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  1. reports-logo2.jpg

    Severance payments for BBC senior managers

    The Trust has published a supplementary note from the National Audit Office to the NAO's report published in July this year

    Reports BBC logo
  2. BBC News

    Arab Spring coverage

    The Trust has published a follow-up report on the impartiality review into the BBC's coverage of the Arab Spring

    BBC News
  3. reports-logo2.jpg

    BBC participation in YouView

    The Trust will examine how well the BBC’s involvement in broadband television service YouView is meeting the conditions set by the Trust

    Reports BBC logo

Getting the best out of the BBC for licence fee payers

The BBC exists to serve the public, and its mission is to inform, educate and entertain. The BBC Trust is the governing body of the BBC, and we make sure the BBC delivers that mission.

Led by the Chairman Lord Patten, and consisting of 12 Trustees, the Trust is the guardian of licence fee revenue and of the public interest in the BBC.

The Trust is separate from the Executive Board which is led by the Director-General. The Executive Board is responsible for the operational delivery of BBC services and the direction of BBC editorial and creative output in line with the framework set by the Trust.

Our job is to get the best out of the BBC for licence fee payers.

We set the strategic objectives for the BBC.  We have challenged the BBC to:

  • increase the distinctiveness and quality of output;
  • improve the value for money provided to licence fee payers;
  • set new standards of openness and transparency; and
  • do more to serve all audiences.

We issue a service licence to every BBC service stating what we expect it to deliver and how much it can spend. We set the BBC’s editorial guidelines and protect the BBC’s independence. We monitor performance to ensure that the BBC provides value for money while staying true to its public purposes.

Here you can find out more about us, the decisions we have made and the way that we govern the BBC. Let us know if you have any feedback and comments.

BBC © 2013 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read more.

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