
Joel Achenbach

Watch the skies!

Even if no asteroids are incoming, sky is still interesting


Joel Achenbach

Exoplanets abundant but Earth itself getting “invisible”

The man behind the Drake Equation speaks


Joel Achenbach

If I disappear, please read this and then burn it

Not paranoid, no, but I’m definitely monitored and maybe followed



Jonathan Capehart

Lesson for Democrats in McAuliffe win: Bet on black

McAuliffe eked out a 3-point win because African American voters showed up at the same numbers as during the presidential election year.


Jonathan Capehart

Another big gay week

The gays haven’t had a great week like this since June.


Jonathan Capehart

President Christie meet President Giuliani

The ridiculous hype about Christie’s presidential ambitions is amusing to watch.


Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Foreign policy fantasies

Obama’s approach to the Middle East is too narrow.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Bad choices on Egypt

The White House abandons democrats.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Obama’s myopic worldview

The president ignores the upheaval taking place in much of the world.


Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Female voters in Virginia poised to send a message

How does any candidate think he can win by ignoring issues that are important to the majority of voters?

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

The scary state of the District’s homeless kids

The horror of this story won’t end until politicians show resolution and imagination.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Take the sexy out of Halloween; return the holiday to kids

It’s time to speak up against how grown-ups have hijacked the holiday.



Fred Hiatt

A courageous Chinese lawyer urges China to follow its own laws

As China’s leaders crack down on dissent with increasing ferocity, a lawyer who was once part of the establishment has to fear for his freedom.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Why Chinese are anxious

The deep-seated concern about the next stages of growth.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Obama’s U-turn

A sharp change in his stance on human rights.



Robert Kagan

Events in Egypt demand a shift in U.S. policy

The alternative is not only morally unconscionable, but also a direct threat to regional stability and U.S. interests.

Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

U.S. must cut off aid to Egypt

As the Egyptian army’s patron, America is complicit in its behavior.

Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

Out of a rut in Egypt

Obama must act — and act quickly.


Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

The U.S.’s spy games

The U.S. has been throwing money thoughtlessly at security.

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

Iran’s spots haven’t changed

Negotiators shouldn’t let smooth gestures obscure the reality of a despicable regime.

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

The GOP endangers democracy

The whole world is watching as an angry minority holds the U.S. government hostage.


Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Ugly history on the silver screen

‘12 Years a Slave’ holds up a mirror to our past.

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Death of the cool

Obama has become impressively inept on domestic and foreign policy.

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Edward Snowden is no traitor

The early denunciations now seem over the top and beside the point.


E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

The U.S. shifts left

Republicans took a step back from the tea party, and the country is moving another direction.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Noise around Obamacare

For critics, the goal is to get government out of the way.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Fed up with the far right

Elections in Virginia and New Jersey show the public’s dismay with the tea party.


Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

Evangelicals and immigration

Their views are not a function of their religious beliefs.

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

The GOP’s new reality

The party must respond to the tea party’s damage.

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

What Obamacare has cost Dems

Three ways the rocky launch has hurt Democrats.


David Ignatius

David Ignatius

Shaping a deal with Iran

Negotiations will be tough, but an agreement is achievable.

David Ignatius

David Ignatius

New rules for spying

Access to secret data isn’t always the answer.


David Ignatius

The one country that wants more U.S. surveillance

If Iraq wants U.S. help, it should give Americans something in return.


Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Snooping among friends

The latest outrage distracts from the real issues.

Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Time’s almost up in D.C.

Will the U.S. attorney move against Vincent Gray?

Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Good Gray, bad Gray?

D.C.’s mayor does well in office, but is he honest?


Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Sweet-talking a Web site

The president is going to “campaign” to fix the health care Web site. How does that work?

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Obamacare laid bare

The three pillars: mendacity, paternalism and subterfuge.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Redskins and reason

It is simple decency to stop using a slur.


Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Obamacare provides a safety net

Health-care reform implementation may be messy, but, for some people, it’s necessary.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Building a better president

Combining the best parts of Obama and Bill Clinton.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Obama in a swirl of chaos

Second-term presidents often face challenges; this one is engulfed by them.


Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

A good case against the filibuster

The GOP is blocking qualified appointees by the president.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

A turbulent spy agency

Some programs mutate past the point they serve the national interest.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

A confederacy of zealots

Republicans who aren’t extreme enough find themselves on the outs.


Matt Miller

Matt Miller

Well-insured critics

Obamacare’s opponents don’t show any empathy.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

Deja vu on Obamacare

The nation has been through this before.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

GOP Crocodile tears

Republicans cry a river over Obamacare.


Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Obama’s sin of omission

The problem of Obama’s selling of his health-care law.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Stop demonizing Hillary Clinton

Advice to Hillary Clinton haters in the GOP: The bully always looks worse than the bullied.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

The GOP’s wake-up call

The gubernatorial race in Virginia reflects the problem Republicans are facing nationally.



Alexandra Petri

Become a Whig right now!

The Whigs are the third party we deserve, but maybe not the one we need right now!


Alexandra Petri

10 famous literary insults, updated to reflect Buzzfeed books’ ‘No Haters’ policy

Cut it out, Mark!


Alexandra Petri

Twitter is awful

But I’ve forgotten how to breathe outside it.


Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

A rotten deal in Geneva

A very bad deal with Iran is in the works.

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Rand Paul’s past comes back to bite him

Another controversial issue may dog the senator.

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

GOP opportunity overload

Republicans can end the haggling and move forward.


The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Happy Hour Roundup

Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

House GOP stands athwart history, yelling “stop“

Does it matter that the Republican Party is not keeping pace with the changing culture?

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

The Morning Plum: White House tries to staunch Obamacare bleeding

But the long term politics of Obamacare could still favor the Democrats.



Marc A. Thiessen

Obama’s defenders and presidential lies

Bush was mistaken. Obama was untruthful.

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

A dishonest presidency

Obamacare exposes a fundamental problem.

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

Obama’s 16 words

He lied to Americans about his health care law.


George F. Will

George F. Will

Obama’s feast of failures

The Cash for Clunkers fiasco foreshadowed the mess.

George F. Will

George F. Will

A government run amok

In Carol Bond case, government is the problem.

George F. Will

George F. Will

Restoring political speech

Judges are ruling in favor of citizen activists and the First Amendment.


Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Germany, humiliated again

The NSA’s spying is an unwelcome reminder of the nation’s past aggression.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

A border state’s challenge

California governor is not waiting for Washington to fix immigration.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Quiet on the bench

Judge Posner’s compromised judgement.


Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

Salesman McAuliffe must show he can deliver the goods

COLUMN | Va. governor-elect has mastered style expected of chief executive, but he has much to prove on substance.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

McAuliffe win shows purple Virginia is getting bluish tinge

Lessons of a negative Virginia election: Democrat’s win highlights changing views on guns and gays.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

Alcohol realism

Doug Gansler’s “Beach Week” misstep highlights hypocrisy over law against underage drinking.


Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Heavy lifting

Rand Paul’s 2016 GOP nomination speech.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

The GOP’s storytime

At Wed.’s Obamacare hearings, Republicans in particular succumbed to governing by anecdote.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank


An unforced error is aggravated by a president’s insularity.


Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Howard needs to seriously reconsider Yardfest

The event has become a rite of passage for up-and-coming rap artists who celebrate violence.

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

‘12 Years a Slave’: An amazing film on a terrible institution

Director Steve McQueen tweaks a movie formula to great effect in this powerful new film on slavery.

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Why play the D.C. lottery if you can’t win during shutdown?

It’s little wonder that D.C. lottery ticket sales are down by about $1 million this week, what with payoffs frozen.


Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

How the maestro got it wrong

Alan Greenspan explores why he didn’t see the crash coming.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Throw the sides a face-saver

How to resolve the political stalemate over Obamacare.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

The economy, ready for its close-up

Two documentaries give well-grounded analyses, from the right and left, of our economic woes.


Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson Live

Live chat with Eugene Robinson about his latest columns and political news.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

CANCELED - Eugene Robinson Live

Live chat with Eugene Robinson about his latest columns and political news.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

How to fix Obamacare

Although the White House messed up the launch, there is still time to fix this ‘debacle.’


Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Mounting malaise

Developed countries are increasingly pessimistic.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Is Grandma for real?

We need to stop coddling the elderly.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Is Obamacare <br>a job killer?

Obamacare does more harm than backers admit.



Stephen Stromberg

In Virginia, another wakeup call for Republicans

Cuccinelli lost because he was another ideologically pure right-winger who scares lots of voters.


Stephen Stromberg

Republicans’ low blow on Obama judicial nominees

Republicans haven’t produced any reason strong enough to justify the way they voted on Thursday.


Stephen Stromberg

Low expectations on health-care numbers

But does the president have good reason to think they’ll get better?


Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Silence on Syria success

Chemical weapons removal progresses.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

No sympathy for bankers

JPMorgan’s $13 billion settlement is just.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

One year after Hurricane Sandy

We can’t keep ignoring climate change.


Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

Engineering change in China

The Communist Party seeks social, economic and political reforms.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

The world is watching China

Southeast Asians realize they must understand Beijing.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

Conservatism’s dark side

The right’s negative impulses haunt us all.
