Testing Applications

Once you have finished debugging your application, you can do unit testing on your application with the Testing Tool. The bada IDE also provides the UI Sequencer tool for testing the application UI in various ways.

For information on the error codes used in testing, see Error Codes.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the first stage of testing process. It divides a software application into small testable units and validates each individual unit separately. A unit testing tool detects and helps to fix defects in each unit and thus improves the overall quality of the software. The expected result of each test case is specified so that the actual test result can be compared against it.

Unit testing detects unit-level defects at an early stage of the software testing life-cycle. On the other hand, regression testing detects application-level defects at a later stage. Due to the early detection of defects, unit testing reduces the probability of discovering complex errors in application-level testing later, thus ensuring high quality software.

The bada IDE provides the Testing Tool for unit testing bada applications.

UI Testing

UI testing allows you to verify that changes in the code have not adversely affected the user interface of your application. The bada IDE provides the UI Sequencer tool for testing user interfaces.

The UI testing you can perform with the UI Sequencer tool does not replace unit testing. Instead, it provides an additional avenue of testing the entire system functionality, and together with unit testing results in a more thoroughly tested and higher quality application.

Once you have finished testing, you are ready to package your application.

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