The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive
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Весенние воды

Language: Russian

Ещё в полях белеет снег,
А воды уж весной шумят --
Бегут и будят сонный брег,
Бегут, и блещут, и гласят...

Они гласят во все концы:
«Весна идёт, весна идёт!
Мы молодой весны гонцы,
Она нас выслала вперёд.

Весна идёт, весна идёт,
И тихих, теплых майских дней
Румяный, светлый хоровод
Толпится весело за ней!...»

Translation(s): ENG GER GER FRE

Show a transliteration: Default | DIN | GOST
Note on Transliterations


Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive)

Set in German, a translation by Wilhelm Wolfsohn (1820 - 1865) , "Frühlingswasser", from Lieder aus der Fremde: In Beiträgen von Friedrich Bodenstedt, Adolf Elissen, Ferdinand Freiligrath, usw., published 1857 ENG FRE Set in German, a translation by Hans Schmidt (1856 - 1923) , title unknown ENG FRE [text unavailable] Set in French, a translation by Jules Ruelle (d. 1892) , title unknown ENG GER GER [text unavailable]
Available translations, adaptations, and transliterations (if applicable):
    * ENG English (Yuri Mitelman) , "Spring Streams", copyright ©, (re)printed on this website with kind permission

Text added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.

Notes about what "text verified" means can be found here.

Gentle Reminder
This is a personal project that I began in 1995. I receive no salary for my full-time work on it, and aside from ad revenue and copyright fees, the Archive is supported financially by fewer than 0.02% of our visitors. So if you found the information here useful, please consider making a donation. Your gift is greatly appreciated.
     - Emily Ezust
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