China v the US: how the superpowers compare

As Barack Obama prepares for the 'no-necktie summit' with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping in California, we decided to look at the two superpowers and compare data such as health, wealth and environmental development – an inherently tricky task given the countries' markedly different systems. Can it be done? Join the debate here ...
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China v US: how the superpowers compare - Click on the image

As the US president Barack Obama prepares for his meeting with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, we decided to take another look at both China and the US and see whether the two superpowers can be compared.

We last did this in 2011 but were intrigued to see how it would look with updated data (where possible) and with the addition of some of your suggestions. This is by no means the definitive guide and many of the indicators, though they illustrate some interesting points, may not adequately capture the complex issues at the heart of both countries.

As one commenter, @file124528 wrote:

"The United States has an elected government. The American government is legitimate. And there is a separation of legislative, judicial, and executive powers.

China is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. There is no separation of powers. No checks and balances. No independent press."

This is one potential issue that the data may fail to frame sufficiently. However, we have tried to include as many of the suggested indicators mentioned in the comments to broaden the range of measures.

We've added GDP per capita as @despoticonation suggested that a GDP per capita comparison "is more insightful in reflecting the amazing differences in the standard of living for the people of China compared to the US". China's GDP per capita was $9,100, whereas the US boasted a figure of $48,900.

There is also an extreme contrast in the respective current account balance - the US has the world's largest deficit burden, while China has the world's greatest budget surplus.

Pollution per capita and investments in alternative sources of energy generation were also suggested indicators. Although we couldn't feature all of them on the graphic, we have included the collated data in the downloadable spreadsheet.

The World Health Organization (WHO) publish data on indoor air, outdoor air and water pollution by country showing estimated numbers of deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) attributable to these environmental factors. According to WHO, One DALY can be thought of as one lost year of "healthy" life.

So if we take the DALY measure and apply it to outdoor pollution, we get the following results: China records 1.4 DALYs per 1,000 capita per year, whereas the US reports a figure of 0.8.

Also there were an estimated 275,600 deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution in 2002 in China compared with 41,200 in the US. Urban outdoor air pollution is estimated to cause 1.3 million deaths worldwide per year.

WHO pollution deaths per 1000 capita map Deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution (2002). Deaths per 1000 capita, per year. Map by WHO

The WHO map above shows how China and the US compare for estimated deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution per 1,000 capita per year (2002 data).

WHO's figures also show us water pollution by country. These environmental health factors reveal some interesting differences. Whereas improved water and sanitation stands at 100% in the US - there wasn't a single estimated death due to diarrhoea in 2002 - in China 44% had improved sanitation in 2002 with an estimated 95,600 deaths due to diarrhoea.

According to the International Energy Agency, China's share of total renewables in the global primary energy supply stands at 15.6% compared with 4.2% in the US.

In the previous post, contributor J.Nathan Matias discussed the difficulties faced when trying to compare data, especially a subject such as unemployment which unfortunately is not recorded uniformally across the world. Matias concluded that "the disparity between American and Chinese unemployment results from differences of measurement rather than actual differences".

We've used an estimated 2012 figure from the CIA World Factbook. For China the unemployment rate, according to CIA Factbook is 6.4%, with 8.2% in the US. However, the official unemployment rate published by China recorded registered urban unemployment, which excludes private enterprises and migrants, at 4.1% in 2012

Matias would bring our attention to the difference in calculations to explain the vast difference these two indicators could hide if you were to just take the headline figure:

Giles, Park, and Zhang in "What is China's True Unemployment Rate?" (China Economic Review, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 149-170) explain: "Official statistics count as unemployed only those individuals who register for unemployment benefits with local governments, and are not based on representative sample surveys. Not surprisingly, the official, or registered, unemployment rate is widely believed to significantly understate the true unemployment rate.

The US, on the other hand, uses the Current Population Survey of 66,000 households across more than 2,000 selected regions to model a more accurate picture of unemployment in any given month. This number is higher, and in theory, more accurate, than simply measuring the number claiming unemployment benefits.

When Giles and colleagues performed a population survey to correct the Chinese numbers, they found that unemployment could be as much as 3-7% higher than reported. That's between 38 and 89 million unemployed people who aren't counted (by 2002 population figures)."

