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nutrition - Related Medindia Resources

Food as we know is essential for the growth and maintenance of the human body. However, have you ever considered the question of why does an individual eat food?
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Omega-3 Rich Diet can Improve Brain Function
Omega-3 fatty acids included in daily diet can improve brain functioning, suggested researchers who conducted a study on monkeys.
Thai Man Loses Sight After Using Herbal Eye Drops
A Thai man has lost his vision after using herbal medicine, say reports.
4:12pm Prime Time for Indulging in Unhealthy Food, Finds Survey
4.12pm is the time of the day that people are most likely to wreck their diets by indulging in unhealthy food, finds new survey.
First Study on Mediterranean Diet Among Young US Workers Shows Lower Risk of Heart Disease
The first study to assess the effects of Mediterranean-style diet among a group of young, working U.S. adults showed lower risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD).
'Natural' Food in the US Not Natural After All!
Pre-packgaed food with lots of artificial and chemical preservatives and ingredients make it to grocery store and supermarket shelves in the US, claiming to be natural.
Want to Live Longer With a Healthy Heart? Cut Down Added Sugar in Your Diet
A new study has found that intake of too much of added sugar is linked to weight gain which leads to heart diseases and ups the risk of dying by over three times.
Making Healthy Foods Accessible is Not Enough to Tackle Obesity
The improving access to healthy foods, an initiative by Government to curb obesity in the US, has not been very successful, reveals a research by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Synthesizer That Turns Veggies into Instrument
For all those wannabe drummers or in a mood to start a band, trying vegetables instead of traditional guitar-bass-drums line-up can be a novel idea.
Replacing Fructose With Glucose Not So Fruitful After All
There is actually no benefit in replacing fructose, which is commonly blamed for obesity, by glucose, a new study found
Nutrition Highly Important for Bariatric Surgery Patients
A new study reported how individuals having undergone bariatric surgery may need to play close attention to their nutritional intake and take dietary supplements
Low Calorie Diet
Low calorie meals or diet include foods that are high on nutritional content and yet have fewer calories. Updated information about low calorie diet or low calorie foods and its health benefits.
The Cabbage Diet
The plausible reason that can be sited is the inherent low calorie property of cabbage.
Detox Diet
A diet that helps to remove toxins and poisons from the body is referred to as a detox diet.
Diabetic Diet
The diabetic diet most often recommended is high in dietary fiber (especially soluble fiber) and nutrients, but low in fat (especially saturated fat) and moderate in calories.
South Beach Diet
South Beach Diet plan originally developed to prevent heart disease, soon gained popularity as weight loss diet plan. This diet plan was developed by Dr.Arthur Agaston and Marie Almon.
Processed Foods
Processed or convenience foods require less time and energy for food preparation. Most of the processed foods are healthy with nutritional values.
Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean diet has long been considered one of the healthiest diets on the planet. This diet plan discourages the use of saturated fats and hydrogenated oils while cooking meals.
Super Foods
Encyclopedia section of medindia gives an introduction about some the super foods that helps in preventing and controlling cancer
Pregnancy and Diet
Pregnant women should pay special attention to their diet. Pregnancy diet should be rich in calories, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Diet during pregnancy comprises of fruits vegetables, milk etc.
Diet Pills
Diet pills are flooding the market by millions. The positive side of diet pills to most people is that they achieve their objective of losing weight. Medical reviews are against the use of diet pills.
Food Additives
A food additive is a non-nutritive substance added deliberately to any food product to improve its color, texture, flavor or shelf life
Advantages of Eating Fish Foods
Researchers worldwide have discovered that eating fish regularly is good for health. Regular consumption of fish may reduce the risk of diseases such as asthma, prostate cancer and eyesight.
Alkaline Diet
Unlike most diets, alkaline diet focuses on preventing diseases such as urinary tract infection and heart disease.
Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial Sweetener is a sugar substitute with fewer or no calories. High-intensity sweeteners are many times sweeter than sucrose.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Healthy foods as part of anti-inflammatory diet to fight inflammation are basic components of the Mediterranean diet.
Aloe Vera - A Natural Medicine for Good Health
Aloe Vera plant is known as a medicinal herb for treating several skin problems, hair loss and weight loss. Here are some Aloe Vera plant benefits given in detail.
Blood Group Diet
What is right diet for you may be the wrong one for another. The diet that suits you will depend on your blood type. This diet is called the blood group diet.
Bamboo Food
Here s a recipe of the bamboo shoot that s healthy, tasty and easy on your palate. Be sure to try it out!
