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How to set a trust line

You must set a trust line before you can hold a non-XRP balance on the Ripple network.
To set up a trust line, go to the Advanced tab in the Ripple client and click on the Add trust button. The following options will appear:

As you can see, there are three things that you need to enter to extend trust:

  • The name or Ripple address of the issuer.  This is the entity who will be able to hold funds on your behalf.
  • Which currency you are extending trust for.
  • The maximum value of the funds you trust this issuer to hold for you.
You will be asked to confirm that you are willing to extend trust to the given Ripple user, and a message will appear in red explaining what this means.

Once you confirm, the given Ripple account will appear in your list of trust lines.  You can change the details of the trust line at any stage, and you can delete the trust line by reducing the amount to zero.

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  • 2b5a2d4b71e20045668f3a20eeb56d7c?
    Adam Winstanley

    How do I find a user that is a UK based trusted user for a trust line? I have a bitstamp account, Kraken account, UK based bank accounts etc.

  • C106f7386742b7cf44f808142652a6be?
    Auth Snort

    Just tried this procedure: opened my ripple wallet, went to 'advanced' button:
    The page says: You have to be funded before you can grant a trust. OOps!
    I have to extend the trust before I can be funded, BUT, I need to be funded before I can extend the trust. Alice in ripple wonderland. HELLLLLOOOOO!
    Are there any sapience sapiences in the the ripple wonderland?

  • 65576349de9fbc59227ebb8eb36e9571?
    Patrick Greene

    Same Problem as Auth Snort. Trying to Buy Amazon Gift Card and extent trust to Ripple Union.

    Just tried this procedure: opened my ripple wallet, went to 'advanced' button:
    The page says: You have to be funded before you can grant a trust. OOps!
    I have to extend the trust before I can be funded, BUT, I need to be funded before I can extend the trust

  • 784baafd604f356c3ced7b6557a5d52b?
    Nemir Raffoul

    Trust Options:
    "You have to be funded before you can grant a trust"

    Can anybody please assist as I have purchased an Amazon $25CAD gift card and would like to fund my account however can't add Ripple as a trust.

  • 66a6c2886673c360b692da608e37f7f1?
    Max Metter

    HEy Ripple, why you need so much reserv in the wallet, why ??? this sucks realy sucks

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