Popgraph US Source: CIA Factbook

Another commenter stated that not enough attention had been given to the male/female ratio in China. The population pyramids above from the CIA World Factbook show how the population of each country breaks down by gender and age. Can you spot any interesting patterns?

Popgraph USA Source: CIA Factbook

Also average household income was also another indicator that was requested by our users. Forbes reported the results of the Survey of Chinese Consumer Finances, collected by Tsinghua University and funded by Citibank (China) Co., Ltd, in 2010 and they made for some interesting reading:

The average annual household income in China, converted into US dollars, was $10,220, compared with $84,300 in the US (the median US income is $47,300.) One of the few similarities was average household assets: in both China and the US, the average family's assets were about eight times its average income.

All the data we have gathered is in the spreadsheet for you to download. Do you think it is possible to compare two countries such as China and the US? What measures would you have liked to seen included?

China vs US indicators

Click heading to sort table. Download this data

Population 1,349,585,838 316,668,567 July 2013 (est) CIA Factbook China has the biggest population in the world. USA has the third biggest population
Total CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring. 2,096,295 (for China mainland) 1,445,204 2009 Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center Emissions (CO2_TOT) are expressed in thousand metric tons of carbon (not CO2).
Military expenditure (% of GDP) 2.6 4.6 2012 (China) 2010 (US) CIA Factbook  
Exports, $ trillion 2.05 1.61 2012 est CIA Factbook  
Market capitalization of listed companies (% of GDP) 46.3 104.3 2011 World Bank  
Olympic gold medals at London 2012 38 46 2012 London 2012  
Literacy rate, % 92.2 99 2007 (China) 2003 (US) CIA Factbook age 15 and over can read and write
Box office revenues, $billion 2.7 10.8 2012 Forbes  
Internet users (per 100 people) 38.3 77.9 2011 World Bank  
Top global brand, brand value 2013, $m China Mobile - 55,368 Apple - 185071   Millward Brown  
Unemployment rate, % 6.4 8.2 2012 est CIA World Factbook China - registered urban unemployment, which excludes private enterprises and migrants, was 4.1% in 2012
Facebook penetration, % 0.04 50.93 As at 06/06/2013 SocialBakers % of population on Facebook
GDP per capita, $ 9,100 49,800 2012 est CIA Factbook  
Current account balance, $ billion 213.8 -487.2 2012 est CIA Factbook China has the world's biggest surplus and the US has the world's biggest deficit
GDP growth 7.8 2.2 2012 est CIA Factbook  
Exposure to particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 μm or less (PM10) in urban areas, mg/m3 98 18 2008 (US), 2009 (China) World Health Organization The mean annual concentration of fine suspended particles of less than 10 microns in diameters is a common measure of air pollution
Share of total renewables in total supply energy supply, % 15.6 4.2 2004 International Energy Agency (IEA)  
Urban population, % of total population 47 82 2010 CIA Factbook  
Average annual household income 10,220 84,300 2002 Forbes Figures come from the Survey of Chinese Consumer Finances, collected by Tsinghua University
Improved water, % 77 100 2002 WHO  
Improved sanitation, % 44 100 2002 WHO  
Diarrhoea deaths per year 95,600 - 2002 WHO  
Diarrhoea DALYs /1000 capita per year 3 0.2 2002 WHO  
Population using solid fuel (%) 80 <5 2002 WHO  
Indoor air pollution deaths per year 380,700 - 2002 WHO  
Indoor air pollution DALYs/1000 capita per year 2.5 - 2002 WHO  
Annual PM10 [mg/m3] 80 24 2002 WHO  
Urban population (%) 37 72 2002 WHO  
Outdoor air pollution deaths per year 275,600 41,200 2002 WHO  
Outdoor air pollution DALYs /1000 capita per year 1.4 0.8 2002 WHO  
Life expectancy at birth, males 72.96 76.19 2013 (est) CIA Factbook  
Life expectancy at birth, females 77.27 81.17 2013 (est) CIA Factbook  
Billionaires, US$ 317 409 2013 Hurun Global Rich List 2013  

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US and China compared - final graphic

Graphic by Paul Scruton