Brain Food
It is a myth that the brain quits generating new cells once you reach adulthood. They are regenerating all the time.
Brand-Food Rules for the New Year
With the increasing awareness and emphasis on diet and food, here s a new list of rules. Stick to these for a healthier, happier you.
Food Gifts for Your Valentine
This Valentine, gift your partner something different, something that will be cherished for life. Find out more-read on .
Bitter Gourd - Not that Bitter for Life
Bitter gourd has always been a neglected food among a large part of the population. We tend to forget that it has wonderful health benefits for people of all ages.
Benefits of Dietary Fibre
Eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day takes care of the fibre your system needs to a large extent.
Barley and its Benefits
The benefits of barley far outweigh any contraindications of this wonder grain and its simplicity and availability is what we should take advantage of.
Benefits of Castor Oil
Castor oil, the miracle oil, is used worldwide for its medicinal properties. As a home remedy, castor oil treats many problems and ailments such as those related to hair, skin, joints and intestine.
Complete Natural Wonder Foods
Aloe vera juice provides anti-inflammatory action in the digestive system. 100 g of amla contains 600 mg of this protective vitamin.Sprouts are one of the densest sources of nutrition.
Coriander, generally used for garnishing food items across the world has a high nutritive value. Its medicinal properties have been well known since the ancient times.
Candida Diet
Candida diet helps contain candidiasis causing microbes that go on to cause diseases ranging from allergies to immuno deficiency diseases.
Chew Your Food Well
The common trend is to grab a bite on the run make some time to eat well, so the running is more efficient.
Calcium Rich Foods
Calcium rich foods are essential for the growth of bones and teeth. Up your calcium intake from the list of calcium-rich foods. Excellent sources of calcium include dairy products, nuts, seafood, nuts.
Cantaloupes - The Healthy Fruit
Cantaloupes (muskmelons) are available almost all the year round so don t miss out on the health benefits of this unsung hero among fruits.
Cholesterol Rich Foods to Avoid to Lower Your High Cholesterol
List of food sources that have huge amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats bad for health. Cholesterol-rich foods article briefs about healthy eating tips, exercise, weight management.
Diet for Kidney stones
Diet for kidney stone should comprise of calcium-rich foods, increased fluid intake. Other dietary recommendations depends on the type of kidney stone.
Diet, Lifestyle and Heart Disease
The correlation between diet, lifestyle and heart disease. The importance of balanced diet life style and exercise for controlling heart disease.
Diet and High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension is defined as a blood pressure of above 140 mm Hg (systolic) and or 90mm Hg (diastolic).
Diet for Anemia in Pregnancy
A modified diet rich in Folate, Vitamin B12 and Iron is essential for the rapid rise in hemoglobin level.
Diabetes and Diet
Diet plays a significant role in controlling diabetes. Most cases of diabetes are preventable with healthy lifestyle changes.
Diet Guidelines for Healthy Snacking
Due to busy lifestyles, food holds the least amount of importance for many of us. Healthy snacking is not as simple as it sounds. It involves thorough understanding of what, when and how to eat.
Diet, Nutrition and Supplements for Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis patients should consume a diet rich in natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients and avoid foods like sugar, saturated fats, and trans fatty acids.
Dietary Do s and Don ts of Ayurveda
According to Ayurvedic science the root cause of any disease is the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. The toxic accumulation depletes the cells of its oxygen, energy and promotes ill heath.
Diet and Nutrition Tips for Athletes
A well balanced nutritious diet can help you keep physically fit and mentally alert not only during and after the sports events but all round the year.
Dark Green Leafy Veggies
All green foods contain an abundance of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can actually help restore health and vitality.
Diet from Crete for Healthy Heart
Mediterranean diets, special attention has been given to the traditional Greek Cretan diet. It emphasises the consumption of olive oil, whole grains, pulses, wild greens, herbs and fruits.
Diet Management in Acidity and GERD
Acidity is a common problem, which is accompanied by heartburn. Diet management during the problem helps in relieving symptoms.
Dukan Diet
Dukan diet is the most popular and also the most criticized diet for weight loss. Many nutritionists and GPs recommend Dukan diet because of the long term weight stabilization through this eating plan.
Diverticulitis Diet
Diverticulitis is an easily preventable disorder. You just need to pay more attention to your diet. Here are some diverticulitis diet tips to prevent and manage the condition.
Dates: Nutritious Desert Fruit with Health Benefits
Dates are a healthy fruit with a sweet and delicious taste. Date fruit contains nutrients such as vitamins and minerals with natural sugar which keep us energetic and healthy.
