
Joel Achenbach

Who’s better, Tom Brady or Peyton Manning?

Getting ready for the battle of the legends


Joel Achenbach

West Virginia: Don’t drink the water

Report from wild, wonderful, water-challenged West Virginia


Joel Achenbach

What a good Dad does

The person who makes the world less scary.



Jonathan Capehart

Putin, Uganda, the ‘Bachelor’ and the gays

Lesbians and gay men are not “sick people who need help.”


Jonathan Capehart

LGBT split-screen: Oklahoma and Nigeria

Great news out of the United States was tempered by harrowing events in Africa.


Jonathan Capehart

Michelle Obama knows ‘Black don’t crack, but . . .’

The first lady talks plastic surgery and other ‘refreshing’ topics with People magazine on the eve of her 50th birthday.


Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

The wrong allies in Egypt

Rather than standing with democratic dissidents, the Obama administration offers support for a police state.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

A path to Mideast peace?

John Kerry’s outreach to Israel and the Palestinians may yet bear some fruit.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

The elites are rising up

From Bangkok to Kiev, economic winners seek democracy.


Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

In January, Christmas displays bring out the Grinches

When, exactly, is it time to take down Christmas? Right now, argues one fed-up homeowner.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Md. health-site bungling exposes a state of incompetence

Hubris and vanity in a progressive state that oozes with self-satisfaction have left sick people uninsured.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Franklin School site deserves better

A boutique hotel won’t do much for the people of D.C.


Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Obama’s loss of idealism

A shift in his Afghanistan policy signaled a foreign policy transformation.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Letting Syrians starve

Obama watches people die and does nothing.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Speaking for their fathers

Five Chinese daughters testify to the human rights abuse their dads face.


Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

A changing world order?

America is still a superpower, but the status quo is in flux.


Robert Kagan

Events in Egypt demand a shift in U.S. policy

The alternative is not only morally unconscionable, but also a direct threat to regional stability and U.S. interests.

Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

U.S. must cut off aid to Egypt

As the Egyptian army’s patron, America is complicit in its behavior.


Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

A test of democracy

Are India and Ukraine on the path to change?

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

A new Cold War?

No, but China and Russia still bear watching.

Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

Mandela’s party

His party must forge ahead without him.


Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Israel’s growing isolation

Academic boycotts indicate a growing antipathy toward the Jewish state.


Richard Cohen

It’s the lies that hurt the most

Chris Christie feels bad for the people of New Jersey, but he feels worse that his own people lied to him.


Richard Cohen

With Bridgegate, we learned something about Christie

The actions of the N.J. governor’s aides don’t reflect well on the governor.


E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

More hope in Year Six?

Can Obama fulfill his larger pledge?

 E.J. Dionne Jr.

 E.J. Dionne Jr.

George Miller’s unwavering example

Congress needs more liberals who can be tough but negotiate at the same time.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Christie’s real problem

He doesn’t have a strong conservative base.


Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

Gates hits his target

He is raising questions about the quality of Obama’s leadership.

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

A look inside Team Christie

The bridge scandal amounts to a test of more than crisis management.

Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

Updating the war on poverty

We need new tactics to accomplish the goals set out 50 years ago.


David Ignatius

David Ignatius

Squashing a GOP obsession

A Senate report takes Republican tirades about Benghazi head-on.


David Ignatius

Obama’s sure-footed surveillance speech

His address Friday set several markers that may last far beyond his term of office

David Ignatius

David Ignatius

The U.S. energy boom

Market forces are helping drive up production of oil, gas and alternative energy, even as demand is falling.


Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Gray rolls out an old trick

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray’s media bashing won’t help his reelection.

Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

West End warfare

Fight over library project recalls an age-old struggle.


Colbert I. King

What newspapers can do

Chris Christie is in hot water because reporters at the local paper didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.


Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

How in good conscience?

Obama never was serious about the war in Afghanistan.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

How to fight academic bigotry

Boycott those who would boycott Israel.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Stop the bailout, now

Repealing two sections of Obamacare would cut off the administration’s Plan B.


Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Chaos from the Capitol

Congress’s dysfunction is harming the other areas of government.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Defining ‘loyalty’

Gates and Christie highlight the problems with the term.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

A guide to the mandate

The hooey and hype over birth-control coverage.


Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

Cross purposes

Obama’s quixotic quest for more free trade and less income inequality.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

Obamacare is working

Those who support Affordable Care Act need to make that clear.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

Dividends for Democrats

A minimum wage boost could offer a political boost, too.


Matt Miller

Matt Miller

Inequality riddles

A few facts about U.S. wealth distribution.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

A three-year plan for Obama

Rather than beat his head against a Republican wall, he should try something unconventional.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

The final frontier?

Artificial intelligence might eventually doom us all.


Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Why not pot?

Let’s stop pretending that pot users are denizens of the underworld.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

In luck we trust

The War on Poverty’s secret weapon: Marriage.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

How Chris Christie could survive

Hatred of a bullying media could save the bullying governor.



Alexandra Petri

Fox News host complains no one knows history, then proves it

See: Muphry’s Law.


Alexandra Petri

President Obama’s NSA speech: What’s that about Paul Revere’s surveillance and Union balloons?

I’m not exactly sure what these examples prove.


Alexandra Petri

Can anyone stop this Hillary Clinton Time magazine cover?

Or better yet, keep the cover and change the story.


Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Sunday wrap

Who said it?

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Was Hillary Clinton in charge?

Hillary Clinton can’t claim the death of four Americans was below her pay grade.

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Distinguished pol of the week

Who stood out from the crowd?


The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Sunday Open Thread


The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Open Thread

All yours.

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Happy Hour Roundup

Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.


Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

Enter Ed Gillespie?

Why Mark Warner should worry about his Senate seat.

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

A GOP Senate?

Republicans stand to gain from Reid’s blunder.

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

Obama’s Obamacare

This is showing solidarity with regular Americans?


George F. Will

George F. Will

A right to not unionize

Illinois violated the First Amendment when it turned home-care workers into dues-paying members.

George F. Will

George F. Will

Doubts about Common Core

Opponents have every right to be skeptical about a measure whose nature and purpose remain murky.

George F. Will

George F. Will

A defining moment

The Supreme Court’s chance to curb Obama’s expansion of power.


Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Going nowhere fast

A vision of bullet trains in California runs into the reality of American political and legal gridlock.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Cashing in on connections

In Washington, opportunities and rewards are distributed according to what you can do, not whom you know.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

Prostitution fantasies

Legalizing the practice doesn’t make it safer.


Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

Va. consultant’s case highlights today’s venal politics

COLUMN Two-faced maneuvering by Boyd Marcus shows how money outweighs principles.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

Local activists wield online petitions to promote causes

Grass-roots campaigns increasingly use Web petitions to recruit support, pressure authorities.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

McAuliffe’s maneuvering

The Va. Democratic governor’s plea for bipartisanship has a partisan edge.


Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Business as usual in D.C.

Spending bill shows that the tea party’s influence is waning.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Obama is off-message on unemployment

The president missed an opportunity to help keep jobless benefits in the spotlight.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

What’s in a name?

Saying you’re with al-Qaeda doesn’t make it so.


Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Andy Shallal, a D.C. mayoral candidate with courage

The Iraqi American restaurateur and activist refuses to steer clear of controversies or play racial politics.

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Milloy: This tabby could teach dogs a thing or two

A stray cat wins the hearts and minds at Courtland Milloy’s home.

  • Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Family gets gift of a new home for the holidays

A family’s efforts to save and plan pay off as it moves into a new house just in time for Christmas.


Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Refighting the ‘mortgage wars’ could create new risks

The big banks’ campaign of blame against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is misguided.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

How new technologies will drive an economic growth spurt

‘The Second Machine Age,’ by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Red Lobster, overbaked and stuffed with shareholder value

Changes at Darden Restaurants are about goosing stock price, not better deals for customers and workers.



Eugene Robinson

It’s business as usual for the NSA

President Obama’s intelligence collection reform proposals do not go nearly far enough.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Lessons of Benghazi

The true scandal is that a prior attack went unexamined.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson Live

Live chat with Eugene Robinson about his latest columns and political news.


Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Bitcoin: Boom or bubble?

It’s an online sensation, but it looks like a collapse waiting to happen.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Minimum-wage mirage

Economists still debate what a higher minimum means for jobs.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Winning and losing

The War on Poverty’s successes and failures.



Stephen Stromberg

Environmentalists should hope nuclear power sticks around

The nuclear industry’s plight is harming the fight against climate change.


Stephen Stromberg

Cellphones on planes shouldn’t be the government’s call

Instead of enforcing politeness, a job best left to airlines, flight attendants and individual passengers, it should simply loosen up. And so should the critics.


Stephen Stromberg

Cellphones on planes could be great

But no matter what you think, it shouldn’t be the FCC’s call.


Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

De Blasio’s persuasive case

His education plan could serve as a model.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

A year promising change

Positive developments are all around.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Remember America's ‘least’

Our country’s impoverished discussion of poverty.


Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

Fanning the Mideast flames

The roots of regional violence reach back decades but Washington’s involvement has made things worse.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

Rebuild the bottom of the ladder

The U.S. spends much more on helping the middle class than the poor.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

Poor education in the U.S.

While the U.S. muddles along, other nations rocket forward.
