Sana Saeed does an item song for Akshay Kumar's film

SanasaeedSana Saeed recently featured in celebrity dance show 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa'. (Photo: Twitter)

Actress Sana Saeed has done her first item number for Akshay Kumar's home production 'Fugly'.

Sana is best remembered as the cute bubbly Anjali, daughter of Shah Rukh Khan in 1998 blockbuster 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai'. She then featured as a glamorous diva in Karan Johar's 'Student Of The Year'.

While studying in college, Sana also did TV shows like 'Babul Ka Aangann Chootey Na' and 'Lo Ho Gayi Pooja Iss Ghar Ki'. She was last seen in dance reality show 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa'.

Now she will be seen in an item song in Akshay's social thriller 'Fugly', which be helmed by Kabir Sadanand and will also feature Olympic bronze-medalist Vijender Singh.

"I have done a peppy, fun song for 'Fugly'. It is Honey Singh's song. I am the only one in the song and I have already shot for it... Had great time doing it," Sana told PTI.

Jayesh Pradhan has choreographed the number.

"We have shot for an item song with Sana in Delhi. There is a party thrown for MLA where Sana is seen dancing in a desi avatar. It is peppy number," he said.

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