Diet For Vertigo
True vertigo is a severe form of dizziness that is a movement hallucination. Try out some of these diet strategies that will help regulate fluid imbalances and reduce vertigo symptoms.
Egg Donation
The term Egg Donation is commonly used to refer to the contribution of her eggs by a woman to another, who is incapable of producing her own.
Eggs - The Good and The Bad
The controversy about the goodness of eggs has finally settled down, so eat one egg a day with no health issues.
Essential Foods for a Healthy Detox
Detoxification is an essential mechanism to keep your body healthy. Read on to know more about the best detox foods.
Energy Boosters Before a Workout
Eating foods that boost your energy before a workout helps in delaying fatigue. It allows you to push harder for better performance.
Eat Your Way to Good Health with Quail Eggs
It is a bit difficult to believe that something as humble as Quail eggs can be a paragon of health and well being. Quail eggs are recommended for pregnant women during pregnancy and post natal period.
Eat Right and Beat Those Wrinkles - Foods that Cause Aging
Bad eating habits will affect your health as well as your skin and make you look older than your biological age. Eat the right foods and stay younger than your age.
Food Preservatives - How Safe Are They?
Food preservatives are basically antimicrobials or anti-oxidants that help preserve food by destroying the microbes and stopping decomposition of food products.
Foods that Gives You Sparkling Eyes
Food not only sustains us but the kind and quality of food determines the state of your health, which includes your eyes. Let us see which foods can bring a sparkle to your eyes!
Fact Sheet on Food Poisoning
Consuming foods that have been contaminated with pathogens such as E.coli, Salmonella or Campylobacter, can cause food poisoning.
Figure Foods
There are foods researched by nutrition science which exert effects in such a way that the body is pushed towards a fat-loss mode.
Food Cravings
Cravings often signify some need-whether nutritional or mental. Read on to find out if it s really your sweet tooth or something else.
Fruitarian Diet
A fruitarian diet is a diet composed of more than 50% fruit. The type of fruitarian diet varies among fruitarians.
Foods to Increase Sexual Vigor from Ancient India
Aphrodisiacs or foods to boost sexual vigor can take your love life to a whole new level both psychologically and physically.
Food and Mood
People are more alert when their brains are producing the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, while serotonin production in the brain has been associated with a more calming effect.
Flat Belly Foods
Confused between different diet plans? Grab these amazing foods to cut the belly fat. Read on
Foods that are Bad for your Skin
Hydration, sebum formation and skin acidity determine the skin condition. Along with aging and environmental factors, diet too influences skin condition.
Food Combinations that Affect Your Well Being
Combining the foods to give you the optimum nutritional value is the key to healthy eating.
Foods to Help You Lose Weight
Fad diet, tried them all but did not get the expected results? Here s why. Developing healthier eating habits will not only help you lose weight, but help you ward off inflammation.
Food Choices During Traveling
Diet management while traveling is very important to keep from becoming sick. Here are some tips to healthy travel diet.
Fructose - The Toxic Sugar
Sugar in terms of caloric value is similar to starch, but in terms of metabolic effects, it is far different. It comes with a special payload.
Looking for fenugreek (methi) herbal tea recipe? Find the recipe and the numerous health benefits of fenugreek (methi) here.
Health Benefits of Flavonoids
Ever wondered what causes chocolate to prevent skin wrinkles? The answer is flavonoids. Here s host of other flavonoid health benefits.
Foods High in Zinc
Zinc is needed in small amounts every day for good health. It is very important for proper functioning of the immune system.
Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modified food and genetically modified organism (GMO) is the altered genetic material (DNA) in food or organisms, which does not occur naturally.
Gout and Diet
In gout excess of uric acid appears in the blood and its particles are deposited in joints as tophi.
Graviola, Natural Cancer Killer
Graviola s health benefits range from curing headaches to fighting cancer. Read on to know more about this versatile plant that has cancer-curing properties among other health benefits.
Gluten-Free Diet
Are you gluten intolerant? Stay away from gluten allergy and celiac disease by shifting to gluten-free diet plan that is healthy yet not boring.
High Blood Pressure and Herbs
Drug intervention need not be the only option to help lower your moderately high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes along with herb remedies such as garlic, arjuna, sarpagandha, and olive can serve the purpose.
Herbs and Antioxidants
Herbs are rich sources of anti-oxidants that help build your immune system. Reach out for your spice rack not only to flavor your food but also to get anti-oxidants that fight cancer.
