Brad Hirschfield
Rabbi, President of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership

Named as one of the nation’s 50 most influential rabbis in Newsweek, and one of the top 30 “Preachers and Teachers” by

Latest by Brad Hirschfield

How to have a happy Thanksgivukkah

How to have a happy Thanksgivukkah

The Hanukkah-Thanksgiving mash up reminds us how to live happier, bolder and more successful lives. Want a slice of that good life? Here’s how

Air Force makes God optional

Air Force makes God optional

Faith flourishes best when freedom of conscience reigns for all.

Rabbis gone viral

Rabbis gone viral

What is driving so many people not only to view, but to wax poetic, over these two Ultra-Orthodox men, Aryeh and Gil Gat, singing Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence?

What Pew’s Jewish poll reveals about the faithful --and faithless

What Pew’s Jewish poll reveals about the faithful --and faithless

Judaism, as we have known from the beginning, is not simply a religion.