


News Releases

Posts per category


New CEPA Foundation a milestone in collaboration
Understanding the whole pipeline picture
Canada’s export business: Why we need pipelines to access world markets
CEPA connects with local communities at UBCM convention
Pipeline projects worth trillions to Canadians
Pipelines deliver value to investors
3 takeaways from Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference
The bottom line: Pipelines and Canada’s GDP
3 reasons pipelines invest in communities
Pipelines, tax revenue and our future
Pipelines = jobs for Canadians
Pipelines connect people and energy
Canadian economy is not a game
Performance improvement and communication key to pipeline industry regaining social acceptance
CEPA Integrity First symposium brings pipelines, groups together
Mythmakers erode pipeline debate for Canadians
A market access Q and A with Dr. Robert Mansell
The long (and proud) history of pipelines in Canada
How many swimming pools could Canada’s transmission pipelines fill in a day?
Options available for crude oil producers
What North America’s pipeline network looks like today
So we wrote a letter to the federal government…
Lack of pipelines costs Canadians
Pipeline industry working collaboratively to protect Canada’s critical infrastructure
One week, two events, plenty of pipeline talk
Oil and gas on the move: it’s what pipelines do best!
Pipelines: part of Canada’s past and future
The everyday power of pipelines

News Releases

Media Report on Pipeline Incidents Misleading
Natural Gas Distribution and Pipeline Transmission Industry Welcomes Recommendations on Safety in Senate Report
News Release: Pipeline Industry Supports Federal Government Proposed Changes to Enhance Pipeline Safety
New Report by the US National Academy of Sciences Confirms Diluted Bitumen Not Corrosive
New Recommended Practice to Improve Pipeline Transmission Performance
New Report Reveals Diluted Bitumen Not Corrosive
Brenda Kenny Named One of Canada’s Most Powerful Women in 2012 Award
Summit Held on Safety, Protection and Resilience of Canada’s Critical Infrastructure
CEPA Announces Integrity First™ Program
CCGA Releases Damage Prevention White Paper / Le CCGA Produit Un Livre Blanc Pour La Prévention Des Dommages
CEPA Supports Pipeline Safety Review
CEPA Supports Pilot Project for Monitoring Health and Safety Best Practices
Regulatory Reforms Focus On Issues Important To The Pipeline Industry
CEPA Disappointed with Further Delay of The Keystone XL Project
CEPA Agrees with Federal Minister of Natural Resources’ Call for Federal Regulatory Reform
The Pipeline Industry Categorically Rejects The Notion that Pipelines are Unsafe in Canada
NRDC’s Latest Document on Pipelines Transporting Oil Sands Misleading and Erroneous
“Call Before You Dig – Dial 811” CRTC Application Submitted
CEPA Strengthens Executive Team
CEPA Welcomes Federal Government Changes to Pipeline Approvals Process
Survey Reveals Positive Relations With Landowners
Brenda Kenny Appointed Pipeline Association President


Freedom of Speech for All Canadians
Pipelines – Enablers of Prosperity
The Dangerous Game of Fear
Current Pipeline Debate in Canada Dangerous
Progress Vs. Process


