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comScore reports that 3.3 billion searches were conducted on IYPs in 2006.

Search Tools

Search Tools companies provide products and services that enhance the local search experience. Both Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) and Search Engines rely on these technology partners to provide the most efficient, reliable and economical solutions.

Making Local Search More Dynamic
By: Michael Boland, Senior Analyst, The Kelsey Group

Search has become the front door to the Internet experience. It has also become integral to specific local online media, including vertical Web sites, Internet Yellow Pages and newspapers. Users have been conditioned by Google and Yahoo! to hold online media to higher search standards.

With the growing universal search movement, users? expectations will continue to evolve to expect blended search results across traditionally disparate media. With this, local search results will move beyond static listings to also provide advanced mapping, video, user reviews, appointment scheduling, social networking and mobile integration. Search tool companies provide the necessary technology to local search companies to make these enhancements possible.