
  1. I'm calling horses**t on this one. A backlash against qusnt blogging doesn't explain why WaPo hires .

  2. Déjà vu all over again. Rush to analyze "new" RNC proportionality rules has missed that there's been little change:

  3. Got it, but I'm not sure it hurt Carter or Bush. They lost mainly for other reasons than having a primary challenger.

  4. I mean "better" in the sense of "more likely to win in Nov" (which is what I think parties care most about).

  5. Tweaks to rules are definitely attempts to game system. Q is whether tweaks produce a "better" nominee. Hard question.

  6. [cont'd from previous tweet] Parties typically do most of the work to select the "best" candidate before the primaries even start.

Le chargement semble prendre du temps.

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