Home Grown Herbs for Holistic Nutrition
Creating a little kitchen garden at home is an immensely fulfilling way to incorporate healing herbs bundled with protective nutrients in the daily diets.
Herbs for Weight Loss
When attempts to lose weight through conventional methods fail, many resort to herbs for weight loss. How do herbs help reduce obesity? How effective are they? Find out here.
Herbal medicine is now gaining commendable exposure and acceptance today. Read on to discover 5 herbs that can make amazing changes to your health.
Health Benefits of Pineapple
Pineapples consumed by and large by people all over the world are a rich source of Vitamin C and have a host of other health benefits.
Health Benefits of Nuts
Nuts are power house of nutrition having health benefits ranging from weight loss to reducing risk of diabetes and heart attack.
Health Benefits of Rosemary Herb
Rosemary is a popular herb with aromatic leaves used in seasoning of foods and also in aromatherapy, and has numerous health benefits.
Health Benefits of Walnuts
All nuts are healthy but walnut has many unique health benefits. Here s the list.
Health Benefits of Mustard Oil
Mustard oil has an appropriate amount of MUFA and PUFA, which is good for health. It cuts risk of cardiovascular diseases and is good for massaging.
Healthy Salads
Salads are healthy foods high in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals and low in calories. Read on for more information on tips for healthy salads and for quick homemade salad recipes.
Health Benefits of Ragi
Ragi as a whole grain is higher in protein and minerals than all the cereals and millets. Read more on the nutritive value and health benefits of ragi.
Healthy Snacks - Quick and Easy Recipes
Healthy snacks are light, nutritious and satisfying foods that ease our craving for some food between meals. Read more to know about healthy snacks for kids and weight loss.
Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger used in cooking has many health benefits and contains many vitamins and minerals like manganese and copper, which are important for proper functioning of the body.
Health Benefits of Long Pepper
Curious about long pepper? Here we decode some amazing health benefits this wonder herb offers.
Health Benefits of Eating Prunes
Prunes are dried plums that are packed with nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are essential for our body. Prunes have numerous health benefits that are important for overall health.
Low Saturated Fat and Low Cholesterol Diet
To avoid obesity we must consciously control the quantity and the quality of fat that we eat and our daily intake of fat should contribute no more than 25% of our calories.
Label Lingo on Food Items: Decoded
Read on to become a pro in label reading and don t get tricked by fancy promotions of food product manufacturing companies.
Lemon Juice - It s Benefits
Lemon water or Lemon juice has several anticancer compounds, which help cancer patients. Benefits of lemon juice or lemon water include relieving nausea, heartburn and constipation.
Macrobiotic Diet
Macrobiotics is an Oriental theory that lays down guidelines for promoting wellbeing and longevity through systematic diet consisting mainly of whole grains and beans.
Malnutrition to Obesity - The Big Leap
Obesity is the root cause of problems like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and gall bladder disease. A serious look at our strategies is needed to tackle this fast growing epidemic.
Medicinal Properties of the Banana Plant
Bananas are a tropical, starch-rich and affordable wholesome fruit, pre packed hygienically by nature. The stem, fruit, flower of the Banana plant make wholesome food.
Mushroom Types
Mushrooms are a connoisseur's gastronomic delight loaded with health benefits. Some kinds of mushrooms belong to the medicinal group, a few others are poisonous.
Moringa oleifera has all the essential amino acids, omega oils, vital minerals and vitamins required for good health, especially for the malnourished.
Negative Calorie Diet
The History of dieting probably dates back to the year 1807. It was believed that King William suddenly felt the urge to lose weight after he found it difficult to ride his horse due to weight gain.
Why Do We Eat - Nutrition Facts
The importance of eating food and the physiological, psychological and social functions of food.
Nutritional Guard - Bottle Gourd
Oozing with health and cosmetic benefits, the bottle gourd is a blessing in disguise many are unaware of.
Nutrition Education for Kids
Effective nutrition education in schools can eventually force children to rethink about their eating habits and form their own new ones.
Nutrition All Men Need
Dietary fiber allows the bowel to function properly and avoids chronic constipation which may lead to fistula and colon cancer.
Nutritional Benefits of Pears
Pear is a sweet delicious fruit with high nutritional value. Also known as butter fruit because of its melt in the mouth nature. Pear has many benefits; it reduces risk of cancer, heart diseases.
Nutritional Management of Parkinsons disease
Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder which leads to many other related effects. Nutrition plays an important role in management of the disease.
Nutrition and Cognitive Development in Young Children
Nutrition plays an important role in cognitive development of children. Various mental assessment scales are used to measure the cognitive development of individuals.
