Ezra Klein
Ezra Klein

Ezra Klein is a columnist at the Washington Post, as well as a contributor to MSNBC. His work focuses on domestic and economic policymaking, as well as the political system that’s constantly screwing it up. He’s appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show, Charlie Rose, Real Time with Bill Maher, The McLaughlin Report, the Colbert Report, and many more. He really likes graphs.

Latest by Ezra Klein

So long, and thanks for all the charts

So long, and thanks for all the charts

One more Wonkbook for the road.

Where it’s hardest to escape poverty

Where it’s hardest to escape poverty

Which parts of the country do you think do the best job making sure poor kids don’t grow up to be poor adults?

Is there an “insurer bailout” in Obamacare?

Is there an “insurer bailout” in Obamacare?

Republicans have a new attack against the health reform law.

10 startling facts about global wealth inequality

10 startling facts about global wealth inequality

Half of the world owns less than 1% of the wealth. 1% of the world owns more than 45% of the wealth.