Chapelton Parish Church
Chapelton parish church


We would like to invite you to join with us - whether new to the village, new to the church, or as a regular attendee, at our Service of Worship held at 9.30am each Sunday morning.
We would also invite you to the weekday service, which is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 11.30am. The service lasts about half an hour and everyone is welcome.
Breakfasts are served at Chapelton, after the service, on the first Sunday of the month.


The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the second Sunday of March, June, September and December each year, at 9.30am (Chapelton) and 11am (Rankin) with an 6.30pm service in Chapelton in March and September.

Christmas services

There is a Christmas Eve Watchnight Service each year at 11.30pm in both Rankin and Chapelton Parish Churches.

Every Christmas Morning there is a family service in Rankin at 11am. Please come along and support this special service as we give thanks for the birth of Jesus Christ. Children and adults should bring along one of their presents to show the congregation.

Connexions magazine

The deadline for our magazine is normally last Sunday of each month, with the magazine being issued on the first Sunday of the following month.

Chapelton Parish Church of Scotland (Reg. Charity No. SC011817)

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