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Living with Schizoasshole Disorder

By osm in Op-Ed
Sun Feb 19, 2012 at 05:35:44 PM EST
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To my knowledge, I've known four schizophrenics in my life. Only one of them was an asshole, and even he wasn't always that way. The schizophrenics I've known have each had as different personalities from each other as any of the "normal" people I've known.

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By cockskin horsesuit in Op-Ed
Sat Dec 31, 2011 at 10:10:31 AM EST
Tags: sodomy, horsecock, cancel (all tags)


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Warning: Beware of Sex with Eric S. Raymond

By Trollaxor in Op-Ed
Thu Nov 03, 2011 at 10:34:01 PM EST
Tags: Alan Cox, Eric S. Raymond, Linus Torvalds, Linux, Rob Malda (all tags)

Anyone who has had sexual intercourse with Eric S. Raymond and/or uses Linux should go and get an HIV test immediately.


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NetBSD: Designed to Fail

By Trollaxor in Op-Ed
Sun Oct 09, 2011 at 12:58:36 PM EST
Tags: BSD, NetBSD, Trollaxor (all tags)

While FreeBSD and Linux are hard to shake, I gave NetBSD a glance recently and found some serious problems that not only made me secure in my choice to stay with FreeBSD and Linux, but also compelled me to write this mini-review of NetBSD.

(From http://www.trollaxor.com/2011/10/netbsd-designed-to-fail.html.)

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Why I Uninstalled OpenBSD

By Trollaxor in Op-Ed
Thu Oct 06, 2011 at 10:27:29 PM EST
Tags: BSD, OpenBSD, Theo de Raadt, Trollaxor (all tags)

I uninstalled OpenBSD the other day after using it since version 3.1 came out nine years ago. I had grown used to it and contributed too, following the OpenBSD mailing lists and even submitting code a couple of times. But when I began thinking seriously about security, things began to change.

(From http://www.trollaxor.com/2011/10/why-i-uninstalled-openbsd.html)

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In Memoriam: Victims of Child Rape at the Hands of the Belief Institute

By Zombie Tyler Durden in Op-Ed
Tue Aug 23, 2011 at 02:37:45 PM EST
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Lo and behold, yet another suicide committed as a result of the on-going sexual abuse at the behest of the Belief Institute, a perverted, criminal organization located near Sydney.

It is hard for me to write this, as I too, as a victim. Four years ago, when I was nothing more than a freshman in high school, did my life change for the worst.

I write this knowing that Kuro5hin is the place where "the smart get mean." I am hoping we can overcome this and create a "safe place" where I can therapeutically discuss what happened to me at the Belief Institute. I am also hoping that others who were sexually assaulted or raped, as I was, will also come forward and post their experiences. And finally, I hope by raising awareness, this evil cult disguised as pursuing pseudo-scientific and meta-realistic studies will finally be jailed and murdered for their crimes against children.

Full Story (13 comments, 1164 words in story)

Ask-K5: The Michael Crawford-o-thon

By mirko in Op-Ed
Fri Jun 03, 2011 at 12:07:47 AM EST
Tags: gayformdc, gayforcrawford, horsecock, k5isdying (all tags)

Once in a while, a community has to reflect upon its own values and choose to help its member in order to strentghten itself.

Yesterday, it came to our attention that Michael David Crawford's web sites are slowly expiring and it would be about time that we reflected upon how we could give back to MDC, the man some learnt to hate to love, but nobody ever loved to hate, the attention he's been giving away.

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Our lunatic Military

By spacemoose in Op-Ed
Wed Nov 24, 2010 at 08:22:39 PM EST
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Nobel peace prize winner President Obama is in portugal for a 2 day Nato summit, in which he is trying to drum up Nato support for our ongoing invasion of Afghanistan. This goes on as we begin to introduce M1 Abrams tanks into Afghanistan. Previously we held out tanks, worrying that they would remind Afghans of the tank heavy Soviet invasion. But a senior Pentagon official says "We've taken the gloves off, and it's had a huge effect.". Another official opined that all the property damage is having a positive effect, because it forces the family, whose home has just been destroyed, to petition the governor with a damage claims. This officia stated "In effect, you're connecting the [Afghan] government to the people".

No, I'm not making any of that up, although I wish I were. In other news, all the oppressive airport security is finally getting on people's nerves. Turns out they can deal with long lines, invasions of privacy, taking their shoes off and random laptop seizures, but they draw the line at being given the choice between having their genitals groped or having a 3D nudie photo of them taken.

Comments (23 comments)

Hopeless romantic Chinese Ph.D candidate arrested

By sye in Op-Ed
Fri Feb 12, 2010 at 11:28:50 PM EST
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He did it for love and he is a model employee with his employer The Rutgers University according to his friends and colleagues

And the TSA security officer that should have been stationed where the 'trespass' occurred is on administrative leave. So why aren't the security guard and his supervisor being charged with negligence for leaving a gaping security hole and causing this whole mess?

It is an equal embarrassment for TSA , not an embarrassment for the lover man who was only too stupid to know better not to let love blind him

Isn't US Justice system badly need an overhaul?

Full Story (30 comments, 746 words in story)

Obama The First Year

By achievingfluidity in Op-Ed
Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 01:00:00 AM EST
Tags: politics (all tags)

He's accomplished quite a lot his first year. Here's my list of the most talked about on liberal blogs.

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Sandy messed up
o teh int4rw3b 28%
o MDC's parole 26%
o Goldmann Sachs' Halloween party 34%
o Sye's verses 21%
o K5 coal furnace 26%
o Trollaxor's hibernation 23%
o Hipsterrrrrrs 46%
o etc. 30%

Votes: 52 | Comments: 8
Results | Other Polls


Monday, January 25th
o Applying the First Amendment to Corporations: Well established and a good idea (67 comments)

Wednesday, December 2nd
o Obama in China in Retrospect: Complete Fail (44 comments)

Monday, June 29th
o The Unified Theory of Conservative Healthcare (29 comments)

Sunday, June 14th
o You Guys Really Buy the 6 Million Number? (144 comments)

Tuesday, April 28th
o The man in my closet (21 comments)

Friday, April 3rd
o Agnosticism and the theological question through open hypotheses (157 comments)

Monday, December 1st
o An Appeal To Moderate Islam (302 comments)

Sunday, November 23rd
o QNX 6.4 > 6.3 (36 comments)

Wednesday, November 19th
o FreeBSD Owes Apple Big (68 comments)

Tuesday, November 11th
o Let The Games Begin (72 comments)

Friday, November 7th
o The Silver Lining for California's Gay Marriage Ban (88 comments)

Thursday, November 6th
o I'd never vote for a black President (71 comments)

Sunday, August 3rd
o FBI ends anthrax investigation after extremely suspicious suicide (38 comments)

Monday, July 21st
o Kuro5hin's spamming shithead: newb4b0 (84 comments)

Wednesday, June 18th
o Tomatoes: not coming back (23 comments)

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A Brief History of OggFrog Hosting
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The Chinese Hornet Uprising of 2013
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Open Invitation
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Sleep that like the couched dove
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The Songs we Sing
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