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Latest from the Datablog

  • Illegal immigrants from north Africa arrive on the southern Italian island of Lampedusa

    The number of international migrants has soared since 1990 as more and more people are leaving their country of origin. So who's migrating and where are they going?

  • The United Nations' special rapporteur on housing has recommended that Britain's so-called bedroom tax be abolished. Should she be focusing her efforts elsewhere?

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  • Rail suicides have prompted the biggest redesign in UK rail stations in years. We look at a decade of data on rail suicides, and compare them to those on the underground and elsewhere in Europe

  • The roll out of more devices across the country has contributed to more tasers on British streets - up from 3,128 in 2009 to 7,877 in 2011. However, just under a fifth of these incidents involved the taser being fired

  • A study from the University of Glasgow has found that many young infant foods can be half as nutritious as those that are made at home. We take a look at the data in the study and see which meals are the worst for weaning

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Open platform

  • About Open platform

    We are increasingly opening our tools and resources to create more opportunity for application developers. Whether you want to reach wider audiences, engage users more deeply or develop innovative advertising campaigns we have a range of services that can accelerate your digital ambitions

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Government data


  • China vs USA graphic

    As Barack Obama prepares for the 'no-necktie summit' with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping in California, we decided to look at the two superpowers and compare data such as health, wealth and environmental development – an inherently tricky task given the countries' markedly different systems. Can it be done? Join the debate here

  • More population data



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