Contents in Armenian

Հայաստան և Եվրոպական միություն


Արևելյան հարևան երկրների հետ գործընկերություն

Ավելի արագ եւ ապահով երկաթգիծ Հայաստանին

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Գետերը, որ կամրջելու են Կովկասյան ջրբաժանը

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Արևելյան գործընկերության շրջանակներում օգտագործվող բացատրական բառարան

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Վստահելի և հզոր, ինչպես արջը

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Eastern Partnership Migration and Asylum Panel looks at ways of tackling statelessness
Ways to prevent and reduce statelessness were the focus of the Eastern...
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre handbook series: Photos, writing and visibility rules
What should you be aware of when you take photos of your project? How do you...
Moldovan honey conquering the EU market
Honey is one of the few Moldovan products that is steadily increasing its share...
‘Silk Wind’ train: next stop, the future
It’s a high-speed container block train, which will allow cargo...
Azerbaijan - Wasting less to gain more
What does it mean for a company to invest in advisory services? The Baku-based...
EU cooperation for a successful Eastern Partnership
A new publication "EU cooperation for a successful Eastern...
EU Cooperation for a Successful Partnership - facts and figures
What is the Eastern Partnership about, what are the key milestones and figures,...
Brochure on budget support in the EaP countries
Did you know that budget support is the main form of EU assistance in the...