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Helping You to Buy Good Comics

Support Greg Pak’s Code Monkey Save World!

It’s already been an outstanding success (raising nearly TEN TIMES as much as the original figure they were going for), but since I pledged it $25 myself, I figured I might as well pass along the idea to support Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa (what a great creative team!)’s new graphic novel based on the songs of Jonathan Coulton.

It even has a back-up story by Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey!

Click here to read more about it.

Less Than Three Days Left to Support the Playlist Anthology!

Before I put up this week’s The Line it is Drawn, I thought I’d make another plea to you all on behalf of the anthology that Phil Sevy is contributing to. It is called The Playlist Anthology and here is their pitch:

Playlist is a comic book anthology featuring short stories with text that comes solely from song lyrics. Playlist is a way for us to express the love and inspiration that music gives us, and to use our favorite music in new and clever ways.

Playlist has 200 pages of glorious black and white art from professional comic book artists! We’re printing at standard trade size (10.25×6.625″) with a high-quality printer to make sure that this book is as stunning as the stories inside. Because printing is pricey, most of the money we want to raise will go towards that. We can’t raise this kind of dough on our own- it’s only through Kickstarter that a project like this has the chance to see the light of day!

Click here to contribute.

Read on to see two sample pages from Phil’s contribution, as well as two really cool incentives Phil is doing!

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Check Out This Cool New Anthology!


Phil Sevy, from the Line it is Drawn, is contributing to an interesting-sounding anthology called Playlist, which is 200 pages long and consists of comic book adaptations of songs (the text in each comic comes entirely from song lyrics).

You all love you some Phil Sevy, right? So support his project! I did!

Click here to back the project.

Check Out John Lees’ The Standard

John Lees is a smart fellow. He wrote an excellent piece on Scalped for the blog awhile back. He has a comic book coming out in January called The Standard (with art by Jonathan Rector) that you can tell your local comic book retailer to order on this month’s order form. Here is how Lees’ describes the Standard:

Over 40 years ago, scientist Gilbert Graham became The Standard, the world’s first superhero. When he retired, Alex Thomas – formerly his sidekick, Fabu-Lad – took on the mantle in his place, transforming The Standard from superhero to celebrity. Now, a young girl is missing, and Alex has promised to find her. Can he become a hero once more? Or does fate have other plans for The Standard? THE STANDARD is a six-issue mini-series that will release bi-monthly.

Click here for THIRTEEN sample pages!

Only Two Days Left to Own Sullivan’s Sluggers!

In case you haven’t heard already, Mark Andrew Smith and James Stokoe’s upcoming baseball horror graphic novel, Sullivan’s Sluggers, has become a sensation on Kickstarter, raising nearly $80,000 on an original goal of $6,000.

Why not help them get to $80,000 and also get yourself a beautiful-looking 200-page color hardcover?

Here’s the description of the book:

Long past their former glory, the minor league Sluggers get an invitation to play a baseball game in a cursed small town. After the 7th inning stretch, the sun goes down, and the dysfunctional teammates find themselves fighting for their lives against a town of flesh-eating monsters!

Now, it’s up to coach Casey Sullivan to help his team escape from being the next dish in the town’s terrifying feeding frenzy!

Eisner & Harvey Award-winning graphic novel author Mark Andrew Smith joins forces with Eisner nominated illustrator James Stokoe for a gripping roller coaster of a graphic novel, packed with shocks, gore, and screamingly outrageous humor, when America’s Favorite Past Time becomes one team’s ultimate nightmare!

Here‘s the Kickstarter page.

I’ve pledged my $30, I recommend that you pledge, too, for this exclusive offer ($10 gets you a PDF of the book, which is cool in and of itself).

Last Minute Holiday Shopping Courtesy of the CBLDF!

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has a great variety of specialized presents for your favorite comic book fan (which can be yourself, it’s okay to buy cool stuff for yourself) and since there is not a lot of time left to get stuff shipped in time for Christmas, NOW is the time to act on their great offers!

Here’s a sampling of what they have to offer!
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Get Ready to Buy a Book About Watchmen!

This October, a book by SequArt is coming out containing essays about Watchmen.

One of them is by our very own Chad Nevett. The editor and that Callahan guy are also good, but Chad actually writes here, so he gets top billing!!

So you know you have to get it!

Click here to read a sample chapter (not Chad’s, of course).

This is in the August Previews. The Diamond orders for August are due this Tuesday, so if you want to make sure your local comic book store gets a copy of this book, let them know before then! The order code is AUG101288.

Helping You to Buy Good Comics for 6/17/06

Occasionally, I like to search for some auctions to point out good deals for you folks for some good comics. Let’s begin! Continue Reading »


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