Meghnad Desai

The Telangana blunder

Meghnad Desai

QNet plans to set up production base in India

Malaysia-based multi-level marketing firm QNet Ltd said it plans to make India its manufacturing hub by shifting production here.

"Currently, we plan to produce our items from consumer goods and electronics segments in India," said Suresh Thimiri, CEO of a franchisee for QNet in India. The company is currently manufacturing some of their watches in India and has recently started production of their energy drink — Nutriplus — in the country. "Shifting production to India will give us a cost benefit of between 8 and 12 per cent," said Thimiri.

Company officials say that revenues from India operations have seen a growth of 100 per cent in the last year and will continue to grow at this pace for quite some time.

The number of Indian representatives at QNet's five-day convention — Vcon 2013 — held here was the highest, at around 80 per cent.

The company's plans also include giving a platform to Indians, who can develop or discover something unique. "If anyone in India has something unique to offer us and our customers and the product passes our quality test, we will give our sale platform for the product," said Dave Osh, global CEO of QNet.

Osh added that the multi-level marketing sector in India lacks guidelines, which the government should address.

(The correspondent was in Kuala Lumpur at the invitation of QNet.)

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