If you’re interested in getting your own 125×125 (pixels) banner put up in our sponsors section, you’ve come to the right place. Advertising with us is a first come, first serve, deal.

The cost of holding a spot depends largely on the number of spots still available. We currently have 6 available spots open; however, you may only purchase one spot per website.

The current rate for advertising is $25.00/month. Note that once you have purchased a spot, the rate will never change unless you neglect to pay the advertising costs. If a payment is neglected, the sponsored advertisement in question will be removed from the site. Should this happen and you’d like to advertise with us again, we cannot guarantee that the advertising rate will be the same.

Traffic Details (as of 2/7/2009)
We are currently receiving an average of over 600 page views/day with a peak of over 1200 visitors. We currently have around 20 blog subscribers in just a little over a month of being online.

If you are interested in advertising with us (and also help keep our website running), shoot us an email via advertising@programming-designs.com or use our contact form.

Payment plans/options will be discussed upon contact.