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Interested in the Peak Beta?

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If you’re a mammoth, an estimate is fine.

What are the 3 most used online services at your company?*

Dropbox, GitHub, Basecamp, etc.

Please enter at least one service your company uses.

Keeping up with your team is hard.

Peak is the automated way to keep track of what everyone is working on.

  • Steve is drowning in email.
  • William has been coming in early this week.
  • Brandon has been working nights lately.
  • Rebecca brought in 2 new contracts.
  • Moeed is working on those mockups.
  • Ian is committing code like crazy.
  • Gianni is working on 4 projects.

Want to try Peak? Tell us about your company.

Shoulder taps kill productivity.

Interruptions are the biggest enemy to your team's productivity. Studies have shown that it takes as long as 30 minutes to get back "in the zone" after getting disrupted. Peak lets your team stay focused on their work without interruption, while automatically keeping everyone in the loop.

Completely automated.

Peak automatically reports what everyone's working on. There's nothing to input, upload, or type out. Simply connect the services you already use.


Peak offers detailed tracking of your team’s activity on GitHub.


Peak tracks your employees gmail activity by recording the number of emails they send and receive each day.


Peak lets you easily keep track of every file that your team members have created or modified in Dropbox.


Peak integrates Harvest time-tracking, providing concise updates on the amount of time your employees have clocked throughout the day.


Peak updates you whenever a new estimate or invoice is created and sent off or when a new comment is posted.


Peak integrates with Flow, updating you whenever new tasks are created, tasks are completed, or comments are posted.

Google Drive

Peak intregates with Google Drive, allowing you to view and open any files that your employees create or modify.


Peak keeps you in the loop on your team’s Basecamp activity by providing thorough updates when new discussions are created, comments and files are posted, and to-do’s are assigned.

Insights to understand your team.

Learn things like what hours specific people work best during, which days are most productive, who's busier than usual, and more. Peak gives you smart insights to better understand the way your team works best.

Most and least active employees
Average time active per day
Most active days
Time of day most active

Check out more screenshots of the app:

Want to try Peak? Tell us about your company.

Thanks for signing up!

We'll be in touch soon. If you have any urgent requests, please contact us.

Login to Peak

Login to your Peak account at the subdomain you chose when you signed up, or were invited to Peak.

Don’t know your domain? Contact us.