Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs

Chatham House Rule Translations

The Chatham House Rule reads as follows:

"When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed".

Chatham House provides the following translations of the world-famous Rule.*

The Chatham House Rule in Arabic:

حينما يعقد اجتماع او جزء منه في اطار قاعدة تشاتام هاوس، فان المشاركين يكونوا احراراً في استخدام المعلومات التي يحصلون عليها، لكن لا يجب كشف هوية او انتماء المتحدثين او اي شخص آخر من المشاركين

The Chatham House Rule in Chinese:

如果一个会议,或会议的一部分,是按照Chatham House

The Chatham House Rule in French:

Quand une réunion, ou l'une de ses parties, se déroule sous la règle de Chatham House, les participants sont libres d'utiliser les informations collectées à cette occasion, mais ils ne doivent révéler ni l'identité, ni l'affiliation des personnes à l'origine de ces informations, de même qu'ils ne doivent pas révéler l'identité des autres participants.

The Chatham House Rule in German:

Bei Veranstaltungen (oder Teilen von Veranstaltungen), die unter die Chatham-House-Regel fallen, ist den Teilnehmern die freie Verwendung der erhaltenen Informationen unter der Bedingung gestattet, dass weder die Identität noch die Zugehörigkeit von Rednern oder anderen Teilnehmern preisgegeben werden dürfen.

The Chatham House Rule in Portuguese:

Quando uma reunião (ou uma parte da reunião), é governada pela a regra da Chatham House, os participantes são livres de usar a informação recebida, mas não podem divulgar a identidade e a afiliação dos oradores e dos participantes.

The Chatham House Rule in Spanish:

Cuando una reunión, o una parte de una reunión, se convoca bajo la Regla de Chatham House (the "Chatham House Rule"), los participantes tienen el derecho de utilizar la información que reciben, pero no se puede revelar ni la identidad ni la afiliación del orador, ni de ningún otro participante.

The Chatham House Rule in Russian:

Присутствующие на встречах, проводимых по Правилу «Чатама Хауса», могут свободно использовать полученную ими информацию, но не имеют права разглашать ни имена ни место работы выступавших.

We cannot take any responsibility for any errors or misunderstandings that occur in the translations. The definitive Chatham House Rule was formulated in the English language. We are working to provide further translations.

* Please note that you must have the appropriate language kit installed on your computer in order to display some characters correctly.

Moore Wilson Digital Agency London