The people of pipelines: Darcy Strohschein, measurement specialist
New CEPA Foundation a milestone in collaboration
The people of pipelines: Jody Whitney, Aboriginal strategy manager
Understanding the whole pipeline picture
CEPA connects with local communities at UBCM convention
The people of pipelines: Warren Rowland, supervisor of pipeline field operations
The people of pipelines: Wayne Mazur, control centre operator
The people of pipelines: Jude Daniels, senior legal counsel, energy, operations and engineering law
The people of pipelines: Dean Burnett, senior field land representative
The people of pipelines: Kelly Matthews, senior corporate social responsibility advisor
The people of pipelines: Dale McClary, pipeline maintenance technician
The people of pipelines: Ken Koscielski, pipeline protection technician
Pipelines connect people and energy
CEPA Integrity First symposium brings pipelines, groups together
Pipeline damage prevention: what does dig mean?
You have the power to prevent pipeline damage – call before you dig!
How hydrostatic testing helps maintain pipeline integrity
Get in the know with these pipeline damage prevention basics
5 steps you should take to prevent pipeline damage
Mythmakers erode pipeline debate for Canadians
What North America’s pipeline network looks like today
Test your pipeline knowledge with our holiday crossword!
On the 12 days of Christmas, Canada’s pipelines gave to me…
You asked, we answered: Is lobbying a legitimate practice?
Pipeline industry priority: zero leaks
One week, two events, plenty of pipeline talk
Oil and gas on the move: it’s what pipelines do best!
Protecting pipeline integrity – it’s a full-time job!
Pipelines: safe by design
Pipelines: part of Canada’s past and future
The everyday power of pipelines


The people of pipelines: Darcy Strohschein, measurement specialist
New CEPA Foundation a milestone in collaboration
The people of pipelines: Jody Whitney, Aboriginal strategy manager
Understanding the whole pipeline picture
CEPA connects with local communities at UBCM convention
Participation in National Energy Board hearings: what you need to know
Government reports continue dialogue on pipeline safety
The people of pipelines: Jude Daniels, senior legal counsel, energy, operations and engineering law
So we wrote a letter to the federal government…
Test your pipeline knowledge with our holiday crossword!
A sneak peek at the safety culture of the pipeline industry
What’s the deal with those pipeline hearings anyway?
When a pipeline spills…
Pipeline industry working collaboratively to protect Canada’s critical infrastructure
One week, two events, plenty of pipeline talk
The basics of pipeline regulation


The people of pipelines: Darcy Strohschein, measurement specialist
3 ways the recent CBC report on pipeline safety incidents distorts the facts
New CEPA Foundation a milestone in collaboration
The people of pipelines: Jody Whitney, Aboriginal strategy manager
Understanding the whole pipeline picture
CEPA connects with local communities at UBCM convention
3 takeaways from Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference
Government reports continue dialogue on pipeline safety
The people of pipelines: Warren Rowland, supervisor of pipeline field operations
Scientists around the world agree: Diluted bitumen is not more corrosive
The people of pipelines: Dale McClary, pipeline maintenance technician
The people of pipelines: Ken Koscielski, pipeline protection technician
Be safe while driving on bitumen
CEPA Integrity First symposium brings pipelines, groups together
Pipeline damage prevention: what does dig mean?
You have the power to prevent pipeline damage – call before you dig!
How hydrostatic testing helps maintain pipeline integrity
Get in the know with these pipeline damage prevention basics
5 steps you should take to prevent pipeline damage
Mythmakers erode pipeline debate for Canadians
5 more facts to know about diluted bitumen
It’s a fact: diluted bitumen is not more corrosive than conventional crude
Exploring pipeline technology: digital sensors and leak detection
Looking ahead: Western Canada’s first pipeline safety program to launch in 2013
Test your pipeline knowledge with our holiday crossword!
On the 12 days of Christmas, Canada’s pipelines gave to me…
The inside scoop on pipeline safety and the environment
Exploring pipeline integrity technology: a ball that listens for leaks
Detector Dogs: sniffing out pipeline leaks!
The pipeline integrity story in numbers
A sneak peek at the safety culture of the pipeline industry
When a pipeline spills…
Pipeline industry priority: zero leaks
Pipeline industry working collaboratively to protect Canada’s critical infrastructure
One week, two events, plenty of pipeline talk
Oil and gas on the move: it’s what pipelines do best!
Protecting pipeline integrity – it’s a full-time job!
Pipelines: safe by design
The basics of pipeline regulation

Contact Us

Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
Suite 200, 505-3rd St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2P 3E6

Media Inquiries
Sandra Burns
Tel: 403.221.8764

General Inquiries
Tel: 403.221.8777
Fax: 403.221.8760