Help / FAQ / Guest Pass

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What is a Guest Pass?

You can share public photos in your photostream by copying the URL in your browser's address bar and pasting it an email. Anyone can see your public photos anytime, whether they're a Flickr member or not.

But! If you want to share private photos with people, use a Guest Pass. You can grant anyone access to the entire contents of one of your sets, including any private photos it contains. A Guest Pass is actually just that URL. This means that whoever sees that URL can access the set and all the photos inside it.

Go to the set or photo you want to share and click the "Share this" button. Then we'll help you either send an email to friends via Flickr or make a special web address (URL) that you can share.

Or if you want to give someone a link to see everything in your photostream including friends and family photos...

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How long do Guest Passes last?

Guest Passes last until you choose to expire them.

You expire a Guest Pass you sent out on your Guest Pass History page. If you expire a Guest Pass, anyone who uses that Guest Pass will not be able to see the private content that the Guest Pass previously allowed access to.

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Where can I see a list of all the Guest Passes I've sent out?

The Guest Pass history page shows all the Guest Passes you sent, to whom, and for which set. From that page you can resend an old Guest Pass (if someone didn't receive it, or you want another person to see the same thing) or expire an active Guest Pass.

By the way, on your Invite History page, we make a note of anyone who signed up for a new Flickr account as a result of using your Guest Pass. (If that happens, we'll make you two contacts as well.)

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Why is the guest pass I sent not working?

If the guest pass wasn't received, have your friend check their spam folder to see if it was accidentally placed there by their email program. If you try sending it again and it doesn't get there, try using "Grab the link". This will give you a link that you can send directly from your email account. (you can also check your Guest Pass history to make sure you entered the address correctly)

If they are getting the link but the photos are not available to them, check the safety level on the photos. Images marked as restricted will not be viewable to people not logged into Flickr.

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