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CblogRecaps avatar 6:46 AM on 10.11.2013
Cblogs of 10/10/13 + Shadeisms

Whelp, another slow day here in the bloggy-blogs. It was nice of Strider to leave two nice blogs of his day for me to handle, because otherwise I would’ve been stuck with a measly four blogs. Four! Yes, count’em, four. I really don’t know what the cause of any of this is anymore. I’m just as guilty of not writing blogs as any of you (my last one was just after E3), but still. I’d like this place to start picking up steam again, because frankly I’m starting to feel inconsequential here. That is, as inconsequential as anyone who writes about video games on the internet doesn’t already feel in the first place.

Anyway! Let’s not continue being a Debby Downer up in this joint.
Last week I told you about the problems I was experiencing with my TV and/or WiiU. I’m sad to say that I still haven’t been able to fix the issue. For some reason my TV still refuses my WiiU, although it was nice enough to trade in the permanent pink filter for a permanent green one. I asked anyone who I could possibly think of, but all without success. The guys at the TV repair shop I’ve been to had especially wonderful expressions on their faces when I explained my problem to them. It was like I was telling them I had just come from Mars riding a pink elephant and was tired from eating all those marshmallows on the way over. I wish I could’ve captured those faces on tape, it would’ve been worth it.  

So, out of options and out of ideas, what did I do? I went “fuck it” and just bought myself a new one!  Yep. While not the cheapest solution,  it was the best one I could think of. And truth be told, I had been waiting for an excuse to buy a new TV for a while now. 22 inch just didn’t cut it anymore. So I laid down about 300 bucks (euro-bucks, that is) and got a FullHD 32 inch TV with HDMI ports for both my laptop and WiiU. It arrived yesterday and I didn’t waste a second in installing that bad boy. Sure, it’s still not state-of-the-art by a long shot, but as a student I’ve got both funds and living space to consider, and with those in mind this was pretty much perfect.
So far, everything has been working without a hitch. If nothing else, my WiiU works perfectly. I could finally get those hours of Wind Waker HD in, which have been an absolute blast. I’m playing it bigger and prettier than ever, which for a game like Wind Waker makes a significant difference. I also can’t wait to play some more Pikmin on my new TV, that has also got a be a sight to behold. Comparatively, anyway.

Having only had it for a little while, I can say it looks to be a fine investment. In fact, I’m already making a list of games I want to play and movies I want to watch on my new buddy. Maybe next week (when hopefully I have more time to ism and more blogs to cap) I’ll share some of those!

* - Voltech has an interesting perpective on Final Fantasy's Lightning. Is she a terrible character or just bland? Maybe both!

* - Timnold shows us the amazing care and effort that went into the Mario series from the very first minute.

A - CaimDark definitely doesn't like what has become of Dead Spa-*WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY DLC TO FINISH READING THIS SENTENCE?*

A - While China lifting its game ban might be a good thing on the whole, SpielerDad wonders if there aren't dark sides for the industry as well.

S - The prophecy continues, the Destructoid goes forth to meet its doom.

V - Glowbear and Panza of Scary Granules give us a 10 second review of Outlast. Now I'm not the most perceptive guy around, but I'm pretty sure the game has something to do with crazy running penises.

- This was today's screenshot on the Smash Bros. website. I didn't know Sakurai was such a perv!

- ShadeOfLight
May you always find water and shade


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