Nordic Diet
The vegetarian friendly Nordic Diet is not just for weight loss but also for cardiovascular health. Nordic diet food list includes oily fish, canola oil.
Organic Foods
Organic Foods are produced by the natural method , without the use of chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers or sewage sludge.
Pre and Post Exercise Nutrition
Exercise is a draining process and the replenishment with raw materials has to come from a proper diet. Nourishing the body with wholesome food will make it grow stronger and fitter.
Promote Your Health with Nutrition Supplements
As a part of preventive care one should take a good quality nutritional supplement containing antioxidants and micronutrients in amounts, which promote health.
Protein Power of Vegan Diet
A Vegan diet eaten over the course of a day can meet the human dietary protein requirements and provide all essential amino acids, ensure adequate nitrogen retention and use in healthy adults.
Potassium Rich Foods
Eat more potassium rich foods and lower your risk for high blood pressure and kidney stones. Potassium is an important dietary mineral and electrolyte that is obtained from food we eat.
Quinoa, a high fiber, mineral rich pseudo-cereal, is fast becoming popular as a superfood all over the world because of its multiple health benefits.
Radish - A Bountiful of Nutrition
Radish is a winner all the way. It is one of the cheapest and the healthiest foods nature offers us since it contains large amount of vitamin C, calcium and carotenoids.
Raw Food Diet
Raw food diet, made of uncooked and unprocessed food, is gaining popularity in the world of health, fitness and weight loss. However, with its drawbacks it cannot be considered as a wholesome diet.
Reasons to Choose Herbal Tea over Black Tea
Love your black tea too much? We give you many reasons to switch it for herbal tea. Read on to know more
Soy / Soya - A Holy Food
Soy or Soya is a crop which has been cultivated from thousands of years. It belongs to the family of legumes.
Sprouts the Super Food Powerhouse of Nutrients
Eating sprouts is a deliciously inexpensive way of obtaining protein, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Sprouts have the advantage of providing complete nutrition.
Superfood Pomegranate for Beauty and Wellness
Pomegranate is a naturally occurring mystical and miraculous superfood with multiple therapeutic properties. Since centuries, pomegranate has been revered as a sacred symbol of prosperity, fertility, youthfulness and a life giving fruit.
Say Yes to Mushrooms
Mushrooms are true wonder foods with numerous health benefits. But be warned there are poisonous mushrooms too. Mushrooms are world s greatest untapped resources of nutrition.
Surprising Benefits of Dairy
Past studies have linked dairy foods to good bone health. Nevertheless newer studies are being published and a plethora of other benefits are being associated with dairy food consumption.
Seven Power-Packed Foods for Optimum Health
Fruits and vegetables can affect an individual s health in numerous ways. Read on to discover the 7 best wonder foods that work like magic in improving your overall health.
Seven Surprisingly Healthy Foods
Here are some food items whose health advantage may come as a surprise to you.
Shopper s Guide to Buying Organic Foods
Considering turning organic? Browse through to know more about some great benefits of going organic, and some points to remember.
Types of Food Allergies
If you are allergic to certain food items-Watch out for what you eat
The Basics of Baby Food
The healthiest baby foods can be made at home. Products from big brands that claim to develop infants health in a variety of ways are no match for nutritious home-made preparations.
Top Ten Herbs to Promote Beauty
Herbs to make you beautiful were used even before Charaka compiled the Samhita - the oldest text in Ayurveda. Learn about the ten herbs which can make you beautiful.
The Lesser Known Fruits with High Nutrition Value
Some fruits that are less known to the common man today have hundred times more vitamin C, carotenoids, and antioxidants as compared with those in the well known fruits. These underutilized fruits are highly inexpensive too.
Dangerous Food Additives
Find out how food additives for almost every food that you consume come with danger signals and make way into your food and impact your health.
Paleolithic Diet
Paleolithic diet is now among the most followed diet trends in the world of nutrition and health. Find out more about the diet inspired by our ancestors.
Thermogenic Food for Weight Loss
Energy is needed to digest the ingested food. Diet induced thermogenesis (DIT) is defined a percentage, is the energy used to break down food once it has been consumed .
Top Foods for Naturally Glowing Face and Radiant Skin
All healthy foods will give you great skin, but some of them are better than others for a glowing face and skin.
Top Beauty Foods to Look Younger and Glowing
Eating the right foods will enhance your beauty inside out. Check these out.
Top Foods to Beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome? Find out what foods can help you deal with the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Top Iron-Rich Foods
Concerned about iron deficiency? Read on for a quick list of the best iron-rich foods.
