Linking to content on ARKive

Would you like to embed ARKive content in your website?


To embed ARKive content in your website (including large images), we recommend you use the ARKive API.

embeded content example

Terms of use: Please note the ARKive API is only available to non-commercial education and conservation organisations.

"Portlet" image and video links

ARKive species - Bengal tiger overview

We provide code for you to copy and paste to your site to create thumbnail image links.

Below is a quick and easy way to create thumbnail photo and video links to ARKive on your website or blog.

  1. Go to the species page with the photo or video that you are interested in, for instance, a tiger video.
  2. Click “link to this image” / “link to this video” towards the bottom right hand side of the photo or video.
  3. A popup with code will appear which you can select, copy and paste into the html of your website.

Terms of use: ARKive image links may be used for private, scientific, conservation or educational purposes only. They can NOT be used on commercial websites. They can NOT be used within apps.

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Text links

Text links to will direct visitors to the homepage of the ARKive website. You may want to add more information about the ARKive project. Here is some suggested text:

If you would like to create a text link to a deeper page, we suggest the following format:

To link to species pages:
*Species name* fact file on ARKive
*Species name* photos, videos and facts on ARKive

To link to topic pages:
*Topic page name* fact file on ARKive
*Eco-region name* case study on ARKive

*Replace *species name*, *topic page name* or *eco-region name* with the appropriate page title e.g. Tiger fact file on ARKive or Climate Change fact file on ARKive.

Terms of use: Anyone is welcome to create text links to ARKive.

Logo link

You could also have an ARKive logo link on your site by using the following code snippet to embed the linked logo into your web page.

ARKive – Endangered species photos, videos and facts

<a href="" border="0"><img src="" border="0" width="150" height="49" alt="ARKive – Endangered species photos, videos and facts" title="ARKive - A unique collection of thousands of videos, images and fact-files illustrating the world's species." /></a>

Terms of use: Anyone is welcome to create logo links to ARKive.

XML feeds

For administrators of large database-driven sites we also offer XML feeds that are available for data-harvesting. Please email for more information.

Terms of use: We recommend XML feeds are used by large database driven sites only.

Got a question about linking to ARKive content?
