Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Baylors are Moving to Scotland!

It's hard to believe that I just wrote the title of that blog.  This news has been coming about for a few months now, but we weren't able to share it publicly. The Lord in His is gracious kindness has led us very clearly in this decision. I think Tim and I would both say that there are few other decisions in our life, that we both have felt so sure about. God has confirmed His leading in this move time and time again.  Tim has the full detailed explanation here on his blog. I figured there was no point in my re-typing the whole thing :) But I thought I would post a few more details and my response to the move.

We plan to move from chicago to PA at the end of the summer. We wil store our things in PA with family. We will then spend 3 weeks there with family and friends before taking the 7+ hour flight to Aberdeen, Scotland. Yes, you can start praying for that flight now :)

It has been a whirlwind of events and emotions. Sometimes I feel a little sad to leave our family and community of friends here in Chicago. We have been so blessed to have family that loves us and cares for us! But in reality with living so far from family now, we only see them in person about 2x a year. So I'm hoping the distance won't feel as bad since we are somewhat adjusted to it. And we hope to make it home to the states once a year if possible to spend a good chunk of time home with family and friends.

And it's hard to believe that 4 years ago we moved to Chicago only knowing one other couple, and thought we would never find a close, loving community of friends like we had in VA Beach. And here we are, struggling to say good bye again to this new wonderful group of friends from church, work, and school. These years in Chicago have been such a wonderful blessing, just as the 4 years in VA Beach were!

Looking back on God's faithfulness to provide for us in each move we made, strengthens my faith that He will pave the way for us yet again in Scotland. He is so very good! Even more than the days of uncertainly and sadness,  I have more days filled with excitement in taking this leap of faith and trusting that the Lord has an exciting adventure in store for our family. Fortunately, it's only for 3 years, so we feel like with modern technology, we will be able to stay in close contact with those we love most!

Please pray for us as we try to tie up all of the loose ends here in Chicago, raise support, finalize our visas, and try to find housing etc. overseas. Thank you so much!

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5-6


melissa said...

I can echo so many of the things you're saying. We're looking forward to seeing you all soon!!

kellyH said...

so excited for this exciting new phase in your life! I know there will be many challenges, but I am sure there are going to be huge blessings as well!! excited to follow your journey.

Jessica Gardner said...

OH Man! So exciting!!!! and nerve wracking - I hope you keep your blog up so we can be updated on everything! :)

JordanandSue said...

So happy for you guys- I know this has been a journey, and it's only the beginning :) Love you guys!

Rob H said...

Congrats Jules! I'm very happy for you. I look forward to seeing how it all comes together.


suzanne said...

and I'm crying again...
Praying for you lots these days! I love you!