Top Foods to Lower Triglycerides
High triglyceride levels may lead to heart disease. Keep your triglyceride levels in check with these foods.
von Willebrand Disease
von Willebrand's Disease (vWD) is an autosomal dominant inherited bleeding disorder that occurs from birth and affects both sexes.
Wonder Herbs for those Digestion Blues
Some people have an excellent digestion and can easily digest whatever they eat. While some people have a more sensitive digestion and suffer from frequent gastric distress such as indigestion.
Why is Popcorn the Right Snack Choice?
Popcorn is a whole grain, fiber rich food that is not only low in calories, but a good source of B vitamins too. A cup of air-popped popcorn is only 30 calories.
Your Winter Dietary Essentials
Every season calls for a food shift. The winter season shift is the best and sweetest. Oranges, amla, carrots, peas, leafy vegetables and guavas are some of the winter must haves.


Superfoods In Your Diet
Superfoods should be a part of daily diet as they are packed with nutrients and healing properties.But the best part is that they are tasty too!
Nine Wonder Foods to Beat Diabetes
Certain natural foods have unique ingredients that can enhance the health of people living with diabetes. Learn about them through this slideshow.
Ten Super Foods to Boost your Brain Power
Enhance your brain health by adding super foods to your daily diet. Here are 10 of them.
Anti-ageing Foods
The answer to lasting youth lies in the food that we consume in our daily diet. Let's take a look at some of the foods that slows ageing.
Foods that Can Save Your Heart
Do you enjoy a glass of wine with your meal? If so it's good news for your heart!
Foods that Can Lower Your High Blood Pressure
Foods rich in dietary potassium, calcium and anti-oxidants such as rutin, kukoamine and vitamin C can lower your high blood pressure significantly.
Foods that Improve Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia can be easily prevented and improved by including foods such as eggs, meat, shell fish, green leafy vegetables, and even peanut butter in our daily diet.
Foods to Avoid in Kidney Failure
Cut back on salt, restrict your fluid intake and limit consumption of proteins if you suffer from kidney failure.
Foods to Avoid in Gout
Gout occurs due to excess uric acid content. Gout is a painful form of arthritis and is a disorder of purine metabolism. Find out the foods to avoid if you have gout.
Fast Foods
Fast foods contain as much as 500 calories per serve which is even higher than the calories that a lunch or dinner should provide. Majority of Indians have a flawed perception of healthy food options.
Diet for Obstructive Lung Disease
The right balance of energy boosting foods and protein foods along with adequate vitamin and mineral intake is the right diet for COPD.
Foods That Boost Men's Health
Heart Disease and Cancer are the major killers for men above the age of 40. Cholesterol lowering through diet, lifestyle, and medications should be considered as the "real male multivitamin".
Top Vegetables and Fruits for Healthy Diet
Include vegetables and fruits as part of your diet and improve your overall health.
Foods to Lower Cholesterol and Heart Disease
Heart diseases are the most common and threatening disease today. It has takes millions of lives all over the world each year and the death count is not going down. Here are tips to a healthy heart.
Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair
A healthy diet that contains food rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals like dark green vegetables, fish, eggs, almonds, will keep your hair healthy and nourished
Top Foods for Strong Bones
As the process of aging starts, our bones start becoming weak. Even a minor injury or jerk could fracture the bones of an old person. This is more common in women after their menopause. But eating the right food, which strengthens your bones, can solve this problem. Here is the list of top foods that is highly recommended to build your bones strong.
Food to Boost Sports Performance
Food like yogurt and raisins help to boost the performance of sportspersons. They provide good amount of energy, nutrients and also safeguard the body from disorders post strenuous activities.
Foods Inducing Sound Sleep
Insomnia has become a serious health problem and people tend to depend on quick yet risky solutions to get rid of it. But here is the list of nature's best sleep inducing foods right in our kitchen.
Best Foods That Aid Digestion
Herbs and spices in our kitchen are the best age old digestive aids and have stomach-soothing properties. They have long been recognized for their digestive stimulant action.
Foods That Stain your Teeth
Want to get whiter teeth? Food with high acid content and stains like cola, tea and sauces can make your teeth look yellow. Check this list to keep your pearly whites healthy and attractive.
Foods that Fight Cancer
A plateful of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes is the best diet to fight most types of cancer. Avoid meat and saturated fats.
Foods for Better Eye Health
Discover the foods that make for optimum eye health. Read on
Diet and Nutrition for Stress Management
Eating plans may go haywire during stress, but with a little effort you can put up a well balanced nutritious meal that can help with stress management.
