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What does SK stand for?

Silent Key (deceased amateur radio operator)

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  • Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.
  • Slang/chat, popular culture

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Serpent Kingdoms (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons)
Service Knowledge
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh! character)
Shadow Knight (Everquest)
Shaman King (Japanese cartoon)
Shawn Kemp (NBA player)
Side Kick (martial arts)
Sidekick (gaming)
Siesta Key (Florida)
Silicon Knights
Sisak, Croatia (license plate)
Sitekick ( game)
Skill Identifier
Skinfold Thickness
Skopje (Macedonia capital)
Skull Kontrol (band)
Sleater Kinney (band)
Slipknot (band)

Samples in periodicals archive:
Norman has become a silent key but his family and his friends will always remember him as a friend, mentor and example.
Likewise, Montaron's new installation Silent Key, 2009, treats silence as an autonomous material.
Byline: Lee Mottershead WHATEVER happens to Silent Keys when he runs in the hunter chase at Fakenham this afternoon, he's unlikely to drown, writes Lee Mottershead.
DAVID Dunsdon repeated his 2001 win on Silent Keys in the two-mile-five-furlong Swedish Grand National at Stromsholm on Sunday.
Solidly constructed from high quality materials including stylish dark-grey casing and silver keys, the Eclipse's weighted base and large rubber feet keep it firmly planted to desk or cart, while cushioned, silent keys mean hours of fatigue-free use.
While riding in Sweden as part of the competition, Dunsdon came in for a spare ride aboard Silent Keys in the Swedish Grand National at Stromsholm last month.
Solidly constructed from high-quality materials including a stylish silver casing, the Eclipse II's weighted base and large area rubber feet keep it firmly planted to the desk, while cushioned, silent keys mean hours of fatigue-free use.
TOP amateur rider David Dunsdon enjoyed a remarkable victory on Silent Keys in the pounds 18,000 Swedish Grand National at Stromsholm yesterday.

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