Distance Calculator

Distance between Tanjungpandan (South Sumatra) and Pangkalpinang () (Indonesia)

The Distance between Tanjungpandan (South Sumatra) and Pangkalpinang () is :
181.9 kilometers (km).
The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 209.18 km to 227.38 km

In Other Units:
113.03 miles. The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 129.98 miles to 141.29 miles
98.15 nautical miles. The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 112.87 nautical miles to 122.69 nautical miles

Note: The distance is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance. The approximately estimated travel/road distance also can be very much different (if road is not straight or land is not available) than the actual. Please scroll down to see google maps for better idea.

Distance Map Indonesia