Super Foods for Women
Ladies, here s a list of super foods for you that can keep you going and be a super woman in every day life. The super foods in this slideshow are for the super woman of today.
Worst Foods in Your Fridge
A presentation about the ten worst food items stocked up in refrigerators that induce risks of heart problems, obesity, stroke and high blood pressure in humans of all age groups.
Home Remedies for Food Poisoning
A presentation on quick home remedies to get rid of food poisoning and the effects such as heart burn, stomach ache and vomiting with very common ingredients like ginger, cumin, lemon and some more.
Foods That Fight Pain
Right from nature's basket, here are the super foods that claim to combat pain, within minutes!
Top Ten Foods to Boost Your Mood
Do you feel gloomy and depressed for no reason? What if you can beat the blues by just eating the right kind of food! Read on to know more about mood boosting food.
Foods that Help You Succeed
A presentation about the various foods that need to be consumed during the important situations in life that helps to gain success.
Foods to Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally
Sex drive can be increased by foods that increase estrogen and testosterone levels, produce nitric oxide, help reduce stress and create better blood flow.
Best Winter Foods
Stay warm and healthy this winter with these great nourishing foods.
Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease
For people with kidney disease, the choice of foods becomes limited. Here s a list of healthy foods that promote kidney health.
Vitamin D in the Diet
While sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, one can still load up on the vitamin by adding vitamin D-rich foods to the diet.
Bad Foods that May Still Be Good for Weight Loss
Who thought potato or pasta could help with your weight loss? Watch this slideshow to find out what researchers and nutritionists are saying about these and other 'bad' foods.
Top Ten Protein-Rich Foods
Proteins are absolutely necessary for growth, development and repair of cells. Check out the top protein rich foods in this slideshow.
Foods to Eat while Pregnant
Feeling more hungry than usual? You don t have to eat for two. Just eat healthy, nutritious food to keep yourself fit and healthy, and to help your baby grow and develop inside you.
Foods High In Fiber
Choose fiber rich foods daily to increase the fiber content of a meal. You require it for sound digestion and proper functioning of the digestive system.


Quiz on Dietary Fat
Benjamin Franklin had once said I guess I don't so much mind being old, as I mind being fat and old. This quiz is all about fat and fats! Test your knowledge about how much you know about fats or lipids by taking this quiz.
Quiz on Artificial Sweeteners
With better and safe non caloric sweeteners coming in the market day by day, it has now become possible for people to consume any sweet food /beverage without a compromise on taste.
Quiz on Superfoods
All foods contain some nutritional value. But there are some that are so beneficial they are given the status of superfood. Take this quiz on superfoods to find out how much you know about them.
Quiz on Dietary Minerals for Healthy Body
Dietary minerals are inorganic substances that are obtained by the body through food that we eat. Take this quiz and find out about the minerals that are required to stay in good health. This quiz has 12 questions.
Quiz on Food Safety for Health
Food safety is the science of handling, preparing, storing and processing food so as to prevent food borne illness, disability and death. Find out through this quiz how you can keep yourself safe from food borne bacteria.
Quiz on Salt in Our Food
Salt is the most important item in our food. Without salt, the food tastes bland and flavorless. It was so important historically that people used it as a currency. But too much salt consumption can lead to many health problems such as high blood pressure, insomnia, loss of the bone density and joint pains. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) has a set of guidelines for us regarding the amount of salt we should consume in a day. Take this quiz to know how much salt you should add in your food.
Quiz on Nutrition IQ
With increasing health awareness, a lot of people are making sure that they eat nutritious food. A well-balanced diet is not only important for growing children, it is equally important for the middle-aged group as well as the elderly. But are your concepts regarding nutrition correct? Test your IQ on nutrition by taking this quiz.
Quiz on Organic Foods
Is organic food safe? Is it more nutritious? Is it worth the price you pay for it? Find out.


Nutritional Assessment
Nutritional Assessment Calculator helps to find out if you child is undernourished or malnourished.
Vitamins and Minerals in Food Items
Looking for the amount of vitamins and minerals in various food items? Know how much of vitamins and minerals are present in the selected food item using Medindia s nutritional tool.
Calories in Indian Foods
Keep a track of the calorie intake in your daily diet and pave the way for health and fitness with the help of the calorie chart of Indian food.
Cholesterol in Animal Foods
Animal based food contains a high level of cholesterol that is one of the major risk factors causing the heart diseases. Use the cholesterol level calculator to find out the cholesterol and fat content in different animal based products.
