Rants 1.3! – Juuuuuuuuuune! Rollercoasters, Games, and… something else…?

Yes! June is here! Heat waves, traquil winds, bugs finially getting of your house, thank you, small typhoons, and of course…

The Final Week!

Yes! The last week before everyone gets let loose from their tiring days of minor commute! (Not the right words, but they sound witty!) This week, the 8th grade gets a great treat, with an exclusive trip to Six Flags! I’m going on my first rollercoaster ride there, and I promise to tell you guys how it goes, even if I scream like the Nazgul. Then on Thursday comes my last experience of Game Day, where the entire middle school is split into four teams, and compete… to the death extreme humiliation by the only one who wins! Which is also mixed in with incredibly loud screaming, bad puns such as the Pull-o-Peace, and intense heat waves so bad that butterflies are set aflame! It’s worth working for the rest of the year to get this long break!

What will I do over the summer? Mostly just stay on the Mechapress, trying to get more viewers, and… *drumroll*…

Working on The Tales of Sector IIM! Yay! I have no clue how to use a scanner, and might get a newer one for myself, so we have to wait for pictures to come in, but the story is pretty filled in. I’m also trying to make a “meet the cast” section to this blog, so you can see the bios of everyone. Librus, Leon and Luna (LLL) won’t let you down!

Not sure what else to say. Sorry folks, out word budget was tripled today, so I have to be clever and stuff. Oh crap! The guys are cutting us off again! Goodbye g-