatoes.
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10

Week 23
8:00 AM--wake her up, nurse, eat 2 T oatmeal and 2 T prunes. She now usually does eat all of her oatmeal. Some days, she loves her prunes. Others, she hates it.
9:00 AM--nap
11:30 AM--wake her up, nurse, eat 2-4 T veggie and 2 T bananas
12:35 PM--nap
3:00 PM--wake her up, nurse
4:30 PM--nap
5:30 PM--wake her up and she is mad to be woken up, nurse, 2 T oatmeal mixed with 1 T peaches, 2-4 T veggie
7:30 PM--nurse then bed
10:15 PM--dreamfeed

7:30--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30--feed with solids--4 T of pears and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans with 1 T oatmeal mixed in
5:30--feed with solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T)--we alternate every other day with squash and sweet potatoes.
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10

Week 24
  • 8:00 AM: I wake her. Nurse. 2 T fruit (prunes or peaches) and 3 T oatmeal. This is followed by bath and then independent playtime.
  • 9:00 AM: Nap
  • 12:00 PM: I wake her (yes, she takes a 3 hour nap). Nurse. 2-4 T peas and 2-4 T of bananas. This is followed by some time with siblings and some tummy time/floor play.
  • 1:15-1:30 PM: Nap. Almost every day this week, she took this nap at my parent's house.
  • 4:00 PM: I wake her. Nurse. 4 T yellow veggie, 2 T fruit (usually peaches), and 4 T oatmeal. This is followed by us going to our new house to work on it. I would put her in the front carrier or in the bouncer. Some days, she and I would drive to pick up food for the workers.
  • 6:00 PM: Nap. This was taken in my new neighbors master bedroom closet in her bassinet.
  • 8:00 PM: I wake her. Some nights she woke on her own. She sleeps so well! I never expected her to sleep well there. They have six kids, so you know things just get really loud sometimes. The girl can sleep. Nurse and then back to bed at home.
  • 10:20 or 10:30 PM: Dreamfeed.

7:30--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30--feed with solids--4 T of pears and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans with 1 T oatmeal mixed in
6:00--feed with solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal OR 3-4 T applesauce mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T)
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10

Week 25
8:00 AM--wake, nurse, eat 2-3 T prunes and 1 T peaches mixed with 3 T oatmeal (3 T dry before mixed with water).
9:00-9:10 AM--nap
12:00 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T green veggie and 4-8 T banana (she will eat an entire banana. She loves them).
1:15-1:30 PM--nap
4:00 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T yellow veggie and 4 T pears. I then offer 2 T oatmeal and let her eat until full. She usually doesn't eat much oatmeal, but I offer it to see if she is still hungry.
6:00 PM--(sometimes she is tired between 5:30 and 6:00, in which case I put her down) nap
8:00 PM--wake, nurse, change into PJs, story, bed
10:15 PM--dreamfeed

7:30--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30--feed with solids--4 T of pears and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans OR peas with 1 T oatmeal mixed in and some fruit
6:00--feed with solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal OR 3-4 T applesauce mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T) and some fruit
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10

Week 26 {6 Months Old!}

  • 6 Months: Baby will likely be ready to start solid foods. Consult with your doctor.
  • 6 Months: Baby might be ready to move to two naps. Some are not ready until older. Average is 8 months. 
  • 6 Months: Have 4-5 nursings in a day.
  • 6 Months: Naps will be 1.5-2.5 hours each. The third nap can be short (about 45 minutes).
  • 6 Months: Independent play will be 15-30 minutes in length once baby can sit independently.
  • 6 Months: Discipline will be needed if it hasn't been already. Discipline means to guide and correct, not to hurt.
I finally relinquished the dreamfeed. Kaitlyn basically started to refuse to wake up and eat, so I consented and dropped it. Her waketime had also started to extend a bit, and she started to need to go longer in the morning between feedings.

7:30--nurse + solids
2:00--nurse + solids
7:00--nurse + solids then bed

8:00 AM--wake, nurse, eat 2-3 T prunes and 1 T peaches mixed with 3 T oatmeal
9:10 AM--nap
12:00 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T green veggie and about 4 T banana
1:30 PM--nap
4:00 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T yellow veggie, 4 T peaches or pears, and then 1-2 T oatmeal (sometimes she eats one bite only of oatmeal).
6:00 PM--nap
8:00 PM--wake, nurse, change into PJs, story, bed
10:10 PM--dreamfeed

7:30--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in
11:30--feed with solids--4 T of pears OR peaches and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans OR peas with 1 T oatmeal mixed in and some fruit
6:00--solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal OR 3-4 T applesauce mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T) and some fruit
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10

Week 27
8:15 AM--wake, nurse, eat 2-3 T prunes and 1 T peaches mixed with 3 T oatmeal
9:20 AM--nap
12:15 AM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T green veggies and 4 T banana
2:00 PM--nap
4:30 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T yellow/orange veggie, 4 T peaches or pears, and then 1-2 T oatmeal
6:00-6:30 PM--nap
7:45 PM--wake, nurse, change into PJs, story, bed
10:00 PM--dreamfeed

8:00--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in--a few days we did 2 T yogurt here
12:00--feed with solids--4 T of pears OR peaches and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans OR peas with 1 T oatmeal mixed in and some fruit
6:15--solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal OR 3-4 T applesauce mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T) and some fruit
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00-8:10

Week 28
8:15 AM--wake, nurse, eat 2-3 T prunes, 2 T peaches mixed with 4 T oatmeal
9:25 AM--nap (some days, she was up until 9:30, but her nap was disrupted. She would go back to sleep after talking for a few minutes, but that is unusual for her to wake and talk).
12:15 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 4 T green veggies and 4-8 T applesauce
2:00 PM--nap
4:30 PM--wake, nurse, eat about 2 T squash, 2 T carrots or sweet potatoes, 4 T bananas or pears. If she still seemed hungry, I would offer 1-2 T oatmeal
6:00-6:30 PM--nap
7:00-8:00 PM-- wake
7:50-8:00 PM-- eat, pjs, story, bed
10:00 PM-- dreamfeed for half of the week

8:00--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in--a few days we did 2 T yogurt here
12:00--feed with solids--4 T of pears OR peaches and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans OR peas with 1 T oatmeal mixed in and some fruit
6:15--solids--half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal OR 3-4 T applesauce mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (1-2 T) OR butternut squash (1-2 T) and some fruit
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.

Week 29
I am continuing to move things back slowly before the time change, but I can't change her much more than she is since it would conflict with the other children too much. I am also going to stop posting how much of each food she eats. I think too many people are worrying over it :):

8:20--wake, nurse, eat (prunes or peaches and oatmeal)
12:20--wake, nurse, eat (green veggie and applesauce. I was also doing avocado here, but have since stopped it. I will start again if the rash is attributed to something else)
4:30--wake, nurse, eat (orange/yellow veggie, bananas or pears)
7:50--wake, nurse, pjs, story, bed

8:00--feed with solids--2-4 T prunes and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in--a few days we did 2 T yogurt here
12:00--feed with solids--4 T of pears OR peaches and 2 T of oatmeal mixed in and 2 T of green beans OR peas with 1 T oatmeal mixed in and some fruit
4:00--feed with solids half a banana mixed with 2 T oatmeal OR 3-4 T applesauce mixed with 2 T oatmeal and sweet potatoes (2 T) OR butternut squash (2 T) and some fruit OR 2 T carrots
7:30--feed, then bedtime. In bed by 8:00.

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