Fiber in Diet Calculator
Use this calculator to find out your daily fiber intake and see if it meets the international standards for your age and sex.
Daily Calorie Counter for Indian Food
Do you wish to know your daily calorie intake? Counting calories is an effective way to prevent obesity. This is the right place for you to calculate the calories in the daily Indian meal.
Antioxidant Food Chart
Know the antioxidant value in foods and plan your daily menu with antioxidant rich foods to stay young and healthy. Antioxidants protect you from free radicals that trigger cell damage and diseases.
Health Reports
Healthy Diet and Adequate Sleep may Reduce Mortality in Elderly
A recent study evaluated the effect of diet on the relationship between sleep and mortality in elderly men and women.
Eat Nuts to Lower Risks of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
Eat nuts to combat obesity and metabolic syndrome but take care not to over-consume them. They are high in calories too.
Three Herbs to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels
Looking out for some natural ways to boost testosterone levels? Here we ve put down the 3 best herbs that could help you do just that.
Junk Food Makes You Dumb and Forgetful
Experiments link junk foods to memory loss. Rats on a poor diet were found to lose memory in as early as six days.
Low-Fat or Low-Calorie Diet Improves Hepatitis C
A diet plan that includes a low-fat diet or a low-calorie diet along with adequate exercise or physical activity could benefit overweight patients with hepatitis C infection, reveals recent study.
Save Your Life from Fake Diet Tips
Here is a compilation of Fake Diet Tips that are worth not listening to with regards to a healthy diet.
Dietary Fiber Intake may Prevent Colorectal Cancer
Reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by increasing intake of dietary fiber from legumes, especially lupin kernel fiber.
Spicy Food Lovers Tend to Have More Outgoing Personalities, Study Shows
Love spicy food? You may be more outgoing and risk-taking than others around you, a new study suggests.
Mediterranean Diet Prevents Risk of Oxidative Stress Related Diseases
Vitamin C, omega-3 acids, and non-heme iron in the Mediterranean diet help prevent inflammatory diseases such as cancer, heart disease and aging.
Personalized Nutrition: The New Wave of Nutrigenomics
The science of nutrigenomics studies the relationship of genes with dietary nutrients and their effect on the individual s health. Dietary variations influence the risk of developing diseases.
Antihemophiliac factor
Antihemophiliac factor is an essential blood-clotting factor, prescribed for controlling and preventing bleeding episodes in people with low levels of fa...
Canagliflozin is an antidiabetic (sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor), prescribed for type 2 diabetes mellitus along with diet and ex...
Citric acid and Sodium Citrate
Citric acid and Sodium Citrate is an alkalinizing agent, prescribed for the treatment of metabolic acidosis....
Desmopressin is an antidiuretic synthetic hormone, prescribed for primary nocturnal enuresis (nighttime bedwetting). It is also used for coagul...
Exenatide is a incretin mimetic, prescribed for type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise, either alone or with other medications. ...
Folic acid
Folic acid is a vitamin, prescribed for anemia due to vitamin C deficiency....
Glimepiride is a sulfonylurea antidiabetic agent, prescribed for type 2 diabetes....
Glutamine is an amino acid, prescribed as a dietary supplement. It is also used for short bowel syndrome along with growth hormone....
Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody, prescribed for autoimmune disorders, joint pain, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, ankylosing...
Liraglutide [rDNA] Injection
Liraglutide [rDNA] Injection is a glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 receptor agonist, prescribed for type 2 diabetes....
Magnesium Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide is an antacid, prescribed for hyperacidity. It is also used as a laxative....
Multivitamin is an essential nutrient, prescribed for patients with vitamin deficiency. ...
Niacin is an antihyperlipidemic agent, prescribed for hyperlipidemia. ...
Pyridoxine is a vitamin, prescribed for the treatment and prevention of vitamin B6 deficiency. ...
Sitagliptin-Metformin is a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor and biguanide combination, prescribed for type 2 diabetes along with diet and exercise. ...
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex, prescribed for thiamine deficiency, beriberi and acute alcoholic intoxification. ...
Zinc is an essential trace element, prescribed as a dietary supplement. ...
yoga menstruation - the cross-legged posture
Women undergo hormonal changes during menstruation, and tend to become anxious during this phase. A regular practice of yoga ensures relief from pain, and steers the body and mind towards the pink of health...
Health Resources
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•  Allergy
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•  Lung Cancer
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•  Migraine
•  Multiple Sclerosis
•  Nutrition
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