Carolyn Hax

Carolyn Hax: Failing a test of friendship

Comics page

Four women who were close friends have to find a decent way to deal with one friend trying to trash another.

Carolyn Hax: Changing a name shouldn’t be a battle

Comics page

A woman wonders whether she has to sacrifice her professional identity for the sake of her future husband.

Hax Philes: Just, wow

My wife’s parents promised to pay her student loans but instead left us in debt and ruined her credit.

Carolyn Hax: To parent (a baby or a puppy), pair must be on same page

Comics page

Carolyn Hax advises a wife whose husband says that for now, he’d rather get a pet than try for a child.

Carolyn Hax: Wife looking to keep riffraff away from anniversary bash

Comics page

A couple of friends are dating less-than-stellar people — a terrifying drunk and an inappropriate “lady.”

Advice Columnists


Hints From Heloise: The same, but different

A reader wonders: Do salted an unsalted butter have different cooking properties?

Hints From Heloise: Don’t PIN your hopes on this

A ‘safety hint’ about ATM machines that’s anything but.

Hints From Heloise: The sound of trouble

This week’s Sound Off: grocery cart herders sporting earbuds. An accident waiting to happen?

More Heloise


Miss Manners: Friend with key drops by unannounced

She values her former roommate’s friendship, but wishes he’d call before dropping by.

Miss Manners: Survey-weary customer wants it to stop

Those relentless follow-up surveys violate business rule No. 1: Don’t annoy the customer.

Miss Manners: Return mass e-mail without regret

A sly way a freelance writer can make sure to never receive an unwelcome mass e-mail from an editor again.

Miss Manners: Money is suitable topic in business world

The ban against discussing money in personal situations does not apply in business, so ask away.

Miss Manners: Loving the son, loathing the baby mama

Her son’s girlfriend is a piece of work, but she’ll have to find a way to remain on good terms.

More Miss Manners


Ask Amy: Granny oversteps by a mile

Whatever her politics, this mother-in-law has no right to give her grandchild a vibrator with a warning ‘not to tell.’

Ask Amy: Sisters’ estrangement is no one else’s business

Her sister did a number on her — including marrying her ex — but people want her to make amends.

Ask Amy: Cohabitation before marriage causes rift

Her very Catholic father is pressuring her to marry her partner of seven years, but they’re not ready.

More Ask Amy


Animal Doctor: Do goldfish have feelings?

The complex lives of fish; protecting blue-eyed dogs from UV damage; the dangers of pesticides and herbicides.

Training a young dog to be an easy rider

Pomeranian becomes sick with anxiety inside a car; cat prefers the living room carpet to a litter box..

Animal Doctor: Be vigilant about heartworm protection

Weight gain and heartworm medication; when to deworm cats; dealing with a cat’s internal clock.

More Animal Doctor

@Work Advice

@Work Advice columnist Karla Miller (DEB LINDSEY/FOR THE WASHINGTON POST)

Homeless, not hopeless

An employee is looking for a way to help a colleague who is living in a car.


Family Almanac

3-year-old seems physically weak. How to help?

This 3-year-old seems weak and not interested in physical activity. How can her parents help?

Hadley Hooper for the Washignton Post

Pre-K or kindergarten for September’s child?

Nothing’s written in stone: Every child is different and every mother can change her mind if things go wrong.

Family Almanac for 01/09 by Hadley Hooper for the Washington Post

Unruly teen, frustrated mom

She’s an unruly 14 year old. Her parents need to relax a little.


Note to parents: It doesn’t get easier, ever

MOMSPEAK | In hoping the next stage of parenthood will be better, parents can miss the point of childhood.

When cheating on homework is okay

Harvard survey finds 42 percent of kids cheated on homework. What’s the big deal?

New school year’s resolution: Let teachers teach

OXON HILL, MD, AUGUST 16, 2013: Quiana Reedus, 35, takes a moment to read with four-year-old Damarco Lathern who visited Barnaby Manor Elementary School with his parents before the new school year begins. Reedus, who has been a public school teacher for 12 years, prepared her new class room in which she will teach pre-K children from now on full days. Restoring full day pre-K to eight schools in the count is part of Prince George's County Executive's Rushern L. Baker's plan to turn around the county schools in order to raise test scores, increase graduation rates and reduce truancy in six neighborhoods that have been plagued with social ills. (Photo by Astrid Riecken For The Washington Post)

This year, resolve to be a less meddlesome parent.

Date Lab

Date Labbers Mark and Liz at Floriana on Dec. 3, 2013

They both like Clintons — and each other

Our daters give one another high marks for looks, likes and laughs.

He’s from Oklahoma, she’s not. Dealbreaker?

The both love dogs and Christmas. Is that enough in common for a good date?

They chose a very un-D.C. way to get to know each other

Their date led to a guessing game.

Date Labbers Jane and Bennett's wedding

Catching up on Date Labs past

What happened with all those Date Lab couples? We checked back in for an update.

They’re both cute, so what could possibly go wrong?

If you like Date Labs that end well, you may want to skip reading this one.

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