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6 Abuela-approved natural cures for stress


Everyone deals with stress every now and then, but suffering from serious anxiety could have a negative impact on all areas of your life. Luckily, you don't necessarily need to take medication to deal with it. There are plenty of natural remedies that can help keep you calm during a tense period.

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4 Trucos infalibles para disimular la panza y la celulitis durante el sexo

Es difícil ser uno mismo. Somos millones de mujeres en este planeta que tenemos que aceptar que cada cuerpo es único y que nada luce como portada de revista cuando nos quitamos la ropa.

Estrías, celulitis o arrugas. Cada quien tiene una parte de su cuerpo de la que no se siente tan satisfecha o prefiere disimular, especialmente durante el sexy time.

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The top 12 beauty moments of 2013


Wow, 2013 was one hell of a year for beauty and our celebs! In fact, I'm starting to think maybe some of them were competing over most dramatic look. Seriously, between Beyonce's pixie cut, Rosario Dawson's half-shaved head, and Rhianna's doobie at the AMAs, there was just way too much going on. And I'm not entirely convinced it was all just a coincidence. Either way they gave us a lot to look at, some worth envying and some worth booing.

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9 Things to do with your kids on New Year's Eve

There's no denying that celebrating the new year changes in a big way once you become a parent--at least during the early years. Oftentimes it can be hard to find a sitter since everyone you know is probably off partying or out vacationing, but that doesn't mean you have to resolve yourself to a humdrum holiday. There are lots of things you can do with your children to ring in the new year in a special way. So call up your mommy pals, and tell them to pack up their families and come on over for a family-friendly New Year's Eve celebration.

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7 Consejos para bajar las libras de la cena de anoche

Como todas sabemos, diciembre es el viernes grande del año, y más cuando se refiere a comida. "¿Qué importa? Es diciembre… en enero empiezo la dieta"…

El problema con este tipo de pensamiento es que en enero ya no sabemos qué hacer con tanto peso encima y es difícil compensar un mes tirado a la basura, por lo que mejor cuídate con estos sencillos tips y vuelve a tu peso después de haber caído en pecado en la cena de la noche anterior…

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Drink up to prevent sickness!


Maybe there is a totally scientific reason why people say, "Salud!" when toasting. Could it be that drinking really is good for your health? Seems like it. A recent study, just in time for the holiday party season, makes the case that moderate drinking is good for your immune system. Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University got a bunch of rhesus macaques, a monkey whose immune system closely resembles ours, and did some scientific mumbo jumbo to them and then divided them into two groups: one that was allowed to drink booze and one that wasn't. The results are in and the news is good for moderate drinking monkeys and humans, I'm assuming.

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7 Coquetos moñitos para que luzcas un peinado espectacular


Esta época navideña es perfecta para tener un estilo que a mí me fascina: usar moñitos como tocado de nuestro cabello. Aunque pueden usarse en cualquier temporada del año, hay algo súper lindo en usarlos en Navidad.

Ya sean rojos, dorados o color negro, aquí te dejo algunas ideas de cómo puedes colocarlos para que te veas coqueta sin parecer de edad escolar…

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How to choose the right red hair color for your skin tone


Red strands are super popular right now--and why not? It seems to me like redheads have even more fun than blondes. It's no wonder so many of our favorite stars love the look. That's right, ladies, red hair isn't just for your fair-skinned, freckled friends. The vibrant, head-turning hue actually looks great on a variety of women, you just need to know how to pick the right shade for your skin tone!

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7 Conexiones entre tu cuerpo y tu salud que dejarán con la boca abierta

Siempre escuchamos que el cuerpo revela más sobre lo que pasa por dentro de lo que nos imaginamos y las conexiones que algunas partes tienen con el resto son increíbles.

La más conocida probablemente sea que el tamaño de tu dedo anular revela qué tamaño de miembro tendrá tu hombre, pero aquí te dejo otras 7 conexiones cuerpo-salud que te dejarán con una ceja levantada…

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5 Fun winter projects to do with your kids


New Year's Day can sometimes feel like the unofficial end of winter, but in reality it's just the beginning--there are still technically three whole months before spring arrives. Three months of cold weather, dreary skies and early sunsets. It can be hard to stay motivated, be cheerful or even get out of bed in the morning during the chilly winter months. So I say we should all give ourselves and our kids something to look forward to. 

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