Eric Yoder

Eric Yoder is a veteran Washington journalist who has written about government, business, law, sports and other topics. He has reported (and researched) for The Washington Post since 2000, concentrating on federal employee issues, the budget and other government policies. He also is the award-winning author of three books of short mysteries for children.

Latest by Eric Yoder

‘Tis the Season to Brush Up on Ethics Policies

‘Tis the Season to Brush Up on Ethics Policies

The government’s central ethics office recommends that employees read its poetic guide to gift-giving and -getting.

Would cuts to federal-retiree benefits impact recruitment and retention?

Would cuts to federal-retiree benefits impact recruitment and retention?

Requiring federal employees to pay more toward their retirement benefits likely would hurt retention, but effect on recruitment less certain, study says.

More federal employees tapped retirement savings in shutdown

More federal employees tapped retirement savings in shutdown

Drawdown of TSP accounts could impact long-term finances of employees who faced short-term hardships.

For federal employees, 2014 presents a mixed financial bag

For federal employees, 2014 presents a mixed financial bag

Pay raise not yet final, while other numbers to rise, fall, or remain the same.