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Exclusive: How Gaddafi Spied on the Fathers of the New Libya

Exclusive: How Gaddafi Spied on the Fathers of the New Libya

OWNI, in conjunction with Wikileaks, reveals evidence of how French company Amesys helped Gaddifi’s regime to spy on leading Libyan opposition figures while they lived in the UK and the US.

Doing Business With Gaddafi: Making Millions and Risking Lives

Doing Business With Gaddafi: Making Millions and Risking Lives

The French company Amesys are alleged to have legally sold Internet spying systems to Colonel Gaddafi’s regime, allowing him to track down opponents. Now a complaint has been filed, and questions about the deal continue to go unanswered.

by Jean Marc Manach On October 13, 2011

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Listening in on Libya: communication breakdown

Listening in on Libya: communication breakdown

Amesys and Bull head honchos refuse to respond to accusations of involvement in a Libyan telecommunications surveillance scandal. Bizzarre, considering their press secretary is the daughter of the French Minister of Defense.