Account Settings

  1. How do I change my email notifications?
    Go to your Account Settings page. Under the section titled Email Notifications , select your options and click save.
  2. How do I change my password?
    Visit your Account Settings page and enter a new password in the Password box. Don't forget to press save!
  3. How do I reset my password?
    To reset your password, click here and enter your email. We'll send you a reset password link.
  4. Facebook Connect is not working for me.
    If you are having problems with Facebook Connect, shoot us an email at Please be sure to explain your problem.
  5. I no longer have access to my registered email address. How can I access my account?
    If you remember your password, you can still log in with the registered email address! Go to your Account Settings to edit your email address.

    However, if you have forgotten your password, email and request a change of email address. Be sure to include your full name, your Academia profile url, and your new email address. Once you have confirmation of the change, you can use the new email address to reset your password.
  6. Why am I not receiving the reset password email?
    The email may have gone to your email’s spam folder.

    Alternatively, the email address being used to reset the password might not be the same email address you used to create the account. If you believe you may have made a typo in your email address during sign up, please email with your full name and if possible, the url of your profile.
  7. How do I remove my account?
    Head to your Account Settings and click on the section Account Removal. Then, select My Account.
  8. How do I log out?
    Hover over the down arrow located at the top right of your profile page. A list of options will appear, including the Log Out option.
  9. How can I edit my name?
    Go to your Account Settings and correct your name. Please remember to save!
  10. When I click on the link provided in the reset password email, it doesn't work!
    Did you sign up to through Connecting with Facebook and/ or Google? If so, please log in via those accounts.
  11. I accidentally created two accounts. Can they be merged?
    Unfortunately, accounts cannot be merged at the moment. We recommend deleting your unused account - it might confuse your followers!


  1. How do I change my department or university?
    To change your affiliation details, head to your profile page by clicking on your name in the top navigation bar. Choose Edit underneath your name to begin editing.
  2. Can I affiliate with multiple institutions?
    Yes. Click on your name in the top navigation bar, and then click on Edit in the big middle gray box. You should see a section titled Other Affiliations. Begin adding!
  3. I can't find my page on Google.
    Google can take a while to update its index with new pages from the web. However, if you link the website of your department or college to your page (ask your department IT officer if you don't know how), it will speed up this process dramatically. Your profile will also appear significantly higher up in search results, meaning more views!
  4. What are keywords?
    Keywords are the search queries that people have entered on Google and other search engines to find your work on
  5. How do I add a paper?
    If you click on Upload Papers located at the top of your navigation bar, a box like the one down below should show up. Enter the title of your paper, select the corresponding research interests of the paper, and add a file and/or link.

    Another way to add a paper is by clicking on Home , also located at the top of your navigation bar! You should see a box at the top of the Home page that allows you to choose files from your desktop to upload.
  6. I want to upload a new file, can I keep my document views?
    Yes. To remove the file, click on the Edit link below the title of the ccrresponding paper. Press the X to delete the file, and upload your new file!
  7. I get an error when I upload my paper.
    If you are using an institutional connection, sometimes institutional firewalls can block file uploads. Try uploading the file from a different internet connection. If the upload still fails, email us at
  8. How do I add a photo?
    After clicking on your name in the top navigation bar, select Change Photo in the profile picture box and upload your photo.
  9. What are research interests?
    Research interests are your specific field interests that you can follow, add to your profile, or tag to your papers. Once you tag a paper with a research interest, your paper will appear in the News Feeds of all the users who are also following that research interest. Tagging papers with research interests is particularly useful because tagged papers often gets twice as many views as untagged papers with no research interests.
  10. How do I add/remove research interests to my profile?
    To add/ remove research interests to your profile, head to your profile page by clicking on your name in the top navigation bar. In the About section of your profile, click Edit near the lower right corner of the box. Choose to Edit your Research Interests to start start adding, deleting, or re-ordering your research interests around.
  11. How do I change my CV?
    To change your CV, you must first delete your current CV. After selecting Delete , you can upload your CV by choosing the Add CV button.
  12. About page/Recent Updates page
    Only your logged-in followers will see your Recent Updates page when they visit your page. Other people, i.e. non-followers, or logged-out followers, see your 'About' page when they visit your page.
  13. How do I add a Research Interest to a paper?
    To add a research interest to your paper, choose to Edit the document that you want tagged. Enter your corresponding research interests to the appropriate sections. (Be sure to save!)
  14. Do I have copyright to upload papers to my profile page?
    According to Sherpa , which tracks journal publishers' approach to copyright, 90% of journals allow uploading of either the pre-print or the post-print of your paper.
  15. Can I import my papers you have found for me?
    Yes. Click the Upload Papers button on the top right of the navigation bar. Then click the Import link.
  16. How do I block certain followers?
    We currently do not offer an option for users to block their followers. However, if you believe that some of your followers are spammers, please flag them to notify us! We'll review each profile and take the necessary steps.


  1. What is Rank?
    Rank indicates the position of your page in the search results (e.g. on Google) for the specific keywords.
  2. What is Visitor ID?
    Visitor ID is an anonymous identifier allowing users to differentiate between individual visitors. Numeric visitor IDs have been replaced by color-coding on your Analytics page, but are still available for download.
  3. Why isn’t there a keyword for all searches?
    We display keywords whenever we have the data provided to us. If the keyword is missing, then the search engine has not supplied the referring information.
  4. Why can't I see the IP address of the visitors?
    Due to data privacy legislation we are unable to show this information.
  5. I want to select all my stats.
    To access your stats for a longer period than 30 days, please click here to go to your analytics dashboard and then click Export as .csv at the top right of the overview page.
  6. What does referring site mean?
    The referring site is the site which the visitor was viewing prior to arriving on your page.


  1. What does it mean to be following someone's work?
    When you follow another person's work, it means that you will see their research updates in your News Feed. For example, you'll see when they upload a new paper, post a status update, add a new research interest, or make other changes to their webpage.
  2. How do I stop "following" someone?
    Go to the profile page of the person you would like to stop following. In the top right of their profile, select the gray button that reads Unfollow.


  1. How do I add a journal?
    Go to and click Suggest a journal on the top right of the page. If you do not see the journal appear, email stating the name of the journal you added.
  2. How do I add content to the journal page?
    Our journals feature uses RSS feeds to gather the contents of each journal. If there are no contents displayed or you believe some contents are missing, please contact
  3. I am the editor of a journal, how do I control the page?
    There is no admin access for our journal pages as all of the content is generated from RSS feeds. If the background information or contents are inaccurate, please contact us at

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