The Breil brand was founded in 1939 and since its very beginning it has laid the foundations for its long-lasting journey.

When you mention Breil, you can't help thinking about a cutting-edge brand that can anticipate trends and set new style rules. Our brand is always aware of consumer preferences, but we are ready to turn them upside down thanks to new and amazing offers.

In the early 90s commercials, Breil's rock character was conveyed through beautiful women who perfectly embodied the brand values and personality: strength, sensuality, boldness and basic instincts. For the first time, typically masculine models were presented for women to wear: Monica Bellucci, Shana, Carré Otis… wore large (imposing) watches, with a casual and distinctively unconventional style; thus, an unbreakable bond is established, conveyed by the claim 'Strip me of anything but my Breil', which in those years enters the collective imagination and becomes part of everyday speech.

In 2001, Breil opens up a new market by launching the first jewel collection; here, steel plays a starring role with its feisty modern look, with the strength of this very material, with its fascinating color and with a clean and essential design that best epitomizes the brand values.


However, Breil didn't stop here but went above and beyond: 2009 saw the launch of the Bloom collection, the first range of jewels that can be worn together; thus the brand pioneering spirit evolved once again, culminating in the application of this innovation to watches.

The perfect expression of this is the Infinity collection: in 2012, the watch becomes a jewel and wearing different models together provides a unique versatility and new shapes.

Breil's success is not a coincidence. The launch of each new product on the market comes from painstaking designing, technical excellence and aesthetic awareness; all of this contributes to the production of seductive, cutting-edge collections that enhance the essence of materials through original and unique lines, in a constant search for shapes, materials and colors.

Breil customers have a strong character and are determined, they know what they want and show their own style with passion