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Robert Morse of 'Mad Men' discusses Bert Cooper's climactic soft-shoe routine and why he almost didn't do it.

'Mad Men's Robert Morse on Dancing Into the Sunset

Things fall apart on 'Mad Men,' but as this wonderful episode shows, love & burgers make the world go round. Click through for our recap.

'Mad Men' Recap: We Are Family

Inhibitions are shed and minds (as well as other body parts) are lost in Mad Men's oddest episode.

'Mad Men' Recap: Sex, Drugs, and Self-Mutilation

Don Draper Returns to Sterling Cooper & Partners — and turns everything upside-down. Our 'Mad Men' recap.

'Mad Men' Recap: If 6 Was 9

Elisabeth Moss on the end of 'Mad Men': "There's a moment near the end of these episodes…I started to cry"

Elisabeth Moss on 'Mad Men,' Peggy and the End

The outlook is bleak for the Sterling Cooper & Partner crew as 'Mad Men' returns. Our recap of the season premiere.

'Mad Men' Season Premiere Recap: Nowhere to Hide

'Mad Men' actor Vincent Kartheiser on Pete Campbell and Season Seven.

'Mad Men's Vincent Kartheiser on Pete Campbell and Season Seven

Jon Hamm spoke with us about his iconic role as Don Draper, meeting James Gandolfini and the beginning of the end of 'Mad Men.'

See the first teaser for 'Mad Men' Season Seven.

Don Draper Gets Off a Plane in Thrilling 'Mad Men' Teaser

The two-hour season premiere of 'Mad Men' culminated on January 1st, 1968, ushering in one of the most turbulent years in American history. And if this season is any indication, art has imitated life to the fullest, as 'Mad Men' peppered its episodes with some of the most alarming, mind-blowing moments the show has produced to date. Click through to see some of the most WTF moments from Season Six of 'Mad Men.'

1968 was one tough year for the women of Mad Men, whether Don Draper is their husband, their lover, their colleague or merely the guy who finds some other way to ruin their lives. For all these gals, it’s been a season packed with tumultuous surprises – as John Lennon would put it, everybody had a hard year. Click through to see how some of our favorite female characters rolled with the changes:

The Women of 'Mad Men' | Rolling Stone

On the "Favors" episode of 'Mad Men,' Don Draper tries to help a draft-dodger while the enigmatic Bob Benson opens up to Pete Campbell. Our recap:

'Mad Men' Recap: The Vietnam Affair

On 'Mad Men' episode "A Tale of Two Cities," Joan bends the rules to secure an account and Don attends a Hollywood party. Our recap:

On "The Better Half" episode of 'Mad Men,' Don and Betty get nostalgic on a visit to Bobby's summer camp. Our recap:

On "The Crash" episode of 'Mad Men,' the Chevy account takes its toll on Don while the office tries a new prescription. Our recap:

Who Is Bob Benson? Click through for four theories on the mysterious 'Mad Men' character.

'Mad Men': Who Is Bob Benson?

'Mad Men' actor Kevin Rahm spoke with us about his character Ted Chaough's promotion from featured player to series regular and teased the drama that's still ahead: "A lot of good stuff is coming. It only gets better from here."

'Mad Men' actress Teyonah Parris spoke with us about her character Dawn Chambers' ambition.

On the "Man With a Plan" episode of 'Mad Men,' Don Draper and Ted Chaough try to one-up each other at work after the merger.

On "For Immediate Release," Don makes a deal with his longtime rival and Peggy envisions a different life. Click through to read our 'Mad Men' recap.

"The Flood" episode of 'Mad Men,' took place on April 4, 1968 and no one was immune to the consequences. Click through to read our recap.

The cast of 'Mad Men' talk with Brian Williams after the wrap of Season Six. Click through to read what they